1997-1998 Yearbook

BUILDING ON noble mil Petit Jean mil 1998

I-- I j Contents Student Life ............... 8 Academics . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 38 Social Clubs . . . . . . . . . . .. 90 People ................ 110 Sports ................. 200 Organizations ........... 236 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

BUILDING ON noble editor-in-chief Heather Allison adviser Kay Gowen head photographel Kristi Burn~ 1998Petit]ean ITM Volume 74 ITM HardingUniversity Searcy,Arkansas

BUILDING ON noble Harding University has courage , generosity or fipe, noble traditions, ones honor. " The University uses that make it a special, unique its traditions to produce place - tra-ditions such as students who can go out chapel, Bible classes, social into the world and show clubs, Peak of the Week and these "qualities of high moral Spring Sing - tra-ditions that character" - qualities that help students focus on future most of the world has hidden success both on earth and in or forgotten . heaven above. Hardinggives With the help of the students a great education, administration, staff, facu lty but the Christian influence is and students of Harding, the what makes this educational noble traditions can be experience different from carried on to the next any experience that could generation, providing future be gained at any other students with a strong , university. Christian atmosphere to Webster defines noble as prepare for their work on "having or showing qualities earth so that they may gain of high moral character, as their eternal goal of heaven. Sen ior Flor Celeste Munoz makes lostadas at the annuallndependence Day celebration. Many of the students from CentralA mericagol together to celebrate Independence Day f or tbe Central American countries on September 14th a nd 15th. Photo by \Vendi Keller. tfiJt 2 Opening Fonner President George Bush speaks to a capacity crowd in the Benson Auditorium. President Bush, part oj the American Studies Institute oJspeakers, spoke to the crowd aboutfamily values, America 's important leadership in the world and the idea that one person can make a difference. Photo by Aaron Gillihan.

john Hodges ' character, Lancelot, pleads for life to be returned to Henry McDaniel 's character, Lionel, after he accidentally kills him whileKing Arthur(played byMarcus Neely) watches. The Homecoming musical Came lot was enjoyed by many visitors and students who were on campus. Photo by Kristi Bun1S. Harding alumna India Medders Galyean performs for a "standing-roomonly"crowdFridaynight during theHomecoming activities. Galyean returned to perfonn at the Black and Gold Banquet and gave three cabaret performances in the Lillie 7beater. Photo by Krisli Bun1S. Freshman Shaundajordan and senior Lannea Richey take afew moments to catch up on each others ' busy lives. Many long-lasting relationships were made between students and teachers at Harding. Photo by Kristi Burns. Freshman Will Arnold and sophomore Emily Woodruff study together outside the laundry. Many studentsfound it beneficial to both theirgrades and their social life to study together for classes. Photo by Kristi Burns. Opening 3 @

Tim Pell and john Hodges square off in "Danger: High Voltage, " the overall winner jor the 1997 Spring Sing competition. Photo by Aaron: Gillihan. Freshman Anne VanRheenan studies for her speech test beside the lily pool. Many students took the opportunity to study outside on beautiful days. Photo by Krisli Burns. Sophomores Roxy Vik and Paul Vi/ela get to know each other better while visiting on the front lawn after their class. The relationships made at Harding are what made it special to manypeople. Photo by Kristi Burns. Brook Wallace, johanna Dominguez and Susan Reiss introduce themselves to oneanother. It was hard to be a strangerwhile on campus because you could always run into someone you knew. Photo by Kristi Burns. fffft 4 Opening

Dr.joeP,yoranddaughter, BJ. , enjoythe1997Homecom- BUI LDING 0 N noble ing game. Plyor has been a part 0/ Harding since 1944. Photo by Kristi BunlS. Many of Harding's traditions have kept its values focused on an eternal prize. Traditions in the classroom, on the playing field and on the mission field have helped to maintain the image that the people who started Harding hoped to continue . Classroom traditions have helped to prepare students for the work force. Excellent professors and teachers have helped to achieve this goal. Students come and get the education they desire within a Christian environment. The tradition on the playing field ranges from the grass , the hardwood or the dirt. A change in conferences caused the teams to step up and retain the level of play that has been the tradition at Harding. The intramural tradition also gave Harding that student involvement that not many schools have . Harding would not be Harding without its outreach programs and many mission opportunities during holidays .These programs helped Harding to stand out among other universities. Students stop by to get yogurt or coffee before heading to that late afternoon class. Starbucks Coffee and Chick-Fil-A were new additions to the students ' Student Center choices. Photo by Kristi Bw'ns. Opening 5 t1itr

Dr. TenyEdwarcls 1998 PetitJean Dr. Terry Edwards has had an impact on many ofHarding's students. Mostofthis impact has been outside the classrooms on this campus. "It is really strange to see him on campus, to see him without something really old behind him," Becca Thompson said. These students spent time with him on the Harding campus in Italy. "I can't image HUFwithout him; he was HUF," Thompson said. Edwards returned to the Searcy campus in 1996 after being in Italy most of his life. He was raised in Italy in the home of missionaries . Edwards helped Harding find the villa that the HUF students now Dr. Terry Edwards plays bis guitar after a Bible study in his home. Edwa rds was one of the three involved in finding a nd p urchasing the HUF villa property in 1984. Photo by Kristi Bums. tfiit 6 Dedica tion live in when they go to Italy. He was' the HUF dean of academic affairs until he returned to Searcy. Edwards' students appreciate the things he stands for and does. "His teaching is very personal. He makes you want to listen and follow along. Dr. Edwards really made it come alive, especially when he took us to Mars Hill and read what Paul said there ," Emily Price said. "He is very familyoriented and can 't believe that people would want to hear what he has to say, " Micalynn Parker said. "He taught me book knowledge and life knowledge as well ," Price said. Dr. Teny Edwards and sOIl}onathan Michael watch and listen as some students p lay the guitar. Edwards was the d ean ofacademic affairs at HUP before returning to Sea rcy in 1996. Photo by Kristi Burns.

Dr. Terry Edwards readsfrom the book ofActs as he teaches a Bible class on Mars Hill. Edwards was raised in Italy in the home of missionary parents. Photo courtesy of the Edwards family. Dr. Terry Edwards speaks on the topic of "Giving meaning to life and death: Homer's IIliad and the 20th century" during the Conference on Christianity and Literature, hosted bylhe English Department. Edwards has a Ph.D. in humanities and has specialized in foreign language, Italian renaissance and the Greco-Roman world. Photo by Brian Hendricks . Dr. Terry Edwards speaks during a session ofSenior College. Many of the people that attended Edwards ' sessions appreCiated his knowledge and enjoyed his classes. Photo by Kristi Burns. Dr. Terry Edwards enjoys a cup ofcoffee with Dr.jackRyan and Dr. Mike james in the Ganus Building on a Friday afternoon. Edwards wantedhis students not tojust take the information he galle them but to make it their own. Photo by Kristi Burns. Dedication 7 tfiil

Scott Hefty and his sister, A my, have lunch together with Wendy Horninthepicnic area between the Student Cemer and the Heritage Building. Many students enjoyed having a sibling at Harding to share in their life-changing experience. Photo by Kristi Burns. ffi!! 8 Student Life

BUILDING ON student life With each new student who attends of strong spiritual growth. The campus Harding, the word "friendship" takes came to life with football and basketball on a new meaning. games, intramurals, front lawn activities, Leaving the comforts of home and in-line skates, guitars, smiling faculty familiar surroundings, many students members and groups who just gathered embarked on their first year at Harding. to enjoy each other'S company. Anticipating dorm Students continlife, late-night ued with the tradpizza, the new ition of generosity "roomie" and the when they volunpossibility of find- teered their living ing that special space for High "someone" were School Weekend the thoughts that and their time for filled their heads. Pattie Cobb Hall ministries such as The moment students set foot on the the Inner City Carnival. Many enjoyed campus, they were bombarded with the Homecoming activities, while activities which, over the years, have others bolted to avoid the crowds . become traditions. Freshmen From the silliness of Impact to the experienced the craziness of college tears shed at graduation, friends made life with Student Impact and bonded our time at Harding the best years of with other rookies in energy groups. our lives. As old traditions continue Students gathered for lectureships, and new traditions begin, one tradition worship and Bible class in the Benson will never pass. It is friendship Auditorium, continuing the tradition Harding's eternal tradition. Student Life Editor Christy Pittman Student Li fe 9 tM

Campaigners Christine Roden, Brandon Knapp, jennifer Short, Christi Knapp, Rachel Gammon and Autumn Sutherlandpose infront ofthe Larnach Castle in South New Zealand. Photo by Dr. Karyl Bailey. -Cabriel said -What ifI never see YOlt again.. coa was telling me I flaa togo bmil. -[Camp Slliloflj • Sallie Chase rfiiI 10 Srudent Life Stacey Sams, Kim h'eland an.d Carrie Owen meet Queen Elizabeth 11 ill StirUllg, Scotland. Tbey were a pm1 of tbe su.mmer campaign which took the gospel to Buckie, Peterhead and Stirling. Photo courtesy of the Stir/inn Observer. International campaigners' angelic voices fill Queens Street Mall in downtown Brisbane, Australia, as they inspire shoppers with Chn'st 's message. An estimated 30,000peoplepass through the mall in a day. Photo by jennifer Stynes.

Students receive blessings by sacrificing summers Each year many students go on summer campaigns and return excited about having shared the gospel and about the special friendships they made. Most campaigners agree that they received more from the experience then those they set out to serve . After spreading God 's message in Australia, Michael Neal said, " It helps you look at yourself in a different perspective. " Jennifer Short, a New Zealand campaigner, said, "While teaching others about God's love,you realize your OWfl. blessings." Some were affected so strongly by their experience that they chose to return on the same campaign for a second or even a third yea r. Sophomore Channing Bradford went to Scotland on two campaigns. "The bonds we formed with each other in the group and the connections we made with the people in Scotland were really valuable. I chose to go back and do missions again because of the relationships we formed. I wanted to go back and work with the same people and encourage them again," he said. "I chose to go back to Australia because I felt that I had unfinished business," senior Carolyn Harper said . "I had kept in touch with the kids I worked with last year, and I felt that we needed more one-on-one studying with them." Most campaigners said their second experience was even more meaningful than the first. The renewal of friendships created even closer bonds between campaigners and local Christians, and seeing the changes that had occurred during their absence made campaigners feel more involved in the congregation with which they had worked. "Some of these kids weren't driving when we left last year, and now they are! "Harper said . "In the church in Sydney, one of the young men who had a leadership role left to come to Harding, and his absence left a void in the church . During the year we were gone, his younger brother stepped up and started taking on more responsibility. It was incredible to see the change and growth in him this year. " The overall experience, including teaching others about Christ, forming relationships and witnessing growth , made the campaign experience life changing. Janell Brown said , "Having been to Scotland on summer 1996 campaigns and working with inner city children at Camp Shiloh this past summer, Iwould have to say these two awesome experiences simplifiedwhat life reallymeans." The Szolnok campaign team stops to take a break and make a memory during a required trip to Budapest. Before starting the hard work that campaigns demand, the team traveled to various towns to experience the cultural and historical aspects ofHungary .Photo by Dr. Ken Hobby. - Brad Brooks Student Life 11 ffii}

New students embark on old Harding traditions Each August, as the summer comes to a close and a new schoolyear begins, college freshmen start a journey that many have called the beginning ofthe rest oftheir lives. At the same time, some olderstudentswho have decided to change schools pack their bags t.o begin a newadventure at a different place. OnAugust 20, 1997, a record number of incoming freshmen and transfe rs made the trip to Searcy, Ark. , as students of Ha rd ing University for the first time. Before classes started , the registration andgetting-acquainted processes had begun throughStudentImpact. Variousactivities, such asspOnge ftghting,chocolatemarshmallow tossingand even hypnotism kept these newHarding students busy. The first two days ofStudent Impact consisted mostly of moving into the do rms and unpacking. Early Friday morning, the new students had the ir first oppo rtunity to meet with the ir ass igned energygroups. Hope Lewis, a sophomo re transfer student, sa id that Impact was memo rable fo r her. "As a transfe r, Impact made it a lot easie r because the ene rgy groups basically forced me into a group to mee t people, " she said. "When school started , I a lready knew o the r transfe rs who were entering the same situation as I was . It was encouraging because I didn 't feel like I was starting school alone. Some of my best fr iends now were in my ene rgy group during Student Impact. " Many uppe rclassmen vo lunteered to be energy group leaders and helped the new students be mo re comfortable in the ir new environment. By answering questions about registration, social clubs, the d ress code o r dating, the upperclassmen's expe ri ences were benefic ial to Student Impact participants . Upperclassmen and freshmen friends were vital to the rest of the semester. Freshman Jason Roper said, "Student Impact was awesome. It letyou get orientedwith the campusand the people on campus.I still talk to the people in myenergy group. You getan opportunity to become close with people in thesegroups because you do so much togethe r in a sho rt period of time. " "Student Impact was a positive expe rience, " freshman Seth Watson said. "I me t neat and interesting people that I wouldn 't have met had I no t attended. " From the very first ene rgy group meeting early Friday morning to the inspiring candlelight closing ceremony late Monday night, Student Impact was an expe rience that the new people on Harding's campus will remember, not only during the ir four years in Searcy, but forthe rest of tlle ir lives. @ 12 StudentLife - Brad Brooks Barry 'The Bison "Walls proves to be a man of ma ny ta lents as he sp orts a new look f 01Ireshmen at the Student Impact theme dinner. "Surge Man " was a big hit at the dinner, espeCially after he tossed soft drinks to students. Photo by Kristi Burns.

Student Impacters sacrifice a Sattl rdayaflen100ll to elea It up their "/lew com-mullily." Students :!:plit into gr·oups and ventured throughout Sea rcy in searchoftrash . Photo by Kristi Burns. Students close out the hectic schedule of Impact and gather for a candlelight devotional on the steps of the Mclnteer Plaza. Although the devotional concluded a memorable week for new students, it was only the beginning of a life-changing year. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. With all smiles and no sweat, Travis Smith and Lydia \Valker beautify the streets o/Searcy. The serviceproject was just one ofthe many Studenllmpact activities that encouraged teamwork. Photo by Kn·sti Burns. 7 came here 1UJt RtUJllJing any011C. mIt /laving an ener!J!j group gave me somepeopl£ I cOttla id£nti/y with. " • Tiffany Yeche Student Life 13 Ifill

Abbo Croninsharesju coju memot·tes with membersAmyHorton and Sara johnston althe annual Club Reunion. Photo by Kristi Burns. joe Cannon enjoys the Co/den Circle Banquet. He and his wife, Rosabell received the Distinguished Alumni Award. Photo by Krisli Bun1S. Sbclwna Scibcl. tbe 1997 Homecoming queen, sbclres conversation find an umbrella with ber dad. Richard Scibcl. Allhough it was rainy, lhespirit ofHomecoming was anylhing but damp. Pboto by Kristi Burns. -Putting on tile musical was /lard work. ana it made for quite afew sleepless nigllts. but. in tIle end. it was all wortll it. •Marcus Neety cuenevere, played by jamie Mwphy, participates in a May Day Celebration with heratlendants andguards in theHomecomingplayCame!ot. The m'usicallragedy was directed by Robin Miller. Photo by Krisl'i Bums. Bison football players concentrate on the game while taking a break to caleb tbeir breath. The football game is always a big part ofthe festivities ofHomecoming weekend. Photo by Krisli Burns. t1iit 14 Student Life

Students of now and then come home to tradition This year's Homecoming schedule was packed with activities for both students and alumni . Traditional events, such as the football game and the Black and Gold Banquet, combined with special features, such as social club reunions and musical presentations, made for an eventful weekend for all . One of the highlights of Homecoming is the presentation of the musical. This year, the Benson stage was filled with courageous knights and maic!ens as Harding students presented Camelot .. Featuring Marcus Neely and Jamie Murphy in the roles of King Arthur and Guenevere, the cast took audiences through a whimsical journey to a time long ago. Senior Melia McNatt said, "It was so much fun just to sit back and enjoy the story with all of the costumes and music." The Good News Singers gospel group, Pied Pipers children'S entertainment troupe and Belles and Beaux contemporary singing ensemble also showcased their talents during Homecoming weekend. SeniorJohn Hodges, who performed in the musical and is a member of both the Good News Singers and Belles and Beaux, said "Many alumni come back to wa tch, and it's interesti ng to talk with them about how things have changed since they were in the group." Homecoming guests also had the opportunity to enjoy an evening of stoty and song with India Medders Galyean, a 1990 Harding alumna who sings caberet in New York City. Dr. Jack Shock, a long time fan of India, said, "Her years in New York have polished her style and added a new dimension to her performance. It is also pleasing ro know that her head and her hea rt are in the right place." The Homecoming football game featured the Bisons against the Tigers of East Central University on a chilly, rainy Ocrober afternoon . The Bisons won the game 41-21. Homecoming queen nominees Shawna Sciba, Kim Gibbons and Julie Rubio awaited the halftime announcement, and then President David Burks placed the crown on Sciba, a senior human resources major from Mountain Grove, Mo. Homecoming proVides a time for graduates from years past to return to campus and relive their Harding memories . Colby Canterbury, who graduated in 1995, said, "It's a weird feeling to come back and watch the activities you were a part of only a few years back. " Shawn Hutkins, who also graduated in 1995, said, "It's great to come back for the weekend. I only wish I could stay longer." Senior Rick Blair summed it all up, saying, "I really love Homecoming because it is a time when everyone can srop their individual lives and allow themselves to get caught up in the spirit of Harding for one weekend ." face Davis sits w.ilh his dad andgets ready tofulfill his duties as a special helper to the Homecoming queen. His father, Brooks Davis, was caplain ofthe Bison football team and a memberof theHomecoming court in 1989. Photo by Kristi Burns. - Scott Loftis Student Life 15 t1iii

Life at the Villa in Florence stressful but . IS wonderful Although participating students generally agreed thar HUF was a wonderful experience, it could be stressful for students trying to balance school, travel and the stress of living so close together in the University-owned villa overlooking Florence, It~ly . "It's busy. There's so much to do that you can't even catch your breath. You study, travel and visit lots of museums and churches, " junior Suzanne Monk said. Sophomore Tiffany Self said, "It's really intense because there is so much to do, bur the memories I've made are unforgenable . It's been a wonderful experie nce." HUF is the most well -known of Harding's international studies programs because it is the longest running. The fall '97 group reached a milestone in the programwhen Dr. Kevin Kle in, a former HUF student , accompanied the group as a p rofessor. Tammy Fuscher, a senior at HUF, said, "Since Dr. Kline had been a student here, he could really rela te to us as students in the program. He is also such a great historian , and he often had interesting inSights during our travels." Dr. Don Shackelford, dean of the international studies program, also taught classes . "Dr. Shackelford has been director of the program since it began and he has lived over here, so he was really informative and helpful ," Fuscher said . This group was also unique because the Harding students were joined by Amy Crinenden from Abilene Christian Universiry and Paul Hutcherson from David Lipscomb University. "I was glad when I gOt the opportuniry to go to Europe, but I was kind of nervous because I didn 't know anyone ," Crinenden said . "We are all so bonded now that I know we will be in contact years after this time has gone by." Although any student who maintains a grade point average of2.0 or higher is eligible to anend HUF, many find it difficult. One reason is HUF's populariry. The '97 fall semester, like most semesters, had a waiting list for students hoping that positions would become available. Although the COSt of the semester was very reasonable for all that the program offered, expense was another difficulty for some students. "I put in 55 hours a week at Red Lobster to ensure that I would have enough money to enjoy Europe. Ir was definitely worth it," junior Jay Brockman said. Living in Italy was an adjustment for mOSt students. Junior Jeremy Brown said, "It doesn't take long to realize that the loud tourist with the camera is you this time and , after that, you StOP gawking and start learning." Junior Kim Genton said, "I came to HUF with linle in my hands, but I left having received some of God 's greatest blessings." tDiI 16 Stude nt Life - Sara Van Rheenan Suzanne Monk shops fo r bargains at the Tuesday market . HUF students have many opportunities to find unique memoirs for unique deals . Photo by Sara Van Rbeenan .

jenniferRiley rides a donkey 10 the top oftbe Greek Isle Santorilli. Riley was one of the many sll/dents wbo enjoyed HUF til/ring the 1997 summer break. Photo by Micbelle Snider. Robbie Shackelford talks to students before letting them go their seperate ways to see the sights. Photo by Sara V~n Rheenan . j ayBrockman soaks up the sights oj the Roman ruins ojFiebsole. Photo by Sara Van Rheenan . -rile /rie11ll8llips I/ormea at HUFwitt Ill8t/orever. Fve neverlett so close to agroup 0/ people in my Ii/e." •Pele Traisci Susie Smith, Laura Rubio and jennifer Woody do the bunny hop at Carneval in Scandicci. The Carneval is a celebration much like Mardi Gras. Photo by Amy Neely. The "men ofthe villa "serenade the ladies with their version of "You 've Lost That Loving Feeling. " The presentation has become a tradition toward the close ofeach HUF program. Photo by jennife,- Riley. Student Life 17 ffiiI

Sheila Dunham studies a leech while fellow HUE students listen to the gUide on a three-mile hike in the lakes district. Overseas programs offered a wide variety 0/ unique learning experiences. Photo by jessika Poirier. HHUG was smnething tlult reatty deepenedmy faith andhelpedme understand theBible better. H •Ron Sisson t1iIi 18 Student Life Andrew Baker enterlains Turkish children with (I magic t1tck. HUG offtlll '96 gave studellls many 0Ppo,1un ities to work with theyoung as well as the old in Turkey. Photo by C017ie Bmwn. DanielMcCool,jonatbon Daugherty, Vicki Lutrell, Mall Fincher, Yavonda Fletcher andMarie Allison listen curiously toguidephones whilegazing down at the ancient hot bubbling springs of the Roman Baths. The Baths were just one of the many historical sights visited by HUE students. Photo by jessika POirier.

Students experience the excitement of education Although their expectations were high, HUE and HUG students had not even begun to imagine what they were about to experience. The HUE venture started with a lO-day tour of the UK, beginning in England,soon to be their home,moving on to Ireland, Scotland and back toEngland. "Iwill never forget the first time I saw Ireland from the deck of the ferry. It was beautiful ," Yavonda Fletchersaid. Both learning and fun were incorporated into each experience. When vis iting a new place , students learned about the way of life as well as the history of the town, bringing all that they had read in history books to life. Once students settled in London, HUE began to take on its full meaning. Classes were only held three days a week , one day was devoted fully to field trips , and Sundays were set aside for worship, group activities, and homework, leaving a generous amount of time to visit neighboring cities on the remaining two days. The HUE setting was a drastic adjustment for students. They had to learn to balance schoolwork with the amazing cultural opportunities around them. More responsibility was placed on each individual to be earnest in his or her relationship with the Lord. "There is not a lot ofChristian influence here,andwe can reallymake a difference and contribute to the growth ofChrist's church here in England," Vikki Luttrell said. Athens , Greece, was the campus for 22 Harding students and Dr. and Mrs. Duane Warden and Dr. and Mrs. Evan Ulrey, who served as teachers. Their dormitory was the Congo Palace Hotel in the suburb of Glyfada, one block from the beautiful blue Aegean Sea. During the semester, HUG students took week-long trips to sites of historical and biblical interest: The sites of the seven churches of Asia; New Testament sites in northern Greece; the Promised Land where Jesus taught. "After visiting places, I can picture them in my mind. It makes them more real ," said Corrie Brown, who attended HUG in the fall of '96. Kyle Holton was one of the students who attended HUG last fall. "HUG has given me the opportunity of escaping from my own middle American 'bubble' and encountering lands that housed the scenes of our Christian history, " he said . "We considered the world that God has made and the love he has shown us. Our prayer was one of thanksgiving for this golden opportunity to be a part of HUG," Betty Ulrey said. Isaac Brnning tests the dye at a carpel-making factory in Turkey while fellow HUG students curiously look on. The carpets were all made by hand. Photo by Corrie Brown. Student Life 19 tfiit

Students 'Seize the Day ' on and off the stage The theme of Spring Sing 1997, "Seize the Day," lived up to Harding's trad ition of astounding, enjoyable, successful and exciting entertainment for all, according to Director John Ryan and ExecutiveProducerSteveFrye. "The openingsong, "Seize the Day," from the mus ical Newsies, setthe mood for the who le show," hostess SandiWrightsaid. "From there, we tried to incorporate the theme into all our dialogues, intros and songs and also into our lives. Taking advantage ofevelYopponunity that is given you is an imponant part of everyday." Ensemble memberMarcus . eely said, "A lot ofourmovements were taken from the ideasofseizing the dayand opening the door. " This was the first year for Mike Chance to direct the Spring Sing jazzensemble. Before coming toHarding in 1996,he directed bands at the high school level for 21 years and had some award-winning jazz bands. "Spring Sing was overwhelming, both in hours demanded and the quality that had to be accomplished,"he said. "The music they read was incredibly difficult, but they did a great job." Spring Sing shows were judged on panicipation, costumes, music, choreographyandoIiginality. This year's overall winnerwas "Danger: High Voltage," performed by Delta Chi Delta, Delta Gamma Rho, Kappa Gamma Epsilon and friends. Awarded first runner-up was "Elementary, My Dear Watson ," involving Chi SigmaAlpha and Regina, who also won the panicipation award.Ju GoJu, KOJoKai , Pi Kappa Epsilon and friends placed as second runner-up with "Caution: Workers Ahead. " "lsThere a Doctor in the House," pe rfo rmed by Chi Omega Pi , TNT, Zeta Rho and friends, was third runner-up. Two hosts and three hostesses were chosen this year, a change from the usual two of each gender. They were Rochelle Rose, Ange la Sholl , Sandi Wright,Justin Lawson and Chad McNatt. Spring Sing 1997 was a repeat pe rformance for secondyear hostess Roche lle Rose. "I was glad to be able to be a hostess again . It added a di ffe rent change with the three girls as hostesses this yea r. The two years have completed my wonderful Spring Sing memories." This was host Justin Lawson 's first year to partiCipate in Spring Sing. "I had never done anythi ng like it before. 1met a lor of people and made new friendships. We learned the real definition of cooperation and how to work together," Lawson said. "This was a once-in-a- lifetime experience and worth every minute, but 1would like to do it again ." @ 20 Student Life - Robin Henson jennyRoberson entertains the crowd with her enthusiastic performance. She was just one oj the privileged peifonners who tried out and made ensemble. Photo by Aaron Gillihan.

josb McGough "seizes the day" as he holds high the symbol of long hours, hard work and dedication. "Danger: High Voltage," by Delta Chi Delta, DelfCI Gamma Rbo. Kappa Gamma Epsilon tl1'ldji-iends, was tbewinllerofSpringSing 1997. PhotobyAaron CillihaJl. Rachel MUchusson, Nicole Alex~ ander and Katie Taylor Work bard in "Caution: WorkersAbead."Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 7 got to RlWW a lot 01great people tflrougfl Spring Sing. It teacfles gOlt aiSipline aJUt its an increaible leeling. - • Charline OVett Sandi Wright, ChadMcNatt, Angela Sholl, justin Lawson andRochelle Rose enjoy tbeirmomenl to shine during thefinale. Spring Sing took on a new twist/his yearwithfive hosts and hostesses, but proved "the more the merrier. " Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Brian Hannel, Billy Neal and Amy Latbampoinl lbe way to go "Around the Wodd in EighIMinutes." Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Student Life 21 ffiiI

Anna Meadows, grandaughter of Bill Harris, and Anna justus, daughter ofDr. Mike justus, make phone calls andfashion statements, proving lhallrends influence even the "little people. " Photo by Krisli Bums. 7 think a big truck i8 every 1l1IJns dream. • Scott Manuel f&i ·22 Student Li fe Mike Bonner works on a 1966 Ford Fair/ane in tbe Ganus Atblel1'c Center parking lot. Bonnor has repaired many carproblems/or/ellow SllldeJIIS and calls his services E St'reet Auto Repair. Photo by Kristi B1I1115. AnnaPenningtonandMeaganPhillipsenjoyconversalion and comfort in the student center. Baggy clothes, camoflauge, sandals and wild toenail polish were popularfashion lrends thisyear. Photo byKristiBurns.

Both guys and girls state their individuality Harding students, both male and female, chose to express their individuality in a variety of ways. For many men, the expression of choice was often their car - for women, clothes. Since the invention of the automobile, men have attempted to perfect the performance, style and speed of their cars. Cars were the mainstay of manliness and the last bastion of bravado . Men loved their cars. Why was that' "It's a pride thing," Lee Wimberly said. If his car was running well , a man could hold his head high. "I like to know how things work. I'm always learning; it's a passion ," Mike Bonnor said. Control also played a role in why men loved their cars. Behind the wheel or under the hood, they were in control. If they wanted to boost a 305 horsepower small block engine to 330 horsepower, they could do it. "Guys don't worry about clothes much, so they get attached to their cars. It's a power thing," Ryan Singleton said. Automobiles helped determine each man's individuality. Men could choose from a variety of makes, models, colors, performance features and levels of power in the vehicle they purchased or restored. No two cars were exactly alike; no two men were exactly alike. Perhaps the most important reason why men loved their cars was communication. Men could talk sports, action movies, war and, most importantly, men could talk cars. Cars were important to men because they helped shape who they were and how they communicated. "Cars give some guys their feeling of self-worth ," Alan Seim said. Travis Bearden agreed but said, "Everyone thinks cars are status symbols, but if people only like you for what you have, they're not real friends. " On the other hand, Harding females displayed their taste through an eclectic mix of fashion, with the emphasis ranging from comfort to the latest fads. Many students strove for comfort. Popular clothes for this group were T-shirts, jeans and overalls. "When I'm going back and forth on campus, it's important to be comfortable so I can concentrate in class," Denise Oshiro said. The natural look was also trendy, with brown undertones, love beads and other earthy styles. This style popularized Bath and Body Works products and natural scents. Another hot trend was nail polish hues ranging from vivid neons to washed-out frosts and pastels. "WWJD" bracelets, asking the question "What would Jesus do, " were also a popular accessory which reflected spiritual focus and, of course, no student could be without that famous fashion staple - a Harding T-shirt. - Remie Beaulieu & Erynne Eyrich Mike Stoneman pumps gas into his 1997 Ford F-150. Trucks and sport utility veh icles were popular among men ofall ages this year. Photo by Kristi Burns. Student Life 23 tlllr

Remedy arrives curing seniors' anxiety itch The day all students anticipated finally arrived - gradua- [ion. The seniors had striven for four years (more for some) toward a common goal-[0 graduate. While studying for midterms and finals and struggling with papers and projects, [heir goal carried them through i[ all. Af[er graduation, however, some graduates were sad [hal [heir college years were over. Many missed [he close relationships they buill , campus activities, Christian fellowship and [he emphasis on Christ Some graduates regre[[ed [hal [hey had not been more involved. "I liked [he enthusiasm of [he teachers here a[ Harding," senior English major Sandra To[ty said. "I hope [0 pass [he same enthusiasm on [0 my students. Looking back, I wish I had enjoyed my classes more. " "I am starling [0 realize how close graduation is and how much I will miss seeing all of the people that I have go[[en [0 know," senior radio-TV major Marcus Porter said. Gradua[es moved in different directions [0 lead [heir new adult lives. Many asked, "How has Harding prepared me for [he job market' Do I have a strong faith in order [0 lead others [0 Christ' Did Harding provide a strong enough education for me [0 obtain [he career I want' Am I prepared [0 raise a Christian family'" "][ is important for people [0 be involved while [hey are here, for academics, for fun and [0 learn how [0 be a servant. My [raining as a student a[ Harding prepared me [0 deal with people in Russia, [he inner city and Hickoty Ridge (af[er [he [own was hit by a tornado) and people with whom I wouldn't normally have come in contac[," Nathan Mellor, assistant director of [he Ins[i[u[e for Church and Family Resources, said. Senior Bible major Joe Chappel of Garberville, Calif. , said , "I learned a real sense of direction here. Harding opened a lot of doors for me [hal I would riot have had a[ a slate school. I don't know what the fUlure holds but, as long as I slay with [he Lord, I know [hal He will lake care of my wife and me. " Gradua[es often returned [0 Harding [0 work toward master's degrees , showing how much [hey enjoyed [heir education .Many Hard ing alumni have sent [heir children and friends [0 [he University because of [heir own personal experiences here. Graduation was a new beginning. Harding graduates went [heir separate ways [0 be lights shining for Christ in their communities, on [he job and in [heir churches. t!ili 24 Studen t Life - Robin Henson jon-Micah Clanton, a 1996 graduate, visits with fonner coach and good friend Randy Tribble. Many alumni returned tog raduation each year to visit withfaculty andfriends . Photo by Aaron Gilliban .

Joshua Harr looks to the future with a buge grin. Graduation was a bittersweet momelll as s/.udents said goodbye to a life they badgrown to love and allXlously gmeted a new life ahead. Photo by Aaron Gilliban. Senator Tim Hutcbinson addresses g raduates during the Spring 1997 ce1'emonies . Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 7 tlulnfl Godfor the opportunitlj to learn about Him a1Ul about life. Harding IuJs been such a blessing to mlj life.- •jenny Long Non-tradilionalstudentsare among the proudest at graduation as they accomplish their long-awaited goals. Photo by Aaron Gillihan . A smiling President David Burks shakes the hand of jennifer Slradel~ a chemistry major, while presenting her diploma. Strader was one qf many proud seniors to walk across the stage. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Sheri Clark and Casey Hill cling tightly to their well-deserved diplomas while chatting after the ceremony. Both Clark! and Hill received degrees in elementmy education. Photo by Aaron Gillihan . Student Life 25 ffilI

Kim Thomas sings while playing the accordian at the "Say So "concert in spring 1997. The two-man alternative group was a popular change from the usual camPu.s concerts. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. "The kids loved Brgan White. theg lovedhim but rm just too oldlor him. " •LindaRichey t® 26 StudentLife 77Je musical grol lp 1964 proves to be a "blast/rom the past" as they replicate Tbe Beatles. 1964 Ulas asked to return afterprovillg to be popular among students last year. Photo by KrisH Burns. - ~ -=- \\ -=- -- ~ =- - .- • - . - Gena Rouse gets a little carried away at the Gil Eagles show during Student Impact. Many students in the audience allowed themselves to be hypnotized along wiLh those on stage. Photo by Kristi Burns.

Campus attractions aim for students' satisfaction Providing entertainment on campus required much planning and behind-the-scenes work , which was rewarded with full auditoriums and smiling spectators. One difficult step in providing entertainment was finding just the right act. To ease the process, Harding has been a member of the Na tional Association of Campus Activities since 1973. Many Harding favori tes such as Gil Eagles, Mark Nizer and the Spencers coming from the Association convention. "The convention gives"us our first contact , and many come back to Hardi ng after they have been here once," Dr. Jerome Barnes, director of special projects, sa id. One necessity to bring groups to campus is money. "Fees can be as much as $20,000 to $30,000 for big acts," Barnes said. The majority of the decisions about who w ill perform are based on the amount of revenue expected. In addition to monetaty fees , many entertainers required specific provisions. Terry Davis, who is the director of student involvement and of the Student Activities Committee (SAC), was in charge of catering to the needs of the performer. The SAC co-directors for this year were seniors Jim Miller and Megan McCorkle. "We were mainly involved with promoting the shows and getting the student body involved, " Miller said. The co-directors headed the 30-member SAC, which handled the practical details of each event. Students had mixed views about the type of events brought to campus but generally agreed that , overall , they enjoyed them. "I like to go to movies, but I don 't catch too many of the concerts," sophomore Jay Segadi said. Junior Preston Brandimore said, "I wish there were more events geared toward music, maybe some music festivals or something. " Senior Jennifer Clanton said that she went to more events as a freshman and sophomore, but she does not have time to attend them now. "I would like to see them move away from country music and bring in a variety of acts, " she said. Throughout the years, Harding has been host to legends such as Air Supply, the Oak Ridge Boys, Kenny Rogers, Barbara Mandrell and the Carpenters . The key to getting a great act, according to Barnes, is "to get acts while they are on their way up, while we can still afford them. " Davis has been making plans for high caliber enterta inment for Harding's 75th anniversary celebration. The process of bringing entertainment to Harding's campus is never ending. No one knows what big-name act may be the next to grace the Benson stage on their rise to stardom. Blyan Wh ite captivates the audience with his southern smile and upbeat country music. The concert was one of the largest oJ the year, filling more than 2500 seats in the BensonAuditorium. Photo byKn"sti Burns. - Scott Loftis Student Life 27 tlii!

Harding marriage factory running at full 'swing' Not all Harding students lived the typical college Iifestylelate nights studying or goofing off in the dorm, meals with friends in the cafeteria, dates with a variety of different people and a carefree attitude toward responsibili ty. Though students often joked about Harding's reputation as a "marriage factory," Harding's environment was truly conducive to finding a Christian mate. Many students got married before they graduated; many others were already married when they enrolled. For married students, many aspects of life changed when they took on the added responsibility and additional benefits of having a spouse. For example , married students fa ced a different financia l situation than other students . Their burden was lighter in some ways and heavier in others. "We make our own meals and don't have to buy a meal plan, so that saves us money," Matt Dixon said. "But we have double the school expenses, and only one of us works right now, so that one income supports two people." Many students also said they received more financial aid after they were married. Besides money, time was another consideration for married students. "It's easier to plan and manage my time now," Jeremy Pumphrey said. "Even though I'm doing more, I don 't feel as stressed because I'm wasting less time. " Cleaning house, cooking meals and doing laundry were more time-consuming when there were two people to pick up after, two mouths to feed and two wardrobes to maintain. Many couples managed this burden by sharing the responsibility, making time management easier for both partners. "My husband helps me a lot," Leanne Pumphrey said . "He cooked just the other night , and he did very we ll even though I left an important detail out of my list of instructions. I also get a lot of housework done and don't have to cook four nights a week because he 's gone to work. " Married students found many other pe rks a regular part of married life. Jimmie Douglass and his wife Carol have been married 25 years, have five children and are both full-time students at Harding. "You don 't have to worry about arranging a date!" he said. "It's also helpful that we get to write each other'S excuses instead of going to the nurse," Dixon said. "There aren't any disadvantages to being a married student that I can think of," Jeremy Pumphrey said. "I get to live off campus, I don 't have a curfew, it's cheaper, I get homecooked meals, my grades have improved and I get to live with a beautiful woman. " t&r 28 Student Life - Wendi Keller jesseandLaura Tyree stroll to church together on a Sunday evening. A/ter Jesse g raduates in May , tbe couple will be leaving for Avanli Italia in September f or two y ears. Photo by Krlsti Burns.

Chris and Kimber(y \YIhite ':go Krogering " togetber 10 slock lip on Jood. Groceries were one o/the many expenses manied studellls had to/it iHlo their budget. Photo by Kristi Burns. Daniel and Mary Ann Green sit and chat with a friend beJore Peak oj the Week . Marn'ed students often do not see much ojone another during the day because ojhectic schedules but worship was always a n enjoyable time together, Photo by Kristi Burns. Chad and Melia McNatt wash dishes together after a meal. The couple shared household chores and did their best to balance responsibilities, Photo by Krisli Burns. -WorRing together. we get to see each other {)onstanttg thr{}U!Jhmtt the day. arut we don °t have to w{)frg about where the other ()fl£ is. - •Malt Plliltips Student Li fe 29 t:ffil

Kayce Roberts and Joanne Richardson hang out with upperclassmen while visiting SearcyHall. Photo by Christy Pittman. Sheila Bateman passes the time by watching television before meeting withjn:endsfor more scheduled activities. Photo by Christy Pittman. Future Bison fails join in on the wove at a basketball game. Tbe bigh schoolers werefortll11ate to experience a Harding game in the newly remodeled Rhodes Field House. Photo by Kristi BtlnlS. -Students here are so close. TIleY • seem to enjog beinghere on the weefletuts instead o/leaving. - Rob Kernodle fulfills his recruiting duties and entertains high school students in theca/eteria. The visitorscaughl onquickly to the ''socialscene" in the cafeten·a. Photo by Kristi Burns. tW 30 Stude nt Li fe • Sarall Nichs Visiting students enjoy a game of Bowling in the Student Center. The Student Center was a popular bang-out for the high schoolers. Photo by Kristi Bums.

Visiting high schoolers take in student hospitality Throughout the year, high school students from a ll over the country came to visit the campus and see exactl y what Harding is all about. With the help of the admissions office, students got to experience a day in the life of a student. According to Mike Williams, ass istant vice president for admissions, these weekends were planned "during times when there were activities, but they were not out-of-theordinary activities. We wanted them to experience a typical class day and have plenty to·'do while they were here," he sa id . Prospective students arrived on a Thursday night and spent the weekend in the dorms with Harding students . Junior Kim McKinnis and her roommate provided housing for some of the visitors. "The main reason that we had students stay with us was to let them have a friendly, enjoyable experience, " McKinnis sa id. "We showed them a good time . We answered questions they had about Harding, and we were honest with them" During the fall , prospective students attended classes and visited with advisers on Friday and then went to the "1964: A Tribute" concert that night. The majority of the weekend was spent attending spo rting events and devotionals. "We wanted the students to see the whole picture of Harding," Williams sa id. Students visited for a va riety of reasons. Many came to get a better understanding of the majors offered; others wanted to experience the atmosphere and narrow down their cho ices of schools. Mandy Jacques of West Plains, Mo., said, "I reall y loved the environment at Hardi ng. I came in hopes that this weekend might help me decide where to go to college. " Many students left with a positive experience . Jeanine Philips of Tallmadge, Ohio, sa id, "I loved the fact that everyone seemed like they really cared about evely one else. They seemed to be concerned with what was going on in each other's lives. " Students found an abundance of opportunities to experience. "There were so many things to do the whole weekend ," Kristie Hobbs ofStow, Ohio, said. Sarah Nicks from Nashville , Tenn. , agreed. "The students were all so friendly with one another and they did a lot of things together," Nicks sa id. "I think that it is a rea lly neat experience," McKinni s sa id, "especially when the students come to stay with you, and then the next year you see them on campus or you have a class with them. It's neat to know that they chose Harding and that you may have helped them to make that decision. " High schoolers searchJor their name on cups oJ ice cream after a basketball game. Frozen Delight donated the snack /01" the visiting students. Photo by K1'isti Burns. - Ashley Miller Student Life 31 tffi1

Breaking tradition by building a future While most students pack up their bags at the end of high school and head to college, some wa it to further their education. Most of Ha rding's students came stra ight out of high school, but many were in the category known as nontraditional students. Because they were o lder than traditional students, these students had diffe rent concerns while in school. Yet, in many ways, they were jusi regula r students. According to the registrar, non-traditional students are those who are 25 o r o lder and there are 489 on record. The ir reasons for waiting to attend college are va ried. Some worked for a few years before coming to Hard ing, some started a family, and others just took a break from school. "I started off at a community college and then decided to take a year off to work, " sophomore Chris Olson sa id. "I wasn 't sure why I was in school , and I fe lt burnt out , so I decided to take a year off. When I d id, I met people who didn 't have degrees and who had no d irection in the ir lives. I was able to see first-hand the importance of an education. Focusing on that really he lps me in school. " Dwight and Barby Smi th, Harding's campus ministe rs, had contact with a variety of students, including many nontraditional students seeking he lp with problems related to starting o r returning to school later in life. Barby Smith said, "Sometimes non-traditional students have trouble connecting with campus life and getting all they ca n out of Hard ing on both a spiritual and emotional basis." She said there were benefits to being a non-traditional student. "Many of the nontraditional students know where they a re going with their lives, and many don 't have the same money concerns that other students do," she said. Jimmie Douglass, a non-traditional student who attends Harding with his wife Carol, said, "Gene ra lly speaking, there is a job involved, so the re is less time fo r studying. It's not much different rea ll y" Many older students don 't see themselves as being different from traditional students. "I've never thought of myself as a non-traditional student," Kim Edwards said , "I graduated 20 years ago and I continued to learn. You wa nt to learn about the world around you. I feel that coming back to Harding is a continuation of my learning." Mixing both adva ntages and disadva ntages, Harding's non-traditional students found thei r p lace in the body of students just as othe r groups did. While some of their worries and concerns differed from those of a student fresh out of high school , their desire to learn in a Christian environment united them with traditional students. !1& 32 Student Life - Scott Loftis justin Snyder talks with Elizabeth Sewell before beading to class. Living offcampus, non-traditional students are fo rced to be productive between classes. Photo by Kristi Burns.