1997-1998 Yearbook

Bmin Hannel - Kinderhook. III. Accomlti"8. Knigills. Kim Hardy - Gordon, Ga. /\/lrsillg. Sigma Phi Mu. Brian Harmon - W:I\'<;ny. Ohio. Biblicalt.a"/JlIuIW. King'" Men. jay Harnden - Se:lrcy, Ark. 8/oIog)'. TNT. Brandon Harp - Leesburg, Fla. ,I{(mkc!tlng. Tf:1n5rer (S:unroru Uni\'er,,;ty). Pi Sigm:a Ep:.ilon. Ca rolyn Harper - JetTersoTlvUle, Ind. III/erior OtOSiglz/ • VocatiOllal Mill lslf)·. Sigma Phi Mu. American Soci.:tr of Interior De";gn. Campaigns (Australia). Bentley lhrrell - Benton,·me, Ark. Pro!esslol/ul SuIC'S. Seminoles. HARM. Imertotlegi:ate Athletics (B:I:.eball), OJ. Harris - Moulton. Iowa. .Ilorl.'et(ng. Pi Kappa Epsilon, AM.."', Bison Staff. De-.m's liSt . Intrnmuf:1ls. Seniors prepare to tackle 'real world' careers Making the transition from students to professionalswas a challenge for seniors, who spent countless hours wri ting and revising resumes and scheduling and preparing for intervi ews with prospective employers. Others spent time resea rching graduate schools and compl eting lengthy, detailed applica tions while still tryi ng to make good grades in their classes. Senior Jill Shirey spent many months in what seemed like an endless process of researching jobs and setting up interviews. "College students should start early preparing for a career and take advantage of every opportunity they have while they are still in school," she said . Harding's Career Center hel ped seniors find opportunities and plan ahead . Rebecca Teague, the center's placement coordinator, counseled students 'about Ericka Harris - Brentwood. Tenn. PI/bllc ACCOl/llIjIl8. KoJo Kai. Accoun1ing Society. Dean's List. Delta Mu o.;,lt:l. Intercollegia1e Athletics (Tf:1ck). LeAnn Hauge - Roc. Arl.:. lilCII/{!r//ary £dr/c(lIi!}". Regina. HUG. Student Impact, ITACH. john HauSlein - Che~terficld. Mo. FIIl(/lIce. HUA. Intrarnur:lls. RA. University Singers, Ashley Hayes - J3ckson. Tenn. Im;.>ri!}r {)(>slgll. Ju Go )u. Aiph3 Epsilon Rho, Amcric:1O Societ)' or Interior Design. Dean's List. HUF. JessiCl Haynes - Ju(boni~. Ark. Math &IIIC(l/lolI. j oy H aynes - I'ortl:md. Ore. Ps)'CbOfOfJ)" Ryan Hedden - Memphis. Tenn. ,l(orl,'f.:1i1l8. KnightS. De:IO'S Lis'. Delta Mu Delta. Pi Si8m~ Epsilon. Tamar Hemmerich - A"erilt P~rk. "'.Y. Diere/ia. Regina. Alpha Chi, Club Qu<:<:n. Dieletics Club. University Singers. tllii 122 People careers. "The beauty is seeing students take responsibility for their lives, becoming their own people, " she sa id, stressing the importance of preparing for the "real world" whil e in college. Many seniors planned to go to graduate school after graduation. Robert Argo, a senior psychology major, said, "Lack of time is the biggest cause of stress in thinking about the future. It's so hard to concentrate on applying to grad school when I have such a heavy course load. " Others planned to move into the work force immediately. Jessica Stipp, an e lementary education major, said, "When I think about the future , I get rea lly excited about finding a teachi ng pOSition. " Some times, the most frightening part was waiting and wondering wha t the future would bring. - Amanda Nicholson Senior Ana Aguilar and junior Carlos Velasco lookJorjob openings outSide the Career Center. Photo by Bn'an Hendricks.