1997-1998 Yearbook

Seth Bullington - Edinboro. Pa. Lacrisha Bumpous - Br.ldford. Ark. Matt Burcham - UulelOn. Colo. Jeff Burnum - Brookline. Mo. Kristy BUllon - Win~low. Ark. Erica Busby - Banieu. Tenn. Wes Byrd - Lofkin. Texas Youlonda Caffey - M3rianna. Ark. Melanie Cagle - Smyrna. Ga. Rusty Caldwell - Longview. Texa~ Melissa Calvin - Missouri Ci ! ~·. Texa~ Arlene Camacho - Quere!.1ro. Mexico Amy c.'lmeron - Searcy. Ark. Lauren Camarata - Hammomon NJ. April Campbell - Chula visla. C.M. Christie Campbell - HOU~lOn. Tcx:t~ Amanda Campos -!>an S3h~dor. El $;!lY;\!b Andrea Ca nno n - Whea!on. Md. First impressions from the freshmen perspective With every minute we a re subconsciously fo rgetting who and what we a re and constantly being invented anew. We caIne into be ing like the fragments o f colo red g lass combine d in a ka le idoscope, sh immering and rea l. With the firs t sma ll step on campus as freshn1e n came a leap into a newworld, shatte ring the old pattern of o ur kaleidoscopes , developing n ew relatio nsh ip s and leaving the past be hind to embark o n an academic , adventuro us and spiritua l journey that would set the pattern for the res t of o ur lives. As freshmen , we we re g reeted by the de di cated worke rs of Student Impact and the friend ly faces o f upperclassme n re turning "ho me." In those Inoments, we were unaware that we we re the inexpe rienced, ne rvous freshmen; instead, we felt Heath Carpenter - Searcy. Ark. Rob Ca rris - Livonia. Mich. Jennifer Carroll - HuminglOl1 Ik~ch. Calif. Sue Anne Carson - Wdbhoro. Pa. Nick Ca ne r - Color:ado Spring~. Colo. Omar Cast illo - Pasadena. Tl'xas Drew Chandler - Keller. Texas Hobby Chapin - Bayfield. Colo. Travis Chase - 51:. Cbir. Mo. Joho Chesshir - Cross Plaifl'>. Texas Kimberly Christia n - F3~·ell\'i1lc. Ga. Valerie Christi:lO - Arnold. Mo. 178 People that we were coming home as weil , to a new falnil y of Ch ris tia ns, eager to do the Lo rd 's work . As each new day dawned, many re lationships blossomed, and dear friends were. Although we were from diffe re nt wa lks of life , different cultures and diffe re nt parts of the world, we were unified by our faith. From the fi rst moment in cha pe l, o ur commo n beliefs we re abundantly clear. We were in awe - not only of the encou ragelnent o f fellow Chri sti ans, but of the high academic integrity set b e fo re us. With the high expectations of college life, eventu a lly came the confidence w ith in ourselves to succeed. Those promises were soundlessly acknow le dged through every aspect of Harding life, as we shifte d ou r kaleidoscopes once more to form the mosaic of Oll r new lives. - Ely nne Eyrich Dr. Burks hands silverware tofreshmen at a barbecue held at his house during Student Impact. The dinner gave the students a chance to meet new people be/ore school started. Photo by Kristi Bunzs.