1997-1998 Yearbook

Bla ine Tucker - Phoenix. Aril . Mike Turner - WJmcrRobin~, Ga Sylvia Ujueta -S:tnJ~,CosIJ Ric:. Dennis Van Erp-AsICIl, NelherlJnJ~ Luke VanBuskirk - WCSlby. Wb. Lynn VanEppS-5.1nDic,:o,Calif. Kasie VanGieson -Nor....ich. K:tn. Anne VanRheenen-Scarcy,Ark. Jennifer Veale - Hendersonville Tenn. Elizabeth Velasquez-I';uum;iCil}.P.mlrna Dolores Velez-Hon<!ul:lS Jefl"Venable -Mage~ ... MiN>. Jade Vick -Albuquerque. N.M. Kelley Vick -Murfreesboro. Tenn. Jason Vines - The Colony. Texa~ April Voyles - Do.."Calllr. Ark. Amber \'(fade - TclTC HauI<:.lnd. Marcus Wagner -S3.!Cllilc Beach, f-lJ. New chapel for freshmen affects upperclassmen One major aspect o f Harding life that sets it apa rt from life at other universities across the nation is chapel. In the past, all the students attended chapel together. Instead o f heading over to the Benson AuditoriluTI every n10rning, the freshmen journeyed to the Administration AuditoriulTI for their time to worship God. This change was necessary simply because Harding's stude nt body had outgrown Benson Auditorium. "I don 't like be ing separated from the upperclassmen because we don't get as many chances to meet them, " freshman Kristi Means said. "But I unde rsta nd why they had to separate us." On September 10, the real differe nce between freshman and upperclassman chapel becalne evident. Weekly breakout sess ions, begun as Pam Walker -LcxinglOn.K}'. Wend}' \X'alker -Memphis. Tenn. Nekia \'Vallace - J:ld:soo\"illc. Texas Ella Wallis - BlUe-wille,Ark. Heather Ware -Chc:-tcrfidd. ~Io. Cody Wamlack -Shcrid3n.Ark. Andrea Warren-Cabol..Ark. Melissa Washam-Ncwport.Ark. Summer \'Vaters - GI:lOO Prairie . TclCl..~ Lindsey Watkins -Griffithville. Ark. MichelleWatkins - W(';,tMonroc,l..:I. Talith:1\Xfat5on -King~!On,J:Lm:Li(";L t1ii! 194 People an experiment, turned out to be a success for both the s tudents and the faculty members who led the individual groups. Also included in these breakout g roups were upperclassmen mentors. Each group, which consisted of 15 to 25 students, had two mentors to assist the faculty leaders. Casey Rine , a sophomore mentor, said, "The chance to get to know members of the group on a more personal level is what Inade the breakout groups such a positive experience. " Topics discussed in these groups included dealing with new roommates, cOlnbating racism and adjusting to the new environment at Harding. Senior ] effKrinks, a mentor for Dr.]ack Shock's breakout group, said, "1 wanted to serve in that way because I know how valuable it would have been for me. " - Brad Brooks This breakoutgroup gelS in a circle to discuss various topics about studen.t life . For thefirst time,freshmen. chapel was separate/rom the entire student body. Photo by KrisU Bu.rns.