1997-1998 Yearbook

Ryan Gentry - Memphis, Texas Anne Gerber - ~Iberry. Fla. Micah Gifford - Torr.mcc , Calif. Sam Gill - Knox,-ille. Tenn. Jill Gilmore - J:lckson. Tenn. N ico G13dfelter - T:lbernacle, N.). Carmen Glenn - N. Little Rock. Ark. Jana Glover - Houston, Texa.) Carolyn Goforth - B:ue:wilk. Ark. Jessica Gonzalez - EI Dorado, I'an;/.ma T odd Goode - W~I M<:mphis. Ark. Laura Goodman - Conway, Ark. Freshmen learn the art ofdoing laundry Doing laundry was o ne e lement of college life fo r w hich many s tude nts did not p lan. "I kind o f forgot about the fact that going away to school mea nt having to do my own laundry from now o n ," freshman Che lsea Cooper said. Freshmen and upperclassmen a like were used to having someone else handle the soapy jo b for them , and some had no idea w ha t to do when left a lo ne amongst a maze of confus ing washers and dryers. "I wasn 't sure what I was doing ," freshman Ro b Long sa id . "I just followed the directions o n the washer, put my money in and hoped everything turned out a ll right ." Clarence McDaniel, manager o f Ha rding 's laundry and dry cleaning operat ion , said he has seen many a bewildered stud en t s t a nding in Ha rd ing 's laundry room . "It's not unPau l Gower - West .\ lonlO<.' , La . Charlotte Graham - POC;lhonl:lS. Ark . Brian Gray - Augu.)la. Ark . TonyGraY-Tul!o:l., Okla. Angie Green - Old Hickory. Tenn. Connor Grimes - Faren('\·ille. Ark. Diana Grogan - Beebe, Ark . Jeremy Grosklos - MariL"1ta . Ohio Amber Gustafson - Greenville, Te:u:; Scott Guttery - Fl . " I)'e~, Fla. Laura Hacker - B:mIL-tI , Tenn. Becky Hackney - Middletown. Ohio Micah Hahn - Carterville. Ill . Ryan Hale - Minden. La . Sara Hale - Tahlequah, Okla. Adam Hall - HOI Spring~ ViIlagc, Ark . Stasia Hall - N . lillie Rock. Ark. Chris Hamblin - ;-'Itd9,·es! CiIY, 0lJa. 182 People usual to see a student mixing their whi tes w ith the ir colors. Mos t o f them tend to be guys )" he sa id . Junior M ichael Fann still remembers w hen he was a freshma n and was left to do his laundry. "I had no idea w ha t I was doing, " he said. "I washe d everything togeth er , and when I was taking it out of the dlyer) a girl asked me w hy my jeans were pink. " Fann's jeans w hich were blue w hen they e ntered, had turned pink because of his crimson Alabama shirt . As a junior, he continued to cherish those jeans as a keepsake . Even laundry veterans sometimes had problems keeping track of a ll the ir laundry. "Some stude nts w ill forget a who le load of laundry. I jus t keep it , a nd they eventu a lly come back, " McDaniel sa id. - Scott Lofti s Senior Amy McAngus and junior Barb Dudzienski study while wailing f or their laundry tofinish washing. Many /riends did laundry together to help pass the time . Photo by Brian Hendricks .