1997-1998 Yearbook

INDUCTION Club Open House andmixers light thepathforfreshmen Astampede ofmonstrous proportions rumbled its way from eve ry direct io n , screeching to a halt in Searcy. In. late August, eager students inundated the campus like a soaking rain. Along with the pressures of moving in, scheduling classes and buying books , the process of joining or maimaining a social club became a top priority. Some new s tudent s greeted the club induction process with eagerness and some with timidity. It was a new experience for them, and they did not know what to expect. To them, Harding was unlike most other universities in that social clubs were an important part of campus life. Some chose not to participate, but the majority of the student population jumped in head first. Club members gea red up for the upcoming weeks by planning for Open House and mixers. They updated photo albums and made banners and posters to grab the anention of prospective ffiiI 92 Socia l Clubs members. Starting wi th Open House, the 28 clubs blazed new trails of unity, camaraderie and spirituality. Hundreds ofnew students crowded into the Ganus Athletic Center forOpen House, beginning the road to choosing a club. "It's a great time to meet the prospec tive members in a relaxed atmosphere," Chi Sigma Alpha member Josh Carr said . Countl ess hands were shaken during the few hours of Open House. By the time it was over, new students had a better idea of which club they might choose as their own. Though creativity and distinctness were always a part of the clubs' appearances, each tried to demonstrate its own personal ity to the freshmen to help them make the right decision. Each club offered its own advantages to attract new members, "Since we are a smaller club, we get to know each other better. We are all (continued on page 95 ...) Ole YOU KNOW? JuGoJuis aJapanese phrase meaning "10-5-1 0." The club was formed in 1925with 25 members - "ten plus five plus ten. " It is also the oldest women's club on campus, Galaxy being its former brother club . • Sub T-16 members form a ''pile-on'' during induction week activities, Physical activities allowed inductees and members to develop a feeling 0/ camaraderie, Photo by Bn'an Hendricks.