1997-1998 Yearbook

Visiting high schoolers take in student hospitality Throughout the year, high school students from a ll over the country came to visit the campus and see exactl y what Harding is all about. With the help of the admissions office, students got to experience a day in the life of a student. According to Mike Williams, ass istant vice president for admissions, these weekends were planned "during times when there were activities, but they were not out-of-theordinary activities. We wanted them to experience a typical class day and have plenty to·'do while they were here," he sa id . Prospective students arrived on a Thursday night and spent the weekend in the dorms with Harding students . Junior Kim McKinnis and her roommate provided housing for some of the visitors. "The main reason that we had students stay with us was to let them have a friendly, enjoyable experience, " McKinnis sa id. "We showed them a good time . We answered questions they had about Harding, and we were honest with them" During the fall , prospective students attended classes and visited with advisers on Friday and then went to the "1964: A Tribute" concert that night. The majority of the weekend was spent attending spo rting events and devotionals. "We wanted the students to see the whole picture of Harding," Williams sa id. Students visited for a va riety of reasons. Many came to get a better understanding of the majors offered; others wanted to experience the atmosphere and narrow down their cho ices of schools. Mandy Jacques of West Plains, Mo., said, "I reall y loved the environment at Hardi ng. I came in hopes that this weekend might help me decide where to go to college. " Many students left with a positive experience . Jeanine Philips of Tallmadge, Ohio, sa id, "I loved the fact that everyone seemed like they really cared about evely one else. They seemed to be concerned with what was going on in each other's lives. " Students found an abundance of opportunities to experience. "There were so many things to do the whole weekend ," Kristie Hobbs ofStow, Ohio, said. Sarah Nicks from Nashville , Tenn. , agreed. "The students were all so friendly with one another and they did a lot of things together," Nicks sa id. "I think that it is a rea lly neat experience," McKinni s sa id, "especially when the students come to stay with you, and then the next year you see them on campus or you have a class with them. It's neat to know that they chose Harding and that you may have helped them to make that decision. " High schoolers searchJor their name on cups oJ ice cream after a basketball game. Frozen Delight donated the snack /01" the visiting students. Photo by K1'isti Burns. - Ashley Miller Student Life 31 tffi1