1997-1998 Yearbook

Curt Baker, !'JLEd. /lIst ., English Rod Brewer, Ph.D. Proj., English Ava Conley, MA Pro/, Fon;:ignlAngltage Teny Edwards, Ph.D. Aoo. Proj., Forr::ign Language Gary Elliott , Ph.D. Pro/, Ellg/ish NobleGoss, Ph.D. ASS 'I.Proj. ForeignlLlngutl!::,'C! Ken Hammes, Ph.D. Prof, English Kayla H:lynie,M.A. Ass'I .Pro/, English A1iceJewell, MA Prof, English Dr. DOllie \'(fright explains to her class the importance of correct pronunciation. \'(fright taught classes by speaking in French t6 help students learn the language. Photo by Brian Hendricks. Dr. Dennis Organ turns the tables and lets hisstudents lead thediscussion. Organ was one ofmanyfaculty thatparticipated in the Conference on Christianity and Lile1"atum. Photo by Brian Hendricks . Kayla Haynie shares a laugh with sophomore Joanna Vannoy after class. Haynie held some class periods in the library to help students apply what they learned. Photo by Kristi Burns. ffiit 74 Academics