1997-1998 Yearbook

Jim \Vard - Kokomo. Ind. Mar/..'C/fllg. Tr,.nsfcr (Jndian~ Unlvcrsity). A.\lA, I larding H05tS. Ton}' \'Vatters - Dunc:Jnvillc, TeXlis. MlIsfc F.dllcatiQII. Bany \VatLS - Eudorn, K:IO. Commlll/irultoll Management Chi Sigma Alph~. Lathan \Xfatts - Jonl'"boro, Ark. Hlstor),. DeIlJ Ch i Della. Campaigns (VenC7.ucb. ScOlbnd), Concert Choir. Deln's lisc, I'hi AlphJ nwta . Loren \Valts - Memphis, Tenn. Di('f('fit;$. Tr,msfer (FreedHlrdcman UniH:rsily). C:lmp:.igns (Chil..-aooJ, Cirdc K, DC;ln's List. Dietetics Club. Amy \Vebring - Richl:md. Wash. M(H/agem('m, AJicia Welch - Dover. Ohio. Spanish. GATA. Circle K. Helllh Science Club. Honors Association. Orche..tn. Kevin \Vells - Broken Arrow. Okla. Blb/e, Alpha Chi ~b1achi. HUe. Living offcampus has good and bad effects Harding is committed to being a residential university so that students can access campus resources, be involved in activities and enjoy fellowship with each other in a Christian atmosphere. Strict qualifications for living off campus were enforced , with both advantages and disadvantages to those who qualified. Freshman Matt Parsons, a Searcy resident, lived o ff campus and said it was better in some ways and worse in others. "You have more time to yourself, and it is cheaper without buying a meal plan, but you don't get to spend a lot of time hanging out in the dorms with your friends, so you miss out on a lot . It isalso hard to find parking places," he said. Yvette Ellis, a fifth-year senior, lived on campus for four years before moving off campus. "The advantages of living off campus are having the freedom. to do what I want to do, being able to stay up Kimberly \Xfhi te - Kenncwick, WJsh. Elementar,. &lm;;lIlfon. Sh:mtih. De:J.n·s List. Kappa Dell.l Pi . Jason \Vhitley - D<:c:nur, GJ. Youlh Mfllislry. TNT. Lesley Whitlock - OorJvillc. Ga. hycbology. Zetl Rho. Alphl Chi. Deln's list , I'~i Chi. SHR.\1. Randy \X'hitman - Nashville, Tenn. l'Qrllb Minim,./ Mmbem(llics. Chi Sigma Alpha, Uni\'e~ity Chorus. Youth Corps, Aaron \'V'hittington - HJrlingen. T"xa~. Projessioll(11 Sales. ·n}.::la Tau DclIJ. Arwen \'(I'hitt ington - Harlingen, Texas. IllslOl',./Spani$b. Tari n \'Vhiuington - WilIi(ord, Ark. Efemt'1l/(J'Y &/lIcm/orl. RCj:lilll. Camp!ligns O:Ull~iC':l). Collc~e RcpobliC'Jn~. I)c-~n's List. Kappa Delta Pi . Lance \Vigington - Piusfield, Il l. Mallug/'.'IIrelll. Knight$. t&i 138 People wi thout cramping anyone 's style and being able to come and go without having to sign out," she said. "But I a lso have to try harder to maintain fri endships. I'm more fl exible for work hours, but I have to be in control of all my bills." Senior David Pedicini said the advantages of living off campus definitely outweighed the disadvantages. "I have more independence and the opportunity to learn how to live in the real world. I save a lot of money by working and only spending S50 a month on food. It is harder to manage time and take care o f bills and school business," Pedicini said. "I have more quiet time to study, and it is easier to work and save money," graduate student Ethe l Robinson said. "A disadvantage to livi ng off campus is that I feel isolated and don't get to meet a lot of people." - Robin Henson I I junior Ang ie Baine enjoys doing laund1Y in her apartment. living offcampus had advantages andd isadvantages. Photo by KristiBun1S.