1997-1998 Yearbook

Emily Binkley - GoodkltsviHc. Tenn. Kevin Birdwell - Dennison, Texas Amy Black - Cordova, Tenn. Ryan Blount - King:;tOfl. Tenn. Michael Blue - Sc~ rcy, Ark. Niki Boggs - ArnOld. Mo. Michelle Boozer - Gladew)ler. Texas Brian Borgman - Wamt.'T Robins. Ga. Devon Borrelli - Bremcnon. ~. T.J. Boyle - Ft. Wonh, Texas Channing Bradford - Ma rshall. T('x:ls June Bradford - Murfll.:tsboro. Tenn. Serving the sophomore class for the 1997- 98 school year were jasmine Flagg, president (standing); ChnstyGraham, vice president; and Molly Flanigan, secretary/treasurer. Th eir fa vo rit e project was the Inner City Carnival in Little Rock. Th ey all worked together with other class officers and volunteers to make the carnival a success. These class leaders organized games for the children and handed out donated toiletries to their parents. They also strove to bring their classmates closer together by having a class party and having a class motto of unity. Photo byBrianHendricks. Bill Brandsma - RIfle, Colo. Beth Branon - Austin, Te:«lS Luk Brazle - Tcllmadge. Ohio Crena Brenes - San Jose, C05W Rica Michael Brewer - Bella V'l>oU. Ark. Rebecca Brewer - li.:tton Rooge. La. Samuel Brinson - Mesquite. Te~ Marshall Brown - Dunwoody. Ga. Julie Bul issa - Qu(:chL"C. VI. Ashley Burton - Tucker, Ga. Jennifer Burton - Cookeville. Tenn. Lesley Busby - Ashdown. A~. People 159 t1iii