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I OII\lG- !? oiY) q- f, 7fs:./j f ' '5 ,.;:',1 " ..... "\ .: . ~ . ftc .,' • •j ·,'.,., ; , ... : .... ,.. . Ann French , Editor ! Loui s Green, Business Manager Mrs. E. R. Stapleton Advisor " ' IIAI'"& £OLLEGE LIBRARY
ANNUAL PUBLICATION of the SENIOR CLASS of HARDING COLLEGE Searcy. Arkansas Volume Eighteen 1942
, r.J~ ~~IL . , · " .. Y~Jt.;·,, · - -'- 4 " -- . ~ i' • • " .. . . "- " - .... :. - . TS Rook Book n ..... Classes • Book Ill ..... Features Book IV ..... Religion Book V .. . .. \ ti, ities
nl d u fr~IJf,;~!lFjtl4 ....,.... .,h,llOi hf \ft~r 'in ()urselves to thIs n"li'lri~' II1?$t$. for war 'would return ... 'itl~ ' li",iIb.akel1 Again we adjusted prayed that th,,§c "I", left faith. In spite of this glaring peril, most of us kept calm. \\'e wurked c\ en harder than before. 1t was n hal·d )'C~II' in nUll) wuys, hut friendly smiles kept us looking .lhcad IO\\ilrU il brigbter and hetter future. R ealizing that year hooks are ,-allied purely for memoq,".., s alH.~, we have lI"jed to record cvcnb. which will ..,u~i1,cst JislIllCtiye reminiscences to the ~reatcst number. £..... peeial1}' may thi ... hook find its place among those "'+10 lo\-c and (o ... lcr CIlI"isti un environment, those who yalue rriendships, and all those who I",'e I larding.
DEDICATION Through four years of study and play at Harding our class has had a genial companion and helper in our sponsor, P,-ofessOI- Leonard Kirk. Truly he has been onc of us in our work and play, our fun and worries . .\Iuch of the vibrance, color, and happiness of these years has been contributed by his vitalizing presence. \Vith him we have freely shared our problems and our dream'> and always he has understood perfectly, lie has not hesitated to praise whct,C praise was due nor to correct where correction was needed. As head of the department of Illusic he combines hard work, alertness, and good musical education with native ability, Under such direction, a third of the student body has engaged actively in music-making both as a ~tudy and a pastime. TIe obtains full co-operation from his singer's because they love him and his music. To them doing something for him i~ a pleasu,-e. Because he is to us a dear friend, we , the senior class , do dedicate the 1942 PETIT JEA to \lr. Leonard Kirk.
Gone Are the Days ••• At Morrilton, '32, E. R. Staple ton played host to Neil B. Cope, Rheba Stout and Flossie Harwell and o ther friends. Four years la ter Mr. and Mrs. Stap leton admi red goldfish in Littl e Rock. George S. Benson, sophomore in 1923, and his colleague were winners in debote. In 1917 Ermine Houchens was in Oklahoma while O. M. Colemon, a business college student dreamed of her as he so t In the park a t Quincy, 11 1. No t the derby bu t the rots thot he was about to bury for Kern and Jock Wood caused thot expression on Brother Armstrong's face. Really th is pic ture of Brother Rhodes was mode at Morrilton, not yesterday. Rheba Stout a nd Ervin Be rryh ill hod reserved sea ts 0 1 the rock a quarium in '34, bu t Flossie Harwell and Neil B. Cope s trolled ove r the campus to talk of music, birds, and a th er things A trifle like today, Brother Armstrong, with no cuffs on those trousers. But you r dress, Sister Armstrong there is real ly quite a di ff erence in the hemlines of '23 and '42. Mr. a nd Mrs. J . L. Dykes strol l in western Okla homa in '35. An interesting young college professor, W. K. Summi tt , single and with a car (befo re he met hi s one and only o r hod a Ph . D. l. Miss Rhodes, were you going to 0 pa rty o r was that your Sunday best?
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE To the Harding Students of 1942 : Congratulations on your having made this one of the very best years Harding College has yet experienced. Your unusual seriousness, your exce ll ent conduct, you r studious habits, and your cordia l co-operation have mode you on outstanding student body, and will ever be remembered to you r credit. The excellent and successful manner in wh ich you have responded to the cha ll enge of self government in both dormi to ri es will likewise remain a permanent tribute to your self-control and to your Christian cha racter. These f ine qualities of Christian characte r on the port of its youth constitute the greatest asset of ony nation. May God bless each of you with the necessary faith and courage to remain true to the ideals of the Master during this most criti cal period in the history of our nation, and during this most terrible of all wa rs known to civilization. Sincere ly, GEORGE S. BENSON Demond for Dr. Benson as a public speaker has kept him much away from Harding College this year. At the opening of the spring term he selec ted a helper to assume some of his duties on the compus and off. Mr. Ho lbert come from New York City where he hod worked chiefly with business magazines in the petroleum and automotive indust ri es. WARD K. HALBERT Assistant to the President Ruby Ja McGehee lived in Sherman, Texas until Sep tember 18, 1936, when she married Edwin M. Hughes, a Harding College senior, and returned with him to school. A stenographer capable of seven ty-five letters 0 doy of business correspondence whi Ie cheerfully answering the telephone and meeting callers, she was needed in the president's office. This work, along with a college course and keeping house, finally become burdensome ond she abandoned her academic pursuits 10 enloy her full-time office work. MRS. EDWIN M. HUGHES The President's Secretary
An experienced teache r, Dr. W. K. Summit t , head of the Depar tmen t of Educa ti on as well as regist rar , came to Ha rding in 1933. He dropped teachi ng duties here for two years to direct educa tion in a C. C. C. camp. He is likeable olthaugh he believes in hard work-gives hard tes ts. Almos t every spo re moment he con be seen with his shrubb2ry, garden, or chi ckens. Ve ry op timi stic a bout world conditions, he thinks the U. S. A. is a grand place despite trouble now and then, a nd advocates more s traight thinking . Since 1924 Mrs . Florence M. Cathcart, dea n of women and professor of primary education has been part of Hard ing. Only since ' 38 has she been matron of Patti e Cob" Hall, but always she has had a deep love for chi ld ren and has worked with them. Every spring you wil l find Mrs . Cathc:Jrt amidst the roses in the campus garden . A charte r member of the Campus Pla ye rs, she has portrayed seve ral ro les. Music is a jOj to her and she has belonged to several choruses. L. E. Pryor, professor o f history, soc ial scie nce, and geography, spends his leisur e time in form ing and stock ra ising . According 10 government inspection , he has some of the best soy beans in the country. He went back to hi s Alma Ma te r to teach and has been teaching and preaching ever si nce. When yO:..J pass h is examina t ions, you know that cou rse th oroughly. C,urchill is to him an outs tandi ng man . Above all, Professor Pryor is a Chris - tian gentlcm:m , who pu ts God first.
As outlined by Professor B. F. Rhodes, Harding's Department of History is planned "to assist young people to appreciate the background of todoy's problems and to help them formulate their own place in present day situations ,lI All who have studied under him cherish the nome of "Poppy" Rhodes . He retains what he reads and can begin at almost any point of history and sketch the subsequent events. Since 1905 he has been teaching in Christian schools and devoting much time to evangelistic work. Among the memories he fondly recalls is the fact that George S. Ben - son was once a student under him. Leon Manley, associate professor in the Social Science and English Departments and superintendent of Godden Hall, was Harding's newest faculty member until his departure to become an instructor in noval aviation for notional defense. Popular with his students, he stimulated thought and discussion by his searching ques - tions and critical analyses. Noted for his "Hello, fellows" he was one of the first persons the new student met as he started life in Godden Hall. His interests were varied, but he found time to coach the college debate teams to second place in the State Tournament . Every spare moment from his work he spent riding horses.
"English is fundamental in all professions Or vocations." This is so well understood at Harding that functional English, Journalism, and Speech are co-ordinated into one overall department. Few Harding students realize that Dr. L. C. Sears, dean of administration and head of the Department of English, is listed in three Who's Who's-those for Writers, for Scholars, and for Educators of America. At present he is revising for publication several chapters of his doctor's dissertation, one chapter of which has already been distributed privately by the University of Chicago. To complete, or rather to begin, his week, he preaches on Sunday traveling on an average of 120 miles each Sunday. His idea of a perfect day in June is to go fishing I Neil B. Cope, associate professor of English and professor of Journalism is perfectly willing to tell you all about "The Bison" of which he has been sponsor since '36. However, it is only reluctantly that he will admit that he is the official sponsor of the A. C. P. A. For the greatest thrill out of his publicity work, he considers the story of Harding's N. Y. A. students as tops for the year. Chief of his hobbies is "child raising" right now but photography and gardening are important to him. Mrs. E. R. Stapleton-associate professor of English is her title but that hardly begins to describe her relationship to Harding. As concerns her official position though, she usually teaches Freshman Composition, Business English, and a survey course in English literature . Though she has served as editor of a newspaper for two years and still likes printer's ink , she also likes to care for her four-year-old san, Glen Dewey, cook, piece quilts, and play the piano-and even enjoys being for the eighth time the advisor of this Petit Jean with all the headache such a responsibility carries.
To enrich people's lives throug h the s tudy of foreign languages, to develop a better understanding of foreign culture and people, and to improve the knowledge of Eng lish are goal s set by the Language Department . German and French are taught by Dr . Mary McK ittrick who heads the department . A freshman Engli sh class is also under her direc ti on . Fill ed with ambition the accomp li shed Miss McKittri ck concentrates on a new hobby every yea r. Shor thand is the presen t pursu it . Golfing still has the warmest spot in her heart as a spare time ac ti vi ty. Phi Betta Kappa, an honorary scholastic fraternit y, and Sigma Kappa Phi , language fraternity, claim her membership . Because she has travelled extensively in eastern United States and Canada and has read much in a va r iety of fields, she is a fasc ina ti ng conve rsationalist . The colorful language of Spain is taught by Mi ss Fern Holla r. First and second year Spanish, Advanced Conversation and Composition, and a Survey of Modern Prose are offered. Since sophomore days in high school Mi ss Hollar has wanted to do someth ing with Spanish . Her final ambition is to be an interpreter. like Miss McKittrick she delights in swinging a golf club and travelling . She has seen parts of Mexico, Canada , and half the States. Dr . J . N. Armstrong teaches first year Greek. Designed primarily for student preach - ers, it gives a knowledge of the Biblical language he lpful in arriving at the mast correct English translation. Besides teaching Greek, Dr . Armstrong acts as Dean of the Bible. Wolk into his cosy living room any day and you're li kely to find him sea ted before the open fire, writing on hi s lap board.
In the Dramatics Deportment the general purpose is two -fold- first, to study dra - matics from various points of view and second, to uphold the good nome of " The Campus Players ." " Drama", according to Mrs . O. M. Coleman, director of dramatics , " is just a s tudy of human nature for eve ryone is a dramatist a t hea rt . I t is practical because it teaches an approach to people ." Thi s yea r the Campus Playe rs produced three three-act plays. Each member of the club has a cha nce a t roles in these ploys and has a t least one role in a one-ac t play during the year. Bes ides teaching and keeping house for her famil y, Mrs . Coleman writes plays , reads, and finds time for horseback rid ing. Mrs. J. N . Arms trong epitomizes the Speech Depo rtment fo r Harding s tudents. Speech is nat on ly her wo rk ; it is he r hobby. Courses of fe red by the department range from Voice and Phone ti cs to Radio and Dramati cs. " The te rro r of her life " is what Mrs . Armstrong termed a freshman class in Public Speaking, but all the res t of her work is just part of her hobby. When she's not engaged in same phase of speech work you 'l l find her in the ya rd .
E. R. Stapleton, efficient Business Administration professor, received his B. A. degree at Harding and M . C. E. at the University of Oklahoma . He also has a diploma in Busi - ness Training from Tyler Commercial College. He is a membe r of Pi Omega Pi , honorary commercial fraternity. Rearing a young son is hi s chief interest . He is very affectionate to him, still he trains him well. His love to paint is shown by a dipl oma in art . A collec tor of Indian reli cs, he has tomahawks, arrowheads, and pa int pa ts. He has a garden, is an admirer of flowers , and raises prize chrysanthemums. Always happy and accommodating , he advoca tes the need of more Christian education in the world. Professor Ernest W . Gibson teaches general cou rses of Economi cs and Finance, Audit - ing, etc . He has really trave ll ed around to get hi s education having received his A. B. at Transylvania, M. A. at Kentucky University, worked on a Ph . D. at Northwestern , and done graduate work at Ohio State, Peabody, Alabama, and Indiana . By teaching a Federal Income Tax course he helps students with the ir future wo rries. He spent a quarter of a century teaching in high schoo ls. Through voluminous readi ng he endeavors to keep pas ted an current history . Mus ic of all sorts is appealing to himespecially light classics and operettas.
Defense industries are calling for trained chemists and phys ici sts. Therefore, the chief objective of the Physica l Science Department thi s year has been to qualify its students for these vital positions. Three majors are now working with DuPont- L. D. Froshie r, L. E. Pryor and Tulon M cRight and one, Wayne Hemingway, in the Ford laboratories. Others are rapidly preparing for simil ar work . Three chemistry majors have been engaged in private investigati ons. Louis Green and Wayne Hemingway have studied rates of diffusion in silica gel s and among other results have obtained some remarkable crystals and rhythmic banding . Kern Sears has al so worked on Liesegang rings, studying especially the rhythmic condensation of water vapor when ce rtain mixtures of hydrogen and air are burned . Mechanics, heat , light, sound, and electricity were studi ed in Physics. Dr . Charles Chapman Snow, genial head of the department, is calm, unhurried , and efficient . The sou l of gentleness, he can show a pupil a mistake withaut deflating hi s ego too much . His appearance is invariably neat and he is faithful in the smallest details of any work he undertakes. Believe it or not , Dr. Snow will be found in hi s spare time in the kitchen mak ing tempting pastries or outdoors beautifying his lawn. Puerto Rico was th e scene of a few years of Dr. Snow's teaching career. Curiously, it was there that he met Mrs. Snow, a fellow American teaching in the some school. Virginia is hi s native home and its venerable William and Mary College, hi s Alma Mater . Serving as laboratory assistants and port-time instructors under Dr. Snow this year were Laui s Green, Kern Sears, and Ernest Salners.
Gaining a general knawledge of laboratory methods and the physiology and anatomy of plants and animols is the a im of the majority a f cou rses offe red by the biology department . By frequent hours in the laboratory study ing and dissecting spec imens, the student gains first-hand knowledge of the st ructure of living things. Cyril Abbatt, who heads the depar tment , is c lai med as an alumnus by a handful of universi t ies incl uding Ohio State from which he obta ined his Ph . D. a nd Johns Hopki ns where he did post-graduate wo rk. At present he is testing the nutritional va lue for flies of various suga rs as compared with their taste appeal. He has written for severa l scientific publications, and is at present compiling a dictionary of biological terms. " I once knew a chap" is a cha racteri st ic introduction to one of Dr. Abbott's frequent lecture illustrations. Music, drama, ort , and litera ture claim hi s interest as a connoisseur and also as a participant. S. A. Bell, associate professor of biology, teaches two practical courses-Gene ti cs wh ich covers the fundamental principles of inhe rit ance and Personal Hygiene whi ch is human physiology with emphasis on personal care of health. Prof. Be ll o lso belongs to the Bible Faculty regularly teaching Old Tes tament hi s tory. He has been with the school in every hardsh ip and need for over for ty years. He is a homelover and is frequently seen working about hi s ya rd ond garden.
"Please tell people that home economics means much more than sewing and cooking," emphatically stated Mrs. S. A. Bell, Home Economics Department head . All home economics courses teach a girl culture as well as ski ll and fit her for gracious social living in any situation. They teach her in the classroom and laboratory the equivalent of ten yea rs' experience in homemaking . More equipment is available in Harding's home ec deportment than is usual in small colleges or even in larger ones. Practical experience in applying what the girls have learned is an outstanding feature . Faculty teas, dinners, and receptions, ore given under supervision, every girl participating in one such entertainment each term. Success in a new hobby every yeo r is the ambition of Mrs. S. A. Bell who heads the department . Her li st of accomplishments is impress ive and includes painting, a collection of unusual buttons, a fl ower garden, and a knowledge of photography including developing and enlarging . Someday she hopes to collect antique furniture for a dining room suite . At Boll's Orphan Home in Quinlan , Texas , Mrs . Bell was mather to thirty-nine small girls for three years . She planned a nursery for two-year-olds and under at that time which has s ince been cons tructed . Teoching the practical courses in clothing is Mi ss Elsie Mae Hopper whose Alma Mater is Harding . Miss Hopper applies her knowledge of home ec outside the classroom in such se rvi ce clubs as the Eastern Star. Motoring is her favorite pastime and she is proud of her pretty green Ford . t
Smiling John Lee Dykes, head of the Math Deportment teaches interesting courses in Anolytical Geometry, Socialized Math, Plane Trig, and Calculus-not to mention the ordinary run of the mi II. Despite a full schedule of teaching he preaches almost every Sunday, directs the work of about twenty preaching students, and teaches in the teacher training course down town. He is chairman of the library committee also. Food rationing will be no pro~lem to him with his productive hobby of raising 600 chickens. He is interested in more systematic Bible and Sunday school teaching and reads much in that field, feeling sure that this work will better the world's morals. Just as the Indians were here when the pilgrims landed, so Miss Catharine Score, our librarian, was on the campus when Harding College arrived. She had been with Gallaway College for ten years and now seems like part of the library. There are 17,145 volumes charged to her meticulous care and the yearly circulation is obout 10,000. Periodicals are subscribed to which cover all departments, 115 magazines in all . Les - lie's Illustrated Newspaper from 1857-1885 is one of the library's rare possessions along with the New York Herald for April 15, 1865, reporting Lincoln's assassination. Esther Marie Clay and Morie Chunn were seniors who assisted in the library work. Knitting and reading at the same time constitutes Miss Score's unique hobby. A subtle sense of humor is Miss Score's and you will often see her with a twinkle in her eye. In her library work she is conscientious and will not rest until a lost book is found.
C. D. Brown The business office-the place where the "painless extraction method" of securing payment from students is practiced is the office of Bu rsar Brown. Here he is pictured with two of the student helpers, Caudell Lone and Ber tha Smith. In addition to the studen t transactions. all problems and financial affairs of the two forms, laundry, and College Club pass through the honds of Bursa r Brown. A sub post office station is maintained in the business office. When not in his office greeting students with t he phrase "Let's decorate the ma hogany," he likes to fish or read to his children. Ea r l Smith Associated with Hardmg this year is Eorl Smith, su· perintendent of buildings and grounds and maintenance engineer on top of that. His hobby is anything mechanical and that is rather strange for a man who knew nothing but horses and saddles on a Texas ranch until he was twenty years old. Brother Smith preaches, too, and established two congregations at Clay ton, New Mexico, whi le he was there in the government service. M rs. A. B. Chand le r "Ma"Chandler doily feeds 200 hungry students. She is the college dietitian who w:elds the "big stick" in the kitchen, and isn't so small herself. "Be on time" is her motto. She has over 2,000 recipes to show for her hobby and her first love is fixing diets for sick people. Mrs. J . Ha rvey Dykes "We've been very lucky with thirteen," says Mrs. Dykes, malron of the thirteen girls who live in "Gray Gobles," the three-story frame house south of Pattie Cobb Hall. The Qirls do light housekeeping with Mrs. Dykes as their second mothe r . Sewing of all sorts occupies much of her time and she teaches the ladies'Thursday afternoon Bible closs.
M rs. Rox ie L. Rosson Mrs. Rosson, motron of Godden Hall, endeavours to maintain in the dormitory a cultured atmosphere similar to whot the boys live in at home. Every morning she inspects their rooms encouraging good housekeeping. She answers the dormitory phone, mends socks, offers council, and contributes in many ways to their welfare . Mrs. J. L. Dykes Mrs. Dykes, direc tor of the College Book Store, has efficiently handled over two thousand books this school year, not including the volumes ordered for the library. She is always especially willing to help preachers obtain the books they wont. Doris Healy, Mrs. Dykes' able assistan t , t ries to sel l a book to eve ryone who enters. Mr s. Loui se Mil es A native of Texas, Mrs. Louise Miles who nurses the 200 dormi tory students has had doctors and nurses in her family from way bock the re. Travel books, biographies, and current scientific litera ture claim at tention In her prec ious bi t of spore time- when she's not horseback riding. Nurse Miles won ts it known that she is able to discern the love germ from bacteria. O. M. Colemon "Speedy" Coleman, campus electriCian, plumber, and bus driver, was Harding's "handy man." When not off the campus wi th one of the studen t groups he found time to clip the hedges and prune the shrubs and trees. At home he has on apia ry which produces f rom 400 to 500 pounds of honey yearly. Horold Kohl er Harold Kohle r, s tudent direc tor of Harding College Press, had three years' experience as assis tant for the Ha rding Press which serves him well today for the shop is a busy place. Every printed article used by the college is produced at th e shop . Ero Modge Elli s, cne of hi s assistan ts, is pi c tured with him . Wi lli am Godwi n Whe n icicles come aut of the ho t wa ter pi pe, blame Bill GodWi n, cal lege mach inis t a nd chief engineer. He supe rvises two darkies who feed hung ry fu rnaces 1,500 tons of coa l a year.
I. Marie, do you have an affinity for dogs? 2. Same fun to be on a Hard - ing outing , say Harri son, Myers, and Stapleton. 3. Coy voices, " I pronounce you man and wjfe" it's real, too!! 4. Eva and Murphy engage in a little damp fun. 5. Outboard mo tor, check? 6. Mildred and Blanche go schoolish WI th plg tods and bore feet. 7. Toke h is dare Jim and see if Dick will throw it. 8. Motor trouble, Brother Baxter? 9. Marvolene really likes that new camero . 10. If you can figure ou t what Mabel Groce and Wa nda a re doing, you beat us. 11. Boy, if a stag line cou ld only meet this line! 12. Which "pow" are you worried about, Blanche? (T errible pun.) 13. A scene fr om " Pos t Rood." (The lady in the hot wasn' t in it.) 14. Fou r Pattie Cobb Hall ladies smile at the birdie. 15. The orchestra pauses for something more d;gestible than music. 16. Aren' , there going to be enough, Jane ?
S ENI OR Louis Green Elizabe t h Arnold Jim Bill Mcln teer Professor Leonard Kirk _ President Secretory-Treasu re r Vice- Presiden t Sponsor Officers
Virgil Ben t ley Dr. L. C. Sears Betty Bergner Cldton Ganus Do ri s Cluck Coy Porter Tommie Jo Fly JUNIOR SO PH OMOR E __ T reosurer Sponsor Secretory _____ President Vice - President Professor M. E. Berryhill President Secretory- Treasurer Sponsor F R ESHM A N Wyatt Sawyer Vice-President Sarah Beth Brown Secretary-Treasurer Keith Co leman President Professor a nd Mrs. E. R. Stapleton Co-Sponsors
Arthur Moody . B. A. Major: Greek New York, New York Minor: English Editor of The Bison; Lambda Sigma, President; Transfer from Co lumbia College, Columbia University; "M" Club; Stage Manager of Dramatic Club; Student Preacher. likes to write pions to teach next year . is quite an attraction to Blanche Timmerman taught Greek during Dr. Arms trong's absence.. ho s on accent likes to debate enjoys classroom discussions . native o f Arkansas noted for striking "Bison " edltoriols that produce result s .. a hard worker and willing to undertake much. unafraid to exp ress any Idea he believes right . Mo ry Blanche Jackson . . Newport Minor : Education B. A. Major: Engli sh Sopphonion Club ; Tofebt Club, Secretory-Treasurer and President; Self-Help Club; Nominee for May Queen; Arkansas Club ; Mixed Choru s; Speech Cho,,; Student Teacher; Intramural s. A red - head but does not have the spec ial interest, the print shop collects patterns now that can be a valuable student teacher in Tulon McR ight traditional high tempe r . likeable, quiet has one very a good spo rt plans to teach school next year used to decorate schoo l rooms likes to piece quilt tops the training schoo l. B. S. Major: Chemistry Red Bay, Alabama Minor: Biology Pix Club; Arkansas Club; Scientific Jou rnal Club. Chemistry enthusiast dabbled In Biology lab. leamed wilh Dr . Abbott to find cheaper way to get levulose from Jerusalem po tatoes no luck 100 expensive worked in Mayfair Ho tel left school to help make troub le for Tok io in DuPont lob near Memphis. very persistent in closs, asked many questions enlivened any closs he belonged to. ors
Wilel lo Knopple .. Waldenburg B. S. Mojor: Home Economics Arkansas State College; Ko Jo Kai Club, President, Vice-President, Secretory; Arkansas Club. A toll blonde with a good figure . ambition at the present time is to become 0 clothing model. enjoys sports especially swimming and riding lives in town shows good taste in se lec ting clothes. friendly and accommodating, en joyabl e to be with. Ann French . . Detroit, Michigan B. S. Mojor: Chemistry and Biology Los Companeras Club, Secretory-Treasurer; "M" Club; Bison Columnist; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; College Publicity Director; Editor of Petit Jean ; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Alpha Honor Society. Where Ann is, there's either laughter or singing . she enjoys both . . is 0 very good second alta ... mode the summer chorus trip to Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri , and Texas. is one of the "sweethearts" in "Vanka 'n Tanka" .. enters wholeheartedly into anything she enjoys values a picture of Virgil Bentley very highly and is always seen with him an interestmg conversationalist science and journalism her academic hobbies enjoys all music with the notable exception of jazz and cowboy "noise ." Orvi d Lowe ll Mason . . . .. Cente r Ridge 8 . A. Major : Political Science University of Arkansas Low School; Tagma Club, SecretaryTreasurer; Debater; I. R. c., Vice-President; Arkansas Club; Assistant Debate Coach; Academy Debate Coach; Press Club; Men's Glee Club; Vice-President Zoophyta Club; Camero Club; President Forensic League. Known as "Slick" ... won first in State Juni or Debate Tournament '40 ... loquacious uses high - toned words makes talks in Chapel about noti onal affairs on interesting speaker entered orators' contest noted for genial, happy-go- lucky disposition argumentative spirit .. well posted on current affairs . ors
Witty le ttered in in sports Jim Bill Mc l nteer . Frank l in, Kentucky B. A. Major: History and Engli sh Graduate of David Lipscomb College; Sub-To 16, QuarterMa ster ; Vice-President of Senior Closs; Favori te Boy; Me n 's Quartet; Men's Glee Club ; Mixed Chorus; Presiden t of Campus Pl aye rs; Vice-President of Eto Omega Chapt e r of Alpha Psi Omega; Who's Who; President o f Camera Club; Columnist in Press Club; Snapsho t and Calendar Editor of Pe t it Jea n; VicePresident of Lipscomb Club; Vice-President of I. R. c.; Bond; Orchestra; Alpha Hono r Society . no ted for on abundance of jokes best master of ceremonies at Harding . dramatics good at por t rayi ng characters in dramatics gene rous. ac t ive All- star in ba ske tball was on champion volley bo ll team .. second highest scorer in ability baske tball tournament wa n snapshot con test lost year high in scholastic "milk of human kindness" flows freely in him. Hallie Gann . Guin, A labama 8 . A. Major: Home Econom ics Minor: Social Science Transfer from Pori s JUnio r College, ' 40; Tofebt Club, Fl agala Club; Do rcas Club; Equestrian Club. Happy easy-going likes fun played on senior girl s' basketball team, but prefers to be On the sidelines where sports are concerned slow temper ombition is to be a home demonstration agent . plans to a ttend school next year col lect s picture postcards has them hanging 011 over the wal ls in he r room likes to sew . interested in photography enjoys ho rseback riding . John Sands EI Dorado B. A. Moi o r : Histo ry Minor : Engli sh Transfe r from EI Dorado Junio r College; Tagma Club, VicePresident ; President of I. R. c. ; Oratorical Con te st winner; In t ramural s; Campus Players; Tenni s Champi on (Doubles); Presiden t o f Kitchen Club; Eque strian Club. He has become al most a fiend fo r horseback rid ing and now hos a goodly distance between the knees indi fferent to slander good h itter 10 softball , all-star player. worked in College Inn . always hod a cheery greeting for all . amb it ious. . a good orato r ... wellliked by hi s teachers considered an authority on current events was a n oil-star foot - ball team . ha s already enlisted in Naval Air Ca rps Reserve .. plans to teach in college after war is ove r.
Mary Jane Powell B. A. Mojor: Art Sea rcy Minar : History Transfe r from University of Arkansas; Arkansas Club. Attractive ... creamy complexion neat lives in town not seen on the campus often.. tought ort in the training school talks much in class. wears a diamond on the third finger of the left hand one of Mrs. McCullough's most promising orl students does wonders with cha rcoa l. Loui s Tandy . . . . . . . B. S. Major: Poli t icol Science Wichita, Kansas Minor: English Transfer from Wichi ta University; Togma Club; Inlremurals; Kansas Club; En t ry in Orotorical Contes t ; Student Preacher. One of the reasons why the Dodgers won the Intramural softbal l crown . possesses one of the best arms on the field .. not bod at hittina either . interesting speaker not loud, but holds a ttention of audience . one of Harding's forty-four student preachers. . adept at any sport , especiol'y with the racque t one of Ha rding's best all-around takes part in the social life at Harding a nd is seen ve ry ofte n in the Reception Room of Pattie Cobb Hall plans to do gradua te wo rk at Wichita Un iversi ty next year. Mi ld red Gai ner .. 8 . A. Maj o r : Home Economics Florence, Alabama Minor: Science Graduate of David Lipscomb College ; Mu Eta Adelphian, Presiden t ; Mixed Cho rus; Flagala Club; Who's Who Among Students in Ame ri ca n Universities and Colleges; Dorcas Club; Nominee for May Quee n; Moy Queen's Court. Full of life . well-liked by all . good tenn is player fine studen t . dependable in all she unde rtakes well-liked by teache rs enjoys knitting . ambition is to work in a food - testing laboratory hono r s tuden t at David Lipscomb s tudies much here too entered oratorical contest a ttended Flo rence State Tea che rs College serves in the cafeteria. ors
Esther Marie Clay Louisville, Kentucky B. A. MOJor: History and Sociol Science Minor: English Go to Club, Secretary, President; Kentucky Club, University of Louisville, '40; Girls' Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Maid of Honor to May Queen; Band; Orchestra, Vice-President; Secretary of I. R. c.; "M" Club; Assistant to librarion. Known to the most intimate as "Hezzie" wears long red or white s tockings interested in costume designing one of Miss Score's efficient "hunte rs" gets olong weil with people cheerful, friendly has no beau at Harding, at leost on the surface. makes up for it by plaguing her brother they get along together "swellegon t ", and often too . plays the clarinet in the orchestro. Kern Sears Searcy 8, S. Major: Chemistry Minor: Mathematics Sub-T 16, Skipper, Quarter-Moster; Poetry Club, President; Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Alpha Hanar Society; Who's Who Among Students in American Unive rsi ties and Colleges; President of Freshman Closs; President of Sophomore Closs; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant; President of Arkansas Club; Assistant Ed.tor of Petit Jean; Honor Student. Grew up with the school has never attended another one. an excellent student has the highest record in school mode chorus trip to New Orleans, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas ha s a pleasant voice good articulation well-modulated won a medal when a senior in High School for best performance in dramatics that year spouts poetry . interesting conversationalist even food can't drag him away from the chemistry laboratory in the summer some times. one of Sub - T's two very eligible bachelors . one person you can't hurry in anything walks like his grandfather, Dr. Armstrong. Marguerite O/Banian B. A. Maior: Business Administration Minor: History and Social Science Swifton Arkansas Club; Adelphian Club; Tofebt Club, President; Gata Club; Secretary to the Dean . Quiet, efficient . very valuable in the Dean's office. chapel bell rang, Marguerite marked one against you. looked clean and in order. If you weren't in your seat when the favors Koinonias. . her room always ors
• t Rober t West Anthony Enolo B. A. Major: Political Science Koinonia Club, Sergeant-ai-Arms; Equestrian Club; I. R. c.; Wrest ling Team, won second place In A. A. U. in '37; Arkansas Club; Arkansas Stote Teochers '39, '40. Shorl . has his own special friends his basic interest in extra-curriculor octivltles is horseback. riding. . as a member of the Equest nan Club, he has done much to promote Interest in the Riding Academy interested in notional affoirs. Edi th Hu le tt B. S. Mojor: Social Science Poughkeepsie Minor: English Ju-Go-Ju Club, Vice-President; Arkansas Club; 1ntromurals; 4-H Club; Dramatic Club. Ploys mischievous little girl ports well In dramatics likes hikes through the woods pions to teach next year. has already hod experience tought lost year . good forward in basketball valuable runner in track entered Girls' Ora torical Contest a natural b londe curly hair, also. . enjoys horseback riding . ge ts much practice at home on her own horses. lived in town but visited the dormitory girls often. Que ntin Ga teley B. A. Major : Mathematics Seo rcy Minor: English Student Preacher; Intromurals, won two keys; Debater; Track Man; linotypist in Print Shop. Won second in the Tournament of Champions at Jackson, Tennessee and third in the State Deba te Tou rnament Worked at the Daily Citizen office in Searcy . short and fast a southern accent or something, he leaves the "r" out at every word is a good track mon has a very charac teristic walk, springy a student preacher, has regular appointments at PoughkeepSie and Evenmg Shade was on the all-star basketball team his hobbies consist of amateur radio and pho tography plans to enter on engineering school, also plans to be a mi n is te r. ors
Cora Ke rr Blue Sea rcy B. A. Mojor: Engli sh Minor : Hi st ory and Social Science Women's Speech Choir; Alpha Theta Club, President and VicePresident ; Arkansas Club. From the rice f ie lds of Arkansas.. qUiet ha s been morried only a year . pleasant ... never without a cheery smile for all she meets .. pIons to teach high school Engl ish next year ... doesn't mind work enjoys reading and knitting always prepares her lessons before classes. friendly and si ncere quiet-tempered. thoroughly honest . Troy Jesse Blue Searcy B. A. Maj o r: Mathematics Minor : Social S:::ience Arkansas Club. One of the three Blue brothers who hove ottended Harding .. pions later to tea ch mathematics in high school . interested in defense work now friendly and si ncere . . good notured . . quiet, unassuming , but handy . he ond Cora live just acrass the campus. he enjays hunting , and believe it o r no t , hi s favori te subjects are mathematics and physics. . we know he will make good .
Aubrey Miller B. A. Major: Mathematics Searcy Minor : English Student Preacher; Arkansas Club. Keeps the college form very efficient trunk-bearer strong back, mind I?I adept at basketball until wife and three children kept him from practice. loudmouthed, but cheerful . ever willing to bear someone's burden limited activities becouse of work, wife and wee ones, but preaches as much as possible pions to manage college form ogain next year. Sallie Whiteside Tompkinsville, Kentucky B. A. Mojor: Social Science Minor: Education David Lipscomb College; Western State Teachers College, Bowling Green, Kentucky; Tobeft Club. Pions to teach . quiet and nice to know prefers having good lessons to engaging in seve rol ext ra- curricular activities ... very neot . she and her roommate wan a banner several times. . sympa thetic and kind. . blessed with natural cu rly hair which many a girl longs for. Alvis Brawn B. S. Major: Chemistry Sea rcy Minar: Biology Arkansas Club; Pix Club; Mixed Chorus; Camera Club; Scientific Journal Club. San of Bursar always in a likeable mood a valuable member on a chorus trip a willing worker dependable tall, has Arkansas stride like Pop enjoys classical and semi-classical music. you should hear him ploy the piano. he plays hymns beautifully on the organ.. has made application for a chemistry job with defense industry.
John O. Dillinghom . Noshville, Tennessee B. A. Major: Hi story Minor: English Vice-President of I. R. c.; Chairman, Religious Fo rum ; Bison Stoff; lipscomb Club; Press Club; Camera Club; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Student Preacher; Religious Editor of Petit Jean. Tall, Quiet, dignified bearing, pompadour hair, thot's John does here too . is 0 licensed lawyer, but prefers to preach passed the ba r In Tennessee, . speaks slowly and deliberately, tut conveys meaning in teres ting ly. ploys violin, but work hinders his performance. hates to sing the "Hut Sut Song" character above reproach fai th of the strongest dependabitity always there . carries himself as a senior should . plans to devote his life to the couse of Christian education in the North. fellowship at Peabody next year. Marie Chunn Columbio, Tennessee B. A. Major: English Minor: History Graduate of David Lipscomb College; Ju-Ga-Ju Club; Assistant to Dean of Women. Another D. L. C. studen t who mode good here a tru stworthy worker even when she hos to get up in the middle of th e night to let girls in from never complains, parties, e tc. always neat .. a Queenly appearance. Quiet, but can be very witty has very clever ideas and expresses them ... a favorite with both girls and boys. . didn't have time far extracurricular activities, but made plenty of friends. . app lies Christian pr inciples in doily life. plans to teach next yea r. ors ,
Annile Chambers Huntsville , Alabama B. A. Mojor: 50Clol Sc ience Minor: Mathematics David Lipscomb College; Ju-Go-Ju Club; Petit Jean Queen; Flogolo Club; lipscomb Club; Mixed Chorus; Intramurals. Wears a beautiful diamond from Michigan a good working student, serves in the cafeteria an excellent example of pure womanhood full of fun con really take teasing pions t o be a housewife (Wayne Hemingway is the lucky person) good basketball ployer .. when teamed with sister, Morvolene, hard to beat sings second alto mode the summe r chorus trip through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Texa s. Hugh Wayne Hemingway, Jr . . Detroit, Michigan B. S. Major: Chemistry Minor: Bible Freed-Hardeman College; Unlversi ty of Michigan; Student Preacher; Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Scientific Journal Club; Assistant Editor of '41 Petit Jean; Assistant Business Manager of '42 Petit Jean; Lambda Sigma; Student Teacher; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant; "M" Club. A Yankee with a Southern heart . that's Wayne sees when people need help and digs right 10 to help them all he can. . has many worthwhile ambitions which he's already realizing after graduating in December stepped into the Ford laboratories in Detroit as a chemist naturally inclined towa rd the comICal (can't help it, father that way too). . puts on a face or a sidespli tt ing accent at the drop of a hot underneath the comedy is really serious-minded ... preaches some and has led singing in several protracted meetings a very shor t time from now we can visit Wayne and Mrs. Hemingway, nee Annile Chambers, in their cosy little Detroit opartment. Marvolene Chambers Huntsville, Alabama B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Physical Education and History David lipscomb College; Ju-Go-Ju Club, Vice-President; lipscomb Club; Physical Education Director; Fl agalo Club; Camero Club; Organization Editor of Petit Jean; Girls' Glee Club; Mixed ChOrus. Sister to Annile have quite different personalities no special boy friend at Harding. elsewhere? Interested in all sports hod rather par t icipa te than to be on the sidelines ... always creates a laugh . sings first alto and mode trip to New Orleans. makes funny faces when she tokes the notion can wiggle her ears and walk like a bear on all "fours" .. underneath her clowning she has a very sensible outlook on life . the motherly type in whom people confide. or s
Marjorie Meeks . B. A. Maj or : Engli sh Louann Minor: Business Administrotion Woodson Harding Comrades, Secretory-Treasurer; Vice-President; May Queen Nominee; Arka nsas Club; Intramural s; Pep Squad; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Speech Choir; Assis tant Circulation Manager of the Petit Jean . CoJlects toll at end of foodline ... won't let you toke even a cookie a red head . every hair always in place . neat. up-to-date In dress the only child, which might account for so many clothes. played on the senior girls' basketball team . enjoys skating. Ernest Salners Chicago, I llinois B. S. Major: Chemistry Minar: Biology and Mathematics Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Chemistry Assistant; Lambda Sigma Club; Tagma Club; Boys' Sports Editor of Pet it Jean . Known as " Ern ie". . was a shy, Quie t freshman, stil l somewhat Quiet, but takes on active po rt in extra-cu rricular activities. . dates often, not the some one all the time . . has an amUSing way of turning his head to one side and grinning ... unruly hair . somewha t pigeon-toed . tries to pound chemistry into freshman heads. . good fielder in softba ll . enjoys singing could always see him near the gym because he directed the taking of snapshots for sports. Iris Merri tt Kalama, No. Rhodesia, South Africa B. A. Maj or: Public School Music Minor : Hi s tory, Science, Educati on Intromural s; Press Club; Harding Academy; R. F. C. Club; A Capello Choir; Ju -Go- Ju Club, Secretary-Treasurer, VicePresident; "M" State Club, Secretary and Treasu re r; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Hymn Singe rs. Grins from ' 'y'ea r to y'ear". . cheery despite tough luck a nd sepa ra t ion from folks ... tiny but mighty In sport s. undaunted by lo rger opponents. . exceJlent in swimming possesses Senior life Saving award has way with ch ildren, especially in music loves to sing puts her all into it . at least her chin such faces she makes. Hitler's U-Boats foil to frighten her ... intends to return to Africa in fall to teach Physical Education the re ... reads many magazines in the library . enjoys concer ts and operas. ors
Frances Williamson . . Waskom, Texas B. A. Major: Bu si ness Administration Minor: Physical Educati on Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Beauty Nominee; W. H. C. Club, Presi dent, Vice - President; Intramurals; Mixed Chorus; Hymn Singer; Texas Club, Vice-President, Secretory-Treasurer; Pep Squad; Kitchen Club; Girls' Glee Club; Physical Education Director; Press Club; Speech Choir; Girls' Sports Editor of Petit Jean ; Best All 'Round Girl. Good in eve ry spo rt directs Girls' Intromurals, with assistance of Morvolene first in Intromurals in '40. . has been on ins tructor si nce then. . seems to be attracted by a Tagma . enjoys outi ng s, hikes, archery just any sport , she'll enjoy it and be in the top performers . swimming ins truc tor for girls. always stands for what she believes is right gets things accomplished weiland promptly. Donald Healy Fort Collins, Colorado B. A. Maj or: Social Science Minor: Education Intramurals; Student Preacher ; Boys' Committee; Sub-T 16, First Mote; Pix Club, President; Mixed Chorus; Men 's Glee Club; Press Club, Circulation Manager; Radio Hymn Singers; Circulation Manager of Petit Jean ; 4-H Club ; Tennessee Club; Kitchen Club; "M" Club. One of the tallest boys in school ... makes a party livelier with his jokes ... says he is down on girls.. now one of the three "monsters" (monitors) in the Boys' dorm sings baritone . mode trip to New Orleans and Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas .. beds not lang enough h is feet stick out. . doesn't sleep enough, perhaps accounting for his looks ... enjoys reading and traveling. . covered 4,000 miles, via his thumb largely, during Christmas holidays .. claims Detroit as his second home since working there two summers. plans to work for Ford and to prea ch. Mrs. Moud Ford Jackson . Fort Worth, Texas B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Educat ion Sponsor of W. H. C. Club; Secretory to Registrar; DramaticS Club; Speech Choir; Texas Club . Will be teaching Business Admini stration in high schoo l at Fort Worth, Texas, next year has been on a leave of absence for two years .. two children in high school here, Iris and Bobby ... worked in the registrar's office . jocular. . has attended Texas Christian University, North Texa s State Teachers Co ll ege, College of Indus trial Arts, Abilene Christian College. ors
Louis Green . . . Whi t ing, Indiana B. S. Mojor: Chemistry and Foreign Languages Minor: Mathematics Lambda Sigma; " M" Club ; Student Preacher; Intromural s; Sports Edi tor of The Bi son ; Mixed Chorus; Men' s Glee Club; Who's Who; Men's Quartet; Chemistry Laborato ry Assistant ; President of Jun ior Closs; President of Senior Class; Alpha Honor Society; Boys' Committee; Business Manage r of Petit Jean . Known as " Louie" or " Ludwig". song b ird ... bursts out in German occasionally under Influence of h is mojor ... oil-around sportsman .. neve r shows anger . friendly t o all ... noted for clear-cut, decisive, and intelligent speeches . s to rted softball as a ca tcher, wound up pi tching for championship team ... hard to s top on the gridiron. won wrestling match In 13 seconds in '40 cannot be replaced here. Mary Elizabeth Arnold . . . Litt le Rock B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Eng lish Ju -Go-Ju Club, Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-Presiden t ; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Arkansas Club; Who's Who; Sec retory-Treasu re r of Jun ior Closs; Secre tory-Treasure r of Senior Class; Secretory to Registrar; Typis t -Bookkeepe r of Petit Jean . Everyone knows her as "Bibbo" . eff icien t , conscientious, ladylike one of "Famous 20 NYA Students" . noted for immaculate white shoes . conside rate of othe r people .. si ngs first soprano and mode chorus trips to New Orleans and to Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Ala bama, and Na shville, Tennessee col lec ts sal t and pepper shakers. exceptionally good typis t plans to wo rk as a stenographer next year. Dora Louise Nicholas . . Strawberry B. A. Majo r : Engli sh Minor: French and Physical Education W. H. c., President, Vice-President, Secretory-Treasurer; Pep Squad; Women's Speech Choir; Camera Club; Press Club, Columnist, Socie ty Ed itor; Class Editor ot Pe tit Jean; Mixed Chorus; Who's Who; Intramu rals, two medals; Petit J ean Queen Nominee; Favorite; Girls' Glee Club; Arkansas Club, Secretory Treasu rer; Alpha Honor Soc ie ty. A soft, low voice, a graceful carriage, a calm, pleasant manner . these characterize Louise . her Bison column "With Other Colleges" took third place in State contest lost year. Intramural honors . good housekeeping bonner often st re tches ac ross her door in Pattie Cobb Hall . prominent in the first a lto sec t ion of chorus made many trips will teach English in some Arkansas high school next yea r.
RAYLENE THORNTON, Semcy JACK NADEAU, Tulare, California DORIS HEALY, Fo rt Collins, Colorado DORIS CLUCK, Greenway VIRGIL BENTLEY, Doman, Texas FRANCES STEWART, Atlanta, Texas MAC TIMMERMAN, Part Arthur, Texas RUBYE ANDERSON, Bells, Tennessee D. C. LAWRENCE, Flomo t , Texas GRETCHEN HILL, Quitman LEONARD McREYNOLDS, DeRidder, Louisiana ENID COLEMAN, Searcy DOROTHY BAKER, Chattanooga, Tennessee THEDNEL GARNER, Calico Rock EDWARD SHEWMAKER, Paragould
PAUL KELLER, Otwell WANDA LUTTRELL, Biggers CLIFTON GANUS, New Orleans, Louisiana MABEL GRACE TURNAGE, Sea.cy DOUGLASS GUNSELMAN, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee FRANCES WELCH, Searcy ED SKIDMORE, Paris, Texas MRS . GUSSIE EUBANK, Pula ski , Tennessee BETTY BERGNER, Isobe l, Kansas MABREY MILLER, Newark • S. DeWITT GARRETT, Searcy LOIS WILSON, Searcy GENE HANCOCK, Wichita, Kansas ZULEMA LITTLE, McCrory LOU ISE MOORE, Newport tOrS