1941-1942 Yearbook

Jane Snow, John Sands, Johnnie Anderson , Emmett Smith, Marion Myer . Robert Gordon, Elizabeth Arnold, Everette Maxwell, Frances Welch, Lois Wilson. Me tti e Pearl Tucker, Adrian Formby, Enid Coleman, Newton Gentry, Hazel Jean Bingham Glenn Mossey, Edythe Tip ton, Quentin Gateley, Carmen Price, Bob Bell, Mildred Royal, Cora Blue, Troy Blue, Mabel Helm. Louise Nicholas, Thednel Garner, Vanna Jean Woods, Raymond McDaniel, Marj ori e Meeks, Louise Moore, L. E. Williams, Ruby Jean Wesson, Donald Harr ison . Paul Keller, Virginia Stotts, Morita Jacobs, Ja Marie Jamison, Geraldine Baird, Neal Watson , Claro Belle Duncan, Kay Covin, Lillian Jennings. Wando Luttrell , Wade Ozbirn , Na rmanda Webb, Kansas Nell Webb, Brooksie Wingfield, Sarah Beth Brown , Charles Roy Miller, Fayetto Coleman, Edwin Stover. The " Wander State" is so-called because of Its unusual supplies of natural resources. Fou r-f ifth s of Its area is forest-land . The only diamond field known In North America is located here . Vanety of soils, considerable range of moderate altitudes, and favorable factors of hea t and moisture promo te a rich diversi ty in agriculture . Although cotton IS s till the chief produc t , it is rap idry being supplanted by frUi t-growing. Peaches, pears, plums, gropes, apples, and strawberri es are espec ially impartant. Rice and sweet patatoes are also grown in conSiderable quantities. Petroleum is the leading product of the mineral Industry. The mining of bauxi te, an aluminum a re, is one of the chief Industtles of the central area. Buildmg stone and granite are found nea r Batesville. In manufactured products, lumber holds fir st place. The clay in Saline county is used in making po tte ry of on artistic type called Niloak. First place in th e production of a nt imony a re and whetstones is held by the State . At Litt le Rock the Sta te Capitol stands in a twelve-acre pork . Built of Arkansas marble, it was e rec ted in 1912 It is seen in the above picture .