1941-1942 Yearbook

John O. Dillinghom . Noshville, Tennessee B. A. Major: Hi story Minor: English Vice-President of I. R. c.; Chairman, Religious Fo rum ; Bison Stoff; lipscomb Club; Press Club; Camera Club; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Student Preacher; Religious Editor of Petit Jean. Tall, Quiet, dignified bearing, pompadour hair, thot's John does here too . is 0 licensed lawyer, but prefers to preach passed the ba r In Tennessee, . speaks slowly and deliberately, tut conveys meaning in teres ting ly. ploys violin, but work hinders his performance. hates to sing the "Hut Sut Song" character above reproach fai th of the strongest dependabitity always there . carries himself as a senior should . plans to devote his life to the couse of Christian education in the North. fellowship at Peabody next year. Marie Chunn Columbio, Tennessee B. A. Major: English Minor: History Graduate of David Lipscomb College; Ju-Ga-Ju Club; Assistant to Dean of Women. Another D. L. C. studen t who mode good here a tru stworthy worker even when she hos to get up in the middle of th e night to let girls in from never complains, parties, e tc. always neat .. a Queenly appearance. Quiet, but can be very witty has very clever ideas and expresses them ... a favorite with both girls and boys. . didn't have time far extracurricular activities, but made plenty of friends. . app lies Christian pr inciples in doily life. plans to teach next yea r. ors ,