1941-1942 Yearbook

• t Rober t West Anthony Enolo B. A. Major: Political Science Koinonia Club, Sergeant-ai-Arms; Equestrian Club; I. R. c.; Wrest ling Team, won second place In A. A. U. in '37; Arkansas Club; Arkansas Stote Teochers '39, '40. Shorl . has his own special friends his basic interest in extra-curriculor octivltles is horseback. riding. . as a member of the Equest nan Club, he has done much to promote Interest in the Riding Academy interested in notional affoirs. Edi th Hu le tt B. S. Mojor: Social Science Poughkeepsie Minor: English Ju-Go-Ju Club, Vice-President; Arkansas Club; 1ntromurals; 4-H Club; Dramatic Club. Ploys mischievous little girl ports well In dramatics likes hikes through the woods pions to teach next year. has already hod experience tought lost year . good forward in basketball valuable runner in track entered Girls' Ora torical Contest a natural b londe curly hair, also. . enjoys horseback riding . ge ts much practice at home on her own horses. lived in town but visited the dormitory girls often. Que ntin Ga teley B. A. Major : Mathematics Seo rcy Minor: English Student Preacher; Intromurals, won two keys; Debater; Track Man; linotypist in Print Shop. Won second in the Tournament of Champions at Jackson, Tennessee and third in the State Deba te Tou rnament Worked at the Daily Citizen office in Searcy . short and fast a southern accent or something, he leaves the "r" out at every word is a good track mon has a very charac teristic walk, springy a student preacher, has regular appointments at PoughkeepSie and Evenmg Shade was on the all-star basketball team his hobbies consist of amateur radio and pho tography plans to enter on engineering school, also plans to be a mi n is te r. ors