1941-1942 Yearbook

nl d u fr~IJf,;~!lFjtl4 ....,.... .,h,llOi hf \ft~r 'in ()urselves to thIs n"li'lri~' II1?$t$. for war 'would return ... 'itl~ ' li",iIb.akel1 Again we adjusted prayed that th,,§c "I", left faith. In spite of this glaring peril, most of us kept calm. \\'e wurked c\ en harder than before. 1t was n hal·d )'C~II' in nUll) wuys, hut friendly smiles kept us looking .lhcad IO\\ilrU il brigbter and hetter future. R ealizing that year hooks are ,-allied purely for memoq,".., s alH.~, we have lI"jed to record cvcnb. which will ..,u~i1,cst JislIllCtiye reminiscences to the ~reatcst number. £..... peeial1}' may thi ... hook find its place among those "'+10 lo\-c and (o ... lcr CIlI"isti un environment, those who yalue rriendships, and all those who I",'e I larding.