1941-1942 Yearbook

Joe Whittemore, Janey Rosson, D . C. Lawrence , Eloise Reese, Virgil Bentley. Blanche Timmerman , George TIpPs, Fronces Stewart, Henry EWing, Anno Lee Sikes. Ruth Ba rker, James Etheridge, Dole Tcbay, Claude Richardson, Jean Berryhill , Mac Timmerman , Dorothy Welch, Everett Laos. Wyatt Sawyer, Erin Moe Dennington, Melvin Ganus, Blondell Webb, Keith Swim, Mrs. Roxie Rosson, O. R. Perkins, Mrs. Maud Ford Jackson. Frances Williomson, Lester Williamson, Fern Hollar, Ed Skidmore , Mrs. Bill Loas, Bill Laos, Iri s Jackson, Bobby Jockson. Under the leadership of Virgil Bentley, president, Frances Williamson, vice-presi - dent, and Wyatt Sawyer, secretary-treasurer, the thirty- four students in thi s year 's Texas group hod two outings. In the fall term they went to Doniphan Lake, about four miles east of Searcy, where they spent the day playing gomes, picnicking, and boot riding . An ice cream supper was given in the gymnasium for the spring term function . Texas is commonly called the " Lone Star State," and occupies on area larger than any other stote in the Union . The fertile soil and favorable weather conditions of thi s vost area of land makes Texas the leading cotton-growing stote by on easy margin . The State stands first in the beef cott le industry, and is rich in many natural re:;ources . Great quontities of citrus fruits are produced in the Rio Grande Volley. The Galveston, Houston, and Beaumont-Port Arthur are leading ports of Texas . Blessed with a number of outstanding universities and colleges, a view at one of the most noted , the University of Texas, at Austin, is pictured abave. The Library Building and part of the Littlefield Memorial Fountain are shown.