1941-1942 Yearbook

Dr. L. C. Sears, Sponsor; Caudell Lone . Paul Keller, Shelton Ruebush, Bdl Laos, L. E. Williams, Richard Adams. Billy Anthony, John Croom, Nathon Lamb , Robert Anthony , Joe Brodshear. The Koinonia Club has as one of its traditions a trip to Petit Jean at leas t once a year. This tradition will probably be suspended " for the duration " due to the rubber shortage , but they managed to have their fall outing there before the war and water got too bod . After they reached the top of the mountain they heard that the levee hod washed away, not , fortunatel y, so they could not ge t back . Some among them conceived the ideo of phoning bock that they were marooned and the campus was in an uproar until they caught on. In the winter the Koinonios took advantage of a pretty afternoon and evening for a weiner roast at Bee Rock and a show afterwards. The officers were Paul Keller, president ; Bill Laas, vice-president, and Caudell Lone, secretory-treasurer. Dean L. C. Sears is the sponsor of the Koinonia Club . The Ko inonias were organized in 1934 and have guarded well the secret of the meaning of their club name.