1941-1942 Yearbook

In the Dramatics Deportment the general purpose is two -fold- first, to study dra - matics from various points of view and second, to uphold the good nome of " The Campus Players ." " Drama", according to Mrs . O. M. Coleman, director of dramatics , " is just a s tudy of human nature for eve ryone is a dramatist a t hea rt . I t is practical because it teaches an approach to people ." Thi s yea r the Campus Playe rs produced three three-act plays. Each member of the club has a cha nce a t roles in these ploys and has a t least one role in a one-ac t play during the year. Bes ides teaching and keeping house for her famil y, Mrs . Coleman writes plays , reads, and finds time for horseback rid ing. Mrs. J. N . Arms trong epitomizes the Speech Depo rtment fo r Harding s tudents. Speech is nat on ly her wo rk ; it is he r hobby. Courses of fe red by the department range from Voice and Phone ti cs to Radio and Dramati cs. " The te rro r of her life " is what Mrs . Armstrong termed a freshman class in Public Speaking, but all the res t of her work is just part of her hobby. When she's not engaged in same phase of speech work you 'l l find her in the ya rd .