1941-1942 Yearbook

MR. LEONARD KIRK Director of Chorus and Men's Glee Club Throughout the yeor the Male Quartet, under Mr . Quartet KIrk's guidance, ho s furnished bright spots on programs. Regularly at 3: 15 p. m. if one were within earshot of Mr. Kirk's studio something about a "poor dead cat" could be heard . "Si" Ewing began 05 boss in the fall, but the army needed him so Edwin Stover replaced him. EDW IN STOVER, Boss Mixed Chorus LOUIS GREEN, First Tenor JIM BILL McINTEER, Second Tenor DON HARRISON, Baritone Choristers proved this year that they come to chorus rehearsals simply because they love music. Only one long trip to Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee and a few shor ter ones were made due to the tire shortage. However, without the allure of taurs, ove r 100 students were chori sters- the largest membership ever attained. A variety show in April including Old Sou thern and Early American songs, madrigals, and light opera, was the most notable concert given on the campus.