1941-1942 Yearbook

Marciele M cCluggage, Marie Chunn , Iri s Merritt . Doris Cluck , Era Madge Elli s, Marvalene Chambers. Betty Bergner, Doris Healy, Roberto Wolden, Mrs. L. C. Sears, Sponsor; Ida Mae Smethers, Ardath Brown, Beth Nossomon . Elizabeth Arnold, Carmen Pr ice, Anni le Chambers, Edith Hul ett , Ruby Pearce, Helen Pearce, Lara Roberts. With the purpose of promoting the social, maral, and intellectual develapment af Harding Callege, the first girls ' sacial club, the Ju-Ga-Ju , was arganized an January 15 , 1926. A motta embodying this ideal was chosen-" Live pure, speak true , right wrong, follow the King, else wherefore born." "My Cousin from Sweden," a short comicol play was presented by the club in chapel . A Bornyard Frolic was given in the gym for all the girls in October. At the Legion Hut the Ju -Go-Ju ' s had a party followed by a dinner for their fall entertainment. In January a banquet was given with a winter snow scene for decoration. An outing was enjoyed in the spring . As a yearly project the Ju -Ga-Ju ' s sponsor a May Fete in which forty -eight girls from the various social clubs wind Maypoles and 150 in all participate. A May Queen is crowned and she and her attendants are pictured in the annual. Betty Bergner acted as president this year , Marvolene Chambers as vice -president , and Marciele McCluggage as secretary-treasurer .