1941-1942 Yearbook

Dr George S. Benson, Mrs. George S. Benson, Prof . John Lee Dykes, Mrs. John Lee Dykes Betty Johnson, Forres t Magness, Tommie Jo Fly, Ambrose Reo. Royce Blackburn , Doroth y O'Neo l, Joe Wooton, Dorene Hebberd . John Croom, Mary Ali ce Schil le r, Ruth Benson, Ar lo Ruth Hili , Ida Mae Sme thers. Oklahoma has nearly always been well represented at Harding and the Oklahoma Club gives a good cross section of the students from the former home state . The traditional Hallowe 'en party the Oklahomans give each fall for the school is their main function . A prize is given for the best costume and many times it is hard to pick a winner for some of the queerest, some of the weirdest, some of the funniest cos tumes show up at the party. This year with Royce Blackburn, president ; Ambrose Reo , vice-president, and Tommie Jo Fly, secretary- treasurer, the party was held in the din - Ing hall which was camouflaged with corn stalks and other typical Hallowe 'en decorations . Dr George S Benson, himself a native of Oklahoma, serves as sponsor for the group. Oklahoma is called the "Sooner State" because those who entered on April 22, 1889 with the rush, found much of the best land token up by those who hod evaded the guards and entered the territory in advance of the official opening. These evaders who secured the best land were known as tlsaoners." A tremendous supply of petroleum, in fact the largest supply being worked in the United States, is Oklahoma's. Tul sa is the oil capitol of America. Zinc, natural-gas gasoline, natural gas, lead, cool, and gypsum are also produced in great quantities. The State ronks high In the production of the row materials of form, forest, and mine .