1941-1942 Yearbook

Witty le ttered in in sports Jim Bill Mc l nteer . Frank l in, Kentucky B. A. Major: History and Engli sh Graduate of David Lipscomb College; Sub-To 16, QuarterMa ster ; Vice-President of Senior Closs; Favori te Boy; Me n 's Quartet; Men's Glee Club ; Mixed Chorus; Presiden t of Campus Pl aye rs; Vice-President of Eto Omega Chapt e r of Alpha Psi Omega; Who's Who; President o f Camera Club; Columnist in Press Club; Snapsho t and Calendar Editor of Pe t it Jea n; VicePresident of Lipscomb Club; Vice-President of I. R. c.; Bond; Orchestra; Alpha Hono r Society . no ted for on abundance of jokes best master of ceremonies at Harding . dramatics good at por t rayi ng characters in dramatics gene rous. ac t ive All- star in ba ske tball was on champion volley bo ll team .. second highest scorer in ability baske tball tournament wa n snapshot con test lost year high in scholastic "milk of human kindness" flows freely in him. Hallie Gann . Guin, A labama 8 . A. Major: Home Econom ics Minor: Social Science Transfer from Pori s JUnio r College, ' 40; Tofebt Club, Fl agala Club; Do rcas Club; Equestrian Club. Happy easy-going likes fun played on senior girl s' basketball team, but prefers to be On the sidelines where sports are concerned slow temper ombition is to be a home demonstration agent . plans to a ttend school next year col lect s picture postcards has them hanging 011 over the wal ls in he r room likes to sew . interested in photography enjoys ho rseback riding . John Sands EI Dorado B. A. Moi o r : Histo ry Minor : Engli sh Transfe r from EI Dorado Junio r College; Tagma Club, VicePresident ; President of I. R. c. ; Oratorical Con te st winner; In t ramural s; Campus Players; Tenni s Champi on (Doubles); Presiden t o f Kitchen Club; Eque strian Club. He has become al most a fiend fo r horseback rid ing and now hos a goodly distance between the knees indi fferent to slander good h itter 10 softball , all-star player. worked in College Inn . always hod a cheery greeting for all . amb it ious. . a good orato r ... wellliked by hi s teachers considered an authority on current events was a n oil-star foot - ball team . ha s already enlisted in Naval Air Ca rps Reserve .. plans to teach in college after war is ove r.