1941-1942 Yearbook

[ f ___ F_U_Il~_;T~iE YO__ U_N_G__ &__ S_9_1l_~C_E _ ~_I_Ef_R_C_A_N_T_I_L_E_I_IC;_1l 0 _D_'V_A_IlE'__1 ' OHGE PHODUCTS ~IOLINE nIPLE~IENTS Phone 296 [ t STOTTS DRUG CO. PHESCHIPTION SPEC IALI ST Prompt Delivery Service Phone 33 -~ r ROBERSO 'S RENDEZVOUS CAFES LillIe Hock Seal·cy e wport "I'Ve Serve B elfer Foods" Recommended b) Ounca n J l ines' "A lh en ture s in Good Hilling" PHIVATE DI ' ING HOOM AND IIOOTIIS We Welcome Hal·ding Students SAVE ... 25 Pet· Cent to 40 Per Cent Fit"C, Tot-nado and Auto In sul-ance LEWIS & NORWOOD GENEHAL AGENTS 406 Exchange Bank Building LillIe Hock, Arkansas NOVEMBER CALENDAR (Con t inued) 12 President Benson returns. 13-President Benson speaks. Cross country race is run. 14- 8u5 lood hears Arkan sas Symphony Orchestra in Lrttle Rock. IS- Glee dubs combine and gi .... e a su rpr ise "appreciation" banquet for Dr. Benson. ' 6- Mixed Chorus e rases "art" in the hymnal fty leaves. 17- T . N. T.'s go to Old Mill. Chorus robes ore given out. IS-Seors makes "A" on Chapel speech, "Tole rance of Othe rs." 19- 5o warm, swains go to prayer meeting in sh.rt sleeves and heor Baxter. 20- Travelogue mov.e presented In audi tonum. 21 - Group sh ivers as Searcy High loses first home game in three years at McRae field. 22- Ju -Go- Ju 's enter ta.n with unique "game" party a t Legion Hut. W. H. c. 's dine a t the Mayfa.r. I Both w.th what old maids ain't got.) 23 - Charus makes m.ti al trip- to Alicia. 24- Lec ture series begins. Some see Lunt and Fonta.ne In Little Rock. 25- Series gains momentum with Pull ias and Henry. Quartet and Tr io sing for Legionnaires . 26- Alumni coming In! Rah! 27 - Beautiful weather, hug e c rowds, excellent speeches, Quantities of food- The Thanksgivi ng . 2a- ' Twas the day a ft e r Thanksgivi ng . Some visitors st ill lurking a round . 29- Chorus leaves for three-day trip to Waldo, Arkansas. 30·-Baxter preaches. Chorus sings to capacity plus crowds. DECEMBER CALENDAR 1- Warm again. "Kempie" rehearsal. 2. Prof. Haflinger presen ts advanced piano s tu - dents in redtal then calms their nerves wi th a recept ion afterword. 3-Photographer bock for the last t ime for the annual. 4-"Railroodin' " show in aud.torium. Fina ls are in the air· 'I t was the night before. 5-Fi nals, their effect, the recuperations. 6-L. c. 's ge t all "balled up" In a toffy purl. '-. ____________________-lJ 7-As the warld goes to war, we go to church .