1941-1942 Yearbook

1 Girls' Intramurals FRANCES WILLIAMSON MARVOLENE CHAMBERS An ex tensive a thl et ic program has been ca rried out successfull y by the compe tent t each ing of Frances Williamson and Marvo lene Chambe rs. M iss Williamson has been the girl s' direc to r for th e pa st two years. Because o f the prof ic ient a thl et ic ab ility of the contes tants, there was keen compe titi on throughout the year to see who would receive the j acket s and medal s. A few of the maj or sport s participa ted in were softba ll , baske t ba ll , voll ey ba ll , scooter hoc key, swimming and tenni s. Ruby Jean Wesson, Carmen Pri ce, Louise Ni chol as. Hazel Jean Bingham, Ir is Merri tt . BACK ROW : Gene Nicho la s, Mabel Groce Turnage, Mabel Ford, Mildred Ga iner, Kansas Nell Webb . FRONT ROW : Theda Robins, Jean Berryhill , Dori s Healy . Mette Dean Smith , A lber to Garrett .