1941-1942 Yearbook

Aubrey Miller B. A. Major: Mathematics Searcy Minor : English Student Preacher; Arkansas Club. Keeps the college form very efficient trunk-bearer strong back, mind I?I adept at basketball until wife and three children kept him from practice. loudmouthed, but cheerful . ever willing to bear someone's burden limited activities becouse of work, wife and wee ones, but preaches as much as possible pions to manage college form ogain next year. Sallie Whiteside Tompkinsville, Kentucky B. A. Mojor: Social Science Minor: Education David Lipscomb College; Western State Teachers College, Bowling Green, Kentucky; Tobeft Club. Pions to teach . quiet and nice to know prefers having good lessons to engaging in seve rol ext ra- curricular activities ... very neot . she and her roommate wan a banner several times. . sympa thetic and kind. . blessed with natural cu rly hair which many a girl longs for. Alvis Brawn B. S. Major: Chemistry Sea rcy Minar: Biology Arkansas Club; Pix Club; Mixed Chorus; Camera Club; Scientific Journal Club. San of Bursar always in a likeable mood a valuable member on a chorus trip a willing worker dependable tall, has Arkansas stride like Pop enjoys classical and semi-classical music. you should hear him ploy the piano. he plays hymns beautifully on the organ.. has made application for a chemistry job with defense industry.