1941-1942 Yearbook

CLARENCE HAFLI NGER Professor of Piano and Theory Prof . Clarence Haflinger has upheld h is en - viable reputati on established when he graduated with honors from Drury College . He has been organist at the University of Colorado, instructor in orgon at Drury, and has done work toward a doctorate at the University of Iowa. Meticulous in hi s personal appearance, Prof. Hoflinger carries the same trait into the piano studio. Students are gi ven the opportunity to play in the recital s a t the end o f each term, emphasis being placed upon poise and relaxation, and in general-a success ful public performance. Mrs. R. A. Word, instructor in violin, has long tought violin in Searcy. A graduate of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, she was for fifteen years director of violin at Galloway College . FIRST ROW: Jane Snow, Jim Bill Mclnteer, Betty Bergner, Dorene Hebberd, Edwin Stove r, Bonnie Lee Williams. SECOND ROW: Margaret Jane Sherri ll , Sa rah Be th Brown, Bill Harri s, Ruth Overstreet, Iri s Merritt, Charline Foreman . THIRD Row: Jim Lacy, Edythe Tipton, Carmen Price, Blanche T immerman, Juanita Lan ier, Billy June Forbes. FOURTH ROW: Prof. Clarence Haflinger , Vivian Smith, Mary Alice Schiller, Betty Lynn Marshall, Maunelle Bearden, Ruth Benson.