1961-1962 Yearbook


Contents DEDICATION . ................... .... 16 ADMINISTRATION , FACULTY, STAFF ..... CLASSES ................ . STUDENT LIFE ....... . 18 38 80 PERSONALITIES .... .. 106 SOCIAL CLUBS .... 122 ORGANiZATIONS .... ........... 158 SPORTS .............. ............... 180 ACADEMy ............ ....... .. ......... 206 BUYERS' GUIDE ............... . . . 246 INDEX 270 J 100707

" FOUNTAIN OF KNOWLEDGE, " the l,bra ry, provide~ a place for the pursuit of learninQ ond under· standing that is cha racteristIC of the intellecTually alen student at on instituTion of hiQher education. 6

Wisdom is the principal thing; There/ ore ge t wisdom; Yea, with all thy getting get understanding. - PROVERBS 4:7 The goal of every studcnt is th e deve lopment of hi s bra in into a working integral part of hi s mind and body relationsh ip. Educa tion is l.h e instndllcnt u sed to produce Sllell a resull. Students need a broad. liberal educa tion to ullderstand the gr eat issues cha ll eng ing thC' nlinc1 s of m('n and to communi ca te their ideas effect ively. Discipline is also nceded to prov ide an avenue for nla"imum contribution . Learning comes through cJjcr.overy in the laboratory, listening to lyceums, and comprehens ion in the classroom. This cnables students to develop skill s and to qui cken their intellect a nd ab ilities. COMMENCEMENT services and presentation of the diploma, signifying completion of work toward a Bachelor's or Moste"s degree, is on event that will be long remembered by all persons concerned. EXPLORING the mysteries of the atom in chemistry lob qives on opportunity to satisfy curiosity. EXPERIENCE 111 dramatic productions Old studen ts In developlnq basic skills and special talents fo' lyceums 7

STII:ENGTH and endurance ore reaulred of those who partICipa te In peg board competition . · . . There was not among the children of Israel a goodlie r person than he; From his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people. - I SAMUEL 9:2. Phys ical rrquirClllcnts 111 a collcge edu cation a re rel a li vely unimportant in a libe ral sense. yrt arc essential in tht" compl et ion o f a higher education. Not on ly is physical development an individual area of g ro\lY lh. it also plays all ac ti ve role in the rea li za tion o f maximum growt h in other ph as s of l ife. An erect. "ii\orous body oft en SNves as a mirror reflecting an ale rt. recep ti ve mind and a i\encra l zest for li fe. For. " He who stri ves in th e game exe rc ises se lf-con tro} in all thini\s'"

JUMPING htqh TO !=leT a rebound, Vernon Rogers demonSTraTes The phvsical prowess and agility reQu ired af Those who would compeTe succeufully In InTercollegiaTe basketball. GRUELING hours of practice to train the man physically as well as mentally are iustly rewarded when the result brings victory. The physical man is demonstrated here as Steve Smith runs over an opposing player for a T.D_ The mental mon is demonstraTed as his react ion to the outcome. 9

Behold, how good and how pleasant it i s fOT bTethTen to dwell togetheT in unity' - PSALMS 133: 1 I.i \·ill j:t in a w o rld tha t can be chara ctcri zed by tha t of s trife i-llHi confu s ion. ma ll lHus t cxc('C'd th e minimuI11 dcg-ree of soc ial d~ " ~ I () l'lll c nt and ada pt a bilit y. Thc illrli"idua l was intendcd to live with !ti s fcll ow 1)1 an , ll o t alon e. Top;c tlH'r men form a soc iety in whi ch they lea rn to li ve. love. and work with onc a ll other . Soc ial life is the di scovcry of one's self in rela tion to oth ers a lld \\ ill I O Il ~ rClll ain a subj ec t of in ex ha ustibl e r csearch . lIappy is th e man who can sllcccssfull y communica te with his fell ow assoc iates. SOCIALIZING a nd reloY""'ion on campus ore concentra ted in the sTudent cenler where sluden ts may gather 10 discuss current issues or iust talk. 10

REfRESHMENTS of ever.populor punch ond cookies ore served 10 seniors at 0 recep· t ,on held for them in the Emerold Room , The scene c f f requen t teos ond recept ions THE WATERMElON :to~' S only one eve!'1 or 1re crowoed soclcl co er-do' fa' T'le f'rs1 wee k 01 set-,ool SNOW covE:red The campus only once Ih,s year Despite the b",r-q cold s'udenlS found the w ealher on e)Ch,l~ rOI,ng relie f from doilv rou ' ne BENCHES ~, 1"0 1'\e' II

Oh come, Let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. - PSALM 95:6 Man reaches the mountain top of human experience in periods of genuine worship. Through Bible classes studen ts learn more about God; through chapel devotionals. even ing vespers, and congregat ional worship they are drawn closer to God; and through personal evangelism classes, mission study groups. and daily association with dedicated Christians they. are inspired to give their l ives in service to God. Religion becomes to mean more than weekly worsh ip. It becomes a way of l ife by which happiness in its fullest sense may be obtained . These great spiritual experiences in college w ill be a source of strength in the years that follow. PRESENTING The word of God to smoll chIldren is a servIce wh ich Ann Westbrook and other Harding girls fInd TO be a rewording experience EVIDENCE of the deep religious feeling among the students is found as they gather around the lily pool for spontaneous hymn sings and devoTionals following the evening worship services ot church.

OFFERED especially for women .n Ihe annual lecluresh,p ole classes In which Ihey discuss how 10 be of qrealer service In church work SOLITUDE IS found In Ihe Brewer !loom of Ihe library for students to STud v and do research on Bible topics. ACROSS the campus, affairs of the day come Quietly to on end as the Hardinq women are privileqed fa meet for the traditional vespers service. Songs, prayers, quiet meditation, and reodings from the Word of God ore a source of inspiration which helps the mind to lav aside personal cores and to focus on perfection. 1 J

, , , Yea, all of you gird yourselves wi th humility. to serve one another, - I PETER 5 :5, Sdfisl1l1 PSS is al 1110 Iwar l (If lI1udl ullh appin(,ss alld 1Illr{'st Illilt ("is Is ill tw('ntiet h ('(' 11 - lur,\" snci{'ly, Psyc hnl tl!!isls Iww' cO llfirlll (, d Ih(' t('ariting-s Ill' Clt r ist Ih at Irll e' happill(,ss ca ll he ftlllnc! nnl ,\" h,\ ' illl ill - di\'irhwl losing himsf'1f ill s('n'ic{' ttl otilf' r s, ;\Iall\" organizat ions {', is t for tlie A Bi g Sist.r Qives helpful advice, primary pllrpo:-,{' of sen'i Jl g olliers and h C' lpin g- student s to c!t'\'C' lo p til(' s pirit of sr lf sacrifice' alld s(' rvice, A hroad hut Irellu' Jlcintl sl .y g ratifying- ilY('lllt(' to happ~' li\' illg can 1)(' tra\'f'lr r! b.y ('ye rYOI I(' willinl-!: t o kl10c k at it s Pll tranc('. the ga t(' of 5cl"yi(c, CO-OPERATIVE efforts on the port of the enTire BISON stoff are reQu ired fo prepare the many facers of the student newspaper for publication. MARINE ReserviSTS Gene Conner ond Harold PITtS l ake down The fl OQ each doy DONATI ONS of serVice, time and money provided ThiS home for twa hundred qlrls

PRESENTING gifts 10 Academy student OOllid Crowder was the first prOlect of the newly orqonlzed 1961 ·62 Student Assoclotlon SlEIVING IS eVidenced In the affennq of personol lime os exemplified In the friendsh ip of students Bill Gala and Fronk Visor. WEARY members of the PETIT JEAN stoff work 10 Ie hours on the yearbook as they struggle to finish the lost pages before the final deadline and the trip to Oklahoma City in March. I 5

1913 CHARLES G. PITNER 16 1961 IN MEMORIAM As a teacher of mathematics on the Harding faculty for twelve years, Professor Charles G. Pitner had a profound influence for good upon the students with whom he came in contact. His keen sense of humor, his skill as a teacher, and his knowledge of mathematics made him a superior teacher. His lucid explanation of profound concepts helped many students develop a genuine interest in mathematics. His love of tru th and dedication to the teachings of Christ influenced many students to develop strong Christian character. His genuine interest in students and in student activities was an inspiration to tJ,e student body. His ideals and objectives will continue in the lives of tJlOse he has taught.

DEDICATION Tre class of 1962 dedicates this book to Dr. James Bales \rhen we heard "illl spC'akill <'11(11)('1 dlll'ill£!: Olll' fr('sllman yrar. w(' \\('1'(' fillrri \\illl (1\\(' 1]\, Ili s logic and prof 0\1 lid tilillkin:r. \\"hrll \\(' o.;at ill his Bible class ali SOpll(lI11Ol'C' ' ', \\(' IlIHI'H, IIf'd at lhe V[lst rH'SS of Iii>.; kllll\\I<' rigC', \\"Ilf'1l \\(' !"('ad hi s honks as juniors and "'(,!lin!'..,. He' w(')'( ' il1l - pr('''is('d hy his scholnr"ihip <Inri rlrdicatitlll to truth. Through Ill(lny <l..;"oriaticlIl'" He' ha\"(" lrarnrd to rrspeci hinl as H rliligC'l1t ..;tllcien!. (('ar - If'sS ci('bnlC'r and prolific \\ rilf'r. [11](1 \\(' rlrciic(ltf' this book. tllP 1<)(;2 I'di' }ml/. to Dr. JaJll~' D. Baks. Tra vC' ll r d ilrOllllil the world.. l ias writtcll mallY book,,; on atllC'i"illl. COJlnllUlli"illl nllo Cltri<..,l - ian doell'inC' . .. J Irld nUlIlY dehate's on , 'arions issue' S . HC'cogll il'cri as i.lll a ullu ),-jIY nil tli C' philo,<,phy of COlTIlllllll i'lTI . . . R~("~i\'NI B. A. dC'gTC'C' from TTarding College. "\1. A. rrolll G~()rp;~ P~ahorly Co ll ~p;~. 1'1.. D. frill" Ih~ I T,,i versity of Ca liforn ia ... Tldp~r1 to ,Ia rt Ih~ l(),h Century C/iristian. . i\1arri('d IVra r y Smart of Toron to. Ontario. Canada ... Reg-an l('achiJlg; at Hardinp; College in 1944. ENJOYMENT of life is plainly evident in the faces of Dr. James D. Boles and his familY ; Barbaro , Mrs . Boles , Robin , Jonathon, Mark, David , and Mary Ethel. • 17

adminishation, 1acultv, Before an artist can begin a mosaic he must first know the type of design he w ish es to compose. The administration, fa culty and staff are sim il ar to the artist in that they, too, must have an idea of what they wish to accomplish. They are directors of tJ,e Harding mosa ic. Presession conferences at Tahkodah , regular faculty meetings and staff dinners revitalize the administration and faculty and encourage tJ,em to give iliemselves unreservedly in their work to serve the tudent body and oilier clientele of the college. ~ta

CAPABLE service IS given 10 Dr. Benson by MISS MClgueriTe a Bon.on, ExecuTive SecleTory TO The Pres. denT Over a long period of Time she hos proven her efficiency In managing hiS oppo,nlmeIllS, correspondence and records ADMINISTRATION Energetic president' keeps on I for t he college DH. Gr-:OHGE S. BENSON_ PI-~s iclent of l larcling- Ctl ll ~g-~_ ha s s~ lfl essh- decli("at~d hi s time and energi('s 10 Ih(' collep:e for a quarter of a C(' lltllr)-. In thi s time he has Jed th e coll ege to quadruple in enrollment and to gain assets of approximatch- thirteen mill ion doll a rs. Dr. Benson still sp('nds l1nl ch lill Ie' travcli n g in tit e' interes t of J larding and he also assists in promotin g other Christian ("oll eges. TI c beli eycs firmly th at Chri stian educa ti on is th e key to a free and prosperolls nati on . He is in p:reat dem a nd as a speaker for important cOI1\'C'ntiol1s and 111 ectin p:s, Dr . Benson owns Canlp Tahkoc1ah. a SUJ111l1er canlp for boys_ and his hobbies include horseback rieling- and raising- horsrs . CHEERING The Bisons on TO a Touchdown. Dr. Benson en,oys the ellC.lemenT of a good fOOTball game


ADMINISTRATION Capable administrators QUI ET, genial Vice - President of Hard ing , Or . Clifton l. Gonus, Jr., gives generously of his lime, serv ing also as Deon of The School of Amer ican Studies and Cha irman of the Deportment of HiSTory and Social Studies . 22 direct campus affairs DR. CLTFTO L. GANUS,JR. , serves effec ti vely as Vi ce- President of Harding Coll ege. chairman of th ~ Department of "istory and Socia l Science. Dean of the Sc hool of American Studi es and chairman of th~ Graduate Council. Ti c makes Ameri ca n hi story m ea ning ful to th e large number of students in his freshman hi story class. In the past Dr. Ganus served for eight y~a rs as Pres id ent of th e Alumni Associa ti on . He is currently sponsor of th e Sub-T soc ial club. a member of Alpha Ch i_ a nationa l honor scho larship society a nd a member of Phi Alpha Theta, a na tion - al hi stori cal soc iety. I n sp ite of hi s many college duties, he serves the community through the Lion 's Club. th e Cha mb~ r of Commer ce and th e Board for th e Quaupaw area Coun c il of Boy Scouts of Ameri ca. ITe exerts a nation -w ide influence lhrough his spe('ches before various c ivi c, industrial and educa tiona l g rou ps. STUDENTS ore nol The onlv ones who do homework Dr. Gonus proves as he dictaTes bUSiness correspondence in his home sludv.

LOTT TllCKFH. Illi s ill o" M"""I«"·. I"" Iho rI"po!] o.;i hiiily of ha!,lIH' ill u: lli p hllrl!..!,f'1 and w j "f'- h invoslin g Ih o f""d, "f II"rdi" l( ",, 11 01(0. I" a d · cl itioll, h(' slIpC'J'vic;;rs thf' COrlstnlrl ion ann fur - Jli~hillg of tIC'w hllildill g-s IItI campus and admin - iSlers the auxiliary enterpri ses of th e coll ege. li e holds membe rship ill Ihe Southern Associa · l ion of College and U ni vo rsity Business Officers. '1r. Turkel' sen' ('s 111(' tOWI1 of SC'arcy nc;; S('crcfelfY of the Municipal Plannin~ Comm iss ion an d he 'is Viee· Pres ident of th e Sca r cy Kiwani s Cluh. During the sumlll(' 1' months he works ,vilh the' hoI's in Ih e Sea rcy Lillk Leap;ue. The BOARD OF TRUSTEES has "ltimale re · sponsibility for a ll rlclivities an d sC' f \'ircs of Il a r - rlilll'! Collrgc. It is composrd of bu sinrsSJ1lC'IL doctors, and educat.o rs who [11'(, inter('stcd in Chr is tian ('duration. These me-II dedicat e' thrir ti ll H' 10 Ihl' college without mOlle-tan' r('warn . Thrir wise roull sf'1 has guidC'n thC' g-ro\\"th of the ('0 II f'.gf'. ABSORBED in the busineu and financial affairs of Harding Callege, lan Tucker, BUSIness Manager, uses accuraTe judgmenT and knowledqe in hiS overs ighT of such things as sTudent loons oAd work and 'he school payroll 10.10 OF TRUSTEES. FRONT ROW: Dr. Houston T. Kornes, Dr. George S. Benson , Dr. l. M. Groves, lemon Johnson, T. J . McReynolds. SECOND ROw JIm Bill MclnTeer , J . A. Thomps.on , Honoy Alexander , R. D. Fuller, D. F Anguish , W. O. Beemon . NOT PICTURED, Gearqe M. Roberls , Mlhon Pttbles 23

ADMINISTRATION College deans • • inspire JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD VI HG I L II. LA\VYEH. Dean of Students. is responsibk for co-ordinatinp; all student activities and administering- th(' Sluoent prl'sonnC'1 prop;ram. As Director of Admissions. he corresponds with prospective students about Hardinp; College and attends numerous coll('~{' days in yarious high schools. Dean Lawyer came to Thu'ding- this ,Y(,Dr from Luhhock Christian Collep;e where he taup;ht history. TTc lnaintains an actiyc interest in lnission work havinp; 5(,1'v('d as a miss ionar:v in Japan . While there he was principal of the lbaraki Christian H ip;h School for five years. Dean Law- .y{' r has a g(,IlUillC' intf'l'f'st in follf'!!;<' sludcnls, and this interest is manifested by the helpful advice given and ull s('lfish sen1icC' rcndcr('d all students . Apart from hi s duties at the collep;e. he cnjoy, time spent with his fal11il~' and playinp; p;olf. 24 students to higher goals DH. JOSEPH E. PRYOH has found his second year as Dean of the Collep;e a very busy year. li e is a member of the National Counci l of Alpha Chi. Secretary-Treasurer of Hep;ion II of Alpha Chi. Councilor. of the Centra l Arkansas Section of the American Chemical Society. President of the Ark· ansa s O('an's Association. and faculty rrpresf'nta - ti\'e to the Arkansas hllel"Co li ep;iate Athletic Association. Activities on campus includc sponsoringthe T:\,T social club. sponsorinp; the Alpha Chi chapter. and ad\'isinp; the Petit JeGn staff. " Dr. Joe." as he is known to the students. has been on the Il ardinp; faculty since 1944. Tn that time he has exerted an influence in nearly cvery arca of campus life and has sC'l'vcd six years as president of the Alumni Association. Occasionally he relaxes with one of his hobbies: sports. photop;raphy. reading. listening to music_ or playing with his three child ren. VIRGIL H. l/4,.W Y ER , MA

INEZ PICKENS, Dean of Wonwn, supervises the campus li fe of women student s. She also leads an active life in the Harding Acarlemy where she teaches English. As dormitory director of Palli Cobb lI all, she works closely with the girh there. She is also sponsor of the \\'omen 's Intercluh Council and this year she is Secretary of the Harding Business ' ' ' 'omen's Club. Other duti es include membership on the Student Affairs Comm ittee for both the college and the academy. Mrs. Pickens enjoys th e con-espondence she maintains with former students who arc no\\" in many parts of the world. Readin g and collecting cups and saucers are her two chief hobbi es. Her collec tion contains cups and saucers from man,- countries. VIRGil M . BeCKETT, SA INEZ PICKENS , BA VIRGIL BECKETT. Rep;i strar_ is responsible for registration proc('durcs. for J11aintC'l1ancc and anal- ~:sis of academic rC'cords and for various grade reports. Prospective students seek information from him about entrance requirements and enrolled students check with him regarding graduation requirements. He serves as Chairman of the Academic Scholarship Committee which administers the academic probation policies of the coll ege . To keep abreast of advancements in his field, Mr. Beckett is a member of the American Assoc iation of Collegiate Rep;istrar s and Admissions Officers. ITe is now serving as Vice-President of the Arkan - sas Associa tion of Collegia te Registrars. 'Ilis civic ac ti vities include membership in the Sea rcy Kiwanis Club. ' ' ' 'hen he is not busy at his job. he enjoys p;etting away for a fi shing trip or watching a p;anw of football. basketball or basehall. 25

MARKING The location on The map of Arkansas, Conrad Hays points to another congregotion 'hat IS a ided by faculty and student preachers each week. 26 • ~. • " ----. ------ " /1 - • I ,( .' .. ; ~ . ./. ,J •

BIBLE Exploring life's challenges and contemplating etern ity Harding is th e pl acc wh e re Chri , tiall a lld Ameri can ideal s go h a nd ill haml. Tlw Bible Orparllllrllt s('('ks tn ('s tahl ish Chris tian id eal s ami charart r J' in (' (:le I! s tllcklll throu g h dail ~· Ilihl e cla sses. M embe r s of tlw fa culty a r e spirit - uill leadel's on campus and arc aJwa ,Ys willin p: to rOllllsr\ or ad \'il.iC' a nyo l1 (' who nerds 1 (' \ p. Prfsonal Eva np;c ii sl1l und e r the d ir ec ti on of Andy T . Hitcili (' (' l1 f Otlra p,-C's inl (' l'('s l in III is sionary work a t h O I11 (, a nd t)\'C' l'scas. whil e' th r Timothy Club is of spcc ia l intc rcq to those who plan to pre-ar ll . Th rs(' two ~1 () lld a.y Ili ~h t Ill('rlings ha ve b('coll1C' a tradition a t (l a l"(litl ~ CIIII('~('. Th" Tha nksp; i"ill p: Lcc turC's ilip. a nother tradition, was d irec ted thi s yca r by DI'. \\ . B. West, Dcall of th e C"adu;te School of lIibi e alln H li g ioll ill M Clllphi s, and \V. J oe Ilackrr, a Il (' W 111('1tI he r of t 11 (' r aell Itv . II a r kr r. a g-raollatC' of I lardin g- and the Southwcs te rn Bapti st Theoiop, ica i SC lIlill " '·.\', tcae l'es Tlihie and rclip;iou 'i educa ti on . SPACIOUSLY serving the students and teachers with classrooms and offices. the Bible Bui lding fulfils its purpose for 0 second year " SElECTING" mOlerlal thar may be used 10 leoch children about God IS one of Ihe lessons Ihese girls learn '" Mrs Pud,ert s chdd Irolnlnq closs James R. Allen , MRE James D. Bales , PhD Les lie Burk e , MA ASSistant Professor Professor Professor Bible Christian DoClflne Greek and Hebrew William J . Hacker , MRE Earl Conard Hay s, BO Robe rl Hel st en , MA Assls ton t Professor Assoclole Professor ASSis tan t Professor ReligiOUs Education Bible ond Church Hoslory Bible Joh n McRay , MA ASSISlonl Professor Bible Andy T. Ritchie , MA Asslslant Professor Bible W. B. Wes t , Jr ., ThO Professor Bible ond Religion 27

CON!iULTING The cord cotalag to find informotion needed for their ossignmenh, Jerold MOnlOn ond louro Ross utilize Hardlngs convenient ond we)).equipped Library. 28 Carl lee Allison , MT t.~~ls·on· Professor Phys1cul Educallor Annie Mae Alston , MA l brar,an Cecil Murl Beck , MA Assistant Professor PhysIcal Educo' on Winnie Elizabeth Be)) , MA M. E. Berryh ill , MA Assistant Libror lo n Professor PhySical Education G. W. Bond , EdD Ronald P. Butterfield, BA Professor DirecTor Education Audlo·Visuol Center

EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Training for advancement of man through education Learnin g to wor k with p~opl e is a c h a ll ~ng. ing and int eres ting task. Th~ Department o f Edu · cation and Psyc ho l o~y t r a in s stud ent s n ot tlJlI~' to trach but to gu id e a nd coun s~ 1. A]] stuci c nt s of ('du ration look forwa rd to th £' time in the ir seni or ),('a l' \\' h (,11 they have the ir f irst oppnrtli ll il .\ " In put into prac t ice throug- h studen t t('ach in g- tIl(' knmdrdgr they have ga in ~d. \ \ ' a\"l1e Pu ck~ tl and Dr. Bob Gillam are n ~w adcii ti on s to th c fac· ulty and Dr. Edwa rci G . Sc\ycll r c turn cci thi s y('a r after a leave o f absc llc(' to teac h at Ah ilcn(' Christi an College . The Department of Phys ical Edu cation sc~ks to develop the phys ica l s id e of th e in d i\' idu a l an d tra in in spor tsma nsh ip. ra mp counselin g', a n d coaching . Ma r jori e H ayes. w ho jo ined the fa cult y in Srptembe r. has prom oted a s tnm p," intramura l program for women . The l ib ra ry and th e aud io· vi sua l ce nt~ r work closrly with a ll d(' pa rtm(' nl s on ca mpus to llI akr rcfrrrl1cc ma te ri a l read ily 3\<a il ahlc. \Y inn ic Elizabeth Be ll r eturn ed ti l is year from doin g graci ua tc work in li hra r\" sc i ~ n ce a nd Bon Bul · terfi eld. who I!,"r adu a tcd from I-Ta rdin g las t vca r. is din'clor of audi o·" isu a l s(' n "ices . lob J. Gilli a m , Ed O Hugh M. Grooy. r, MA Marjorie A . Ha yes , BA A, \ 10111 Profenor Ass,<;ron! Professor Instructor Ed, " ' )n of'd Psychology Physicol Educo t lon PhysICO I Educol,on Horry Doy le Ol r••• EdD John Cl ifford Prock, MY W ayne Pucketi , MS Professor Anlslant Profeisor AssistanT Professor P"YI col Educo tlon PhYSICO I Education EducatIon FUNCTIONAL in ,ts many aspects, Ihe Beaumont Memol'c'! library aids Ihe sTudenl body w ith thel f resea rch ond reo d,nq mOleriols l eonard l e w is , 'dO Cl yde Mon tgome ry , PhD Maude M ont gome ry , MA Professor Professor A. "H'I p, ,f, Educonon EdUCO',on fdu< :1' '" Edward G. Sew e ll, PhD W illi om K. Summi tt . PhD Mur rey W. Wil son , MA Professor Professor A· ,Ion' Pr )f, Educa t ion Psychology EdUi '1', In 29

MYSTERIES of life too small to be seen with the unaided eye unfold beneath Coral Bissen' s microscope as she examines a bacteria culture in ecology closs. )0

NATURAL SCIENCE Probing the goal constantly toward of understanding In th(' last fe'w dccaciC'1.; thj~ natioll 11<-1''' hf' COIlI(' 11101'(' a nd more cOllcr rncd with scientific (lrhiew'll1rllt and how America COJl1 IHU C"i wilh ulh(lr nation !", \Vh a l is sri('lIcC' that it !la.., rnw.,rd "0 much agitation ? ThC' Di dsioll of Na tural Srirllc(' li r lps us to find the' ans\\'('r to this qurs lion by o ffr ring cours(' ... ill hiolog-y. rilPtlli stry. lIlathematiC's. and physics. Bill Oldham. wilo g-rad - lIatro from Abil ene Chri sti nll Co ll rp:(' and Iia <.; at Irndrd 0"-lahol113 Stale' l l n i\'('rs ity. is a 11('\\ in .. tnlClor in the DepartnH' lIt of \1atitrtllalic ... ,hi ... \'C'ar. Th(' Il om(' E.conomics De pa rtmC'll t i .. c lo<.;C'iy a"'"ociated with the sc iellc(' and malhematirs dC' - partnH'nt s. II has alii it s aim to 1(,3, h \\(lItH' 1I to organize' and run rffic iC'l1l ly a Chr i'i ti an hOI11C'. lhr [Orllrr",tOI1(, of Ollr (Ollnt ry's "'11(((''''''' . ~1afly in this dr pa rtment a rC' prf' pa rin p; to h('[OO1(, voci.ll ional home eco nomi cs lC(lcil C'J's. hom£' d£'lllo l1 - ,lratioll ap:rnts or profC'ssiol1al di e titi ans . WEll·EQUIPPED laboratOries for physical o nd b loloq lcol sCiences and for home economics are installed In the Science Buddlnq . Mildred l Bell , PhD p, -'t· ,\01 Hom(' Econon' Don Englond , MS Ass Sf ml '0" Maur ice L law$on , MS ASSls'on' ProleSSO' PI,ys s Bill Oldham, BA ln~II' 101 Kenneth L Pe rr in, MA Ass,\,on ' Professor Mo·temor,n William F. Ru shton , MA ASSistanT Pro fessor B,0109,col Science Charl es G. Pitner , MA Professol MathernoT' :5 Jock W. Sea rs , PkO Professor Blol09.col S( ,en(e Irene H. Puckell , MS Ass,s 'anl Pr(.fe~so' Home Econ.m Clark Slevens , PkO Professor B,0109":1 S'-'ence Eloine C. Tkomp$on . MA Dorothy Y. Well borne , MS William D. Williams . PhO Assisronl Professor ASSISTonT Professor ASsocloTe Profes~or Home EconomiCS Home Econom 'B (hem,s l ry 3 I

DI RECTING the A Coppella chorus, M r. Kenneth Davi s stresses the feel - Ing and powe r he des ires from the mus ic wh ich is a port of Hordlnq culture. HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Investigating of masterful the techniques self-expression Each student who A" radu a tcs from Hardin/( mu st tak e courses in mu s ic. art. Enp)i sh and spccch. Bas ic knowkdA"e in th csc a reas is nccessa ry in order for Olle' to unders tand and apprec iate hi s ri ch cultural he rita ge and to communi ca te hi s ideas to othe r peopl e' . Studcnts of sperc h found A"rea ter chal - lenge and enjoynwnt in an cx panded dcbate program. S tudents inte'l'('s tco in drama had excellent opportunity to devc lop th eir talcn ts ill three major' product ions and num('rous on('-art plays. Jack Ryan_ a former student of Il ardin/.(. is new in th e D e partment of Speec h tlli s year . Tn th e ;\1us ic Departmenl Kenneth Da vis has re turn ed from doing g raduate' work and has rcsumed duti es as th e d irec tor of A Cap pella Choru s and the Bell es a nd BCaLL'. Ann Ri chmond Scwell . an excell cnt pianist who completcd her M .M, dCA"rec in AUA"ll st. IS a n('w in struc tor of mu s ic. INSTRUCTING students haw to improve their readl nq and comprehension, Delane Way emphasizes importance of speed 32

CONTAINING s tud ios for privo!e and qraup instruction, the 'T" vS bu,ldon9 serves ,IS purpose of funheflng mUSical growth Robert S. Brown , MEd Kenneth Davi s, Jr., MA Herbert P. Dean , MA An,s lant Professor AssisTonl Professor ASSIs tant Professor EnglIsh MUSIC A" Elilabelh B. Mason, MA Erie T. Moore , EdD Mona S. Moore , 8A Profeno r Pro fessor Ins tr uClor A" Music MusIC Woodson Arm l trong , BA Emer,lo Professor Speech Jame, L. Atteberry , PhD Associate Profeuor Engl,sn Georg e E. Baggett , MA AU,iton! ProfeHor Mu~,c Neil B. Cope , MSJ Profeuor Journalism Ben J . Holland , MA AS~IS T onl Professor Speech John H. Ryan, Jr . , MA ASSls ton t Professor Speech Ruby l. Siapielon , MA Evan Ulrey , PhD Richard w. Walke r , PhD Doyle Glenn Ward , MA Assl stonT Professor Speech Assoc,o te Pro fessor Professor Associa te Professor Engl,sh Speech Speech Pearl Lathom , MA AUlstonl Profenor English Th omas A . Lone y, BJ InstruCTor Journalism Lloyd Cline Seo " , PhD Ann Ri chmond Sewell , MM Pro fessor English De la ne Way, MAT ASSlston l Professor Eng lIsh Instructor MUSIC Earl J . Wil cox, MA ASSISlon! Professor English ))

FERNE GULLEY, a Freshman student, pauses a minute at the entrance of Beaumont Memorial Library to reod one of the most imporlant documents in Amencan history, the Declaration of Independence. Wi lliam E. Earnhart, MBA James Hedri ck, EdD, CPA ASSIstant Professor EconomiCS and BUSIness J4 Dallas Robert s, MA ASSIstant Professor Political SCience Professor Accounting Joe P. Spauld ing , PhD ASSOCIate Professor H istory Irene John son , MA Assistant Professor History Jane Tull is Lord, BA Instructor Secretoftol Science Ermal H. Tucke r, MS Lee C. Underwood , M S ASSistant Professor Secre tar ia l Science ASSis tant Professor Busmess Admln,strot ion DR . CLIFTON L. GANUS , Dean of the School of American Studies Lon ni e E. Pry or, MA Assoc. Prafessor Emenlus SoCial SCience Bill y D. Verkl er, M S Assl~lant Professor Social SC ience Gene Edw ard Ra iney, MA Assistant Professor Pal'hcal SCience Roy Wellborne, PhD Professor BUSiness Adminis tration

SOCIAL SCIENCE Examining man in his world --surveying past and present Troub le' over Be rlin. 1Il1r('st in til £' Carihlwa n. and pmp; rrss of cOln m ll ll is ll1 o\'C' f' thr wo rl d : these a re proh lems w h ic h ra ce t lw world today . Prohl r m.... ..,i mil a r to tli f''IC' lIa \,(' farrel ('\Orr\" lIa t io ll since' til e' hrginlli ng- of t i l(' wor ld . B~' .... llId~ · ill g how otil r rs mc t th rir c r iscs we hope tel [(' arll }um to facr our 0 \ \11 prohlems. Dr. Clift li ll I.. Ganu s. d wirm3n o f the' OC'partnl C' llt of Sor ia l ScirllcC'. is a lso DC'C1n of til e Sc hool of AII1 C' ri c<l1l Studies. \1 emhe rs of thi s group s tud \' spec ial prnhl r ms facin p: th e' n a tion . Th i.;; ~'('a r i n th r ir study of "Et h ics in Bu s in ess" th ey \' is il ed Ill " inrss('s in Chi cago~ IOllrrc\ Ih(' indll s l r iC's o f Arka n - .a', and heard speec hes hy a uthorit ies in tli " fi e ld from some' of the' m a jo r 1IIli\'C' r s iti rs a nd bu .... in r .... - Sf'S in th r country. New 1l1 (,lllhcrs of thC' rein !!' ." in thi s dr partmc ilt arc J a ll (' Lord. Ins t ru c to r ill 8usinrss, and \Vill ia m E.arnhart. a rorm(' r P nl "Ioyre of Shell Oi l Co .. Ass i, tanl P "ofesso r o f Eco· nomi cs a nd Bu sil1 (,ss. AntACTIVE and prOChcol lecture rooms In the Amer lcon Stud Ies &.J ild ing aid student s in f ,elds of politica l science and bUSiness FL YI NG f rom iTS pole in the center o f the cam;:>us, the f log svmbol, zes our counTry and freedoms_ In respect to Sam Rayburn, a sTatesmon dedicated to prOTecting our l,berTy, The floq was lowered to half most 01 hIS death J5

~ .0 / 36 Carolyn AndeNon Secretary Pr int Shop Jane Lenh Barton Secretory Dr. Joseph E. Pryor Omor Billler, BA F.eld Representative Joan Bruster Secretory Robert E. Smith Nina Corny" Director New Dorm Vera Davis Secretory Dean of STudents Gertrude Dykes Manager College Bookstore John lee Dykes. MS Director Student Center Jo Ann Fallen Secretory Virgil M. Beckett Judy Fo r. Secretory loll Tucker , Jr Mabel French, RN Supervisor Hea lth Center Opal French Post Office Post Mislress Raymond French Ma intenance Department Corinne Hart College Dietition Manager of Ca feteria I I SORTING Ihe college mail is a necessary and important iob which never seems to end for Mrs . lou lawyer and Mrs. Opal french . Madeline Hubbard Dlreclor Cathcart Hall lou lawyer Po st Office Gloria land Secretarv Student Personnel OffIce Di llie McCorkl e Manager College Inn

Staff Betty Salo Bookkeeper Bus.ness Office Buford Tuck. r E~etulive Secretory Alumni Associ ation .. - Eleanor Sopp Roxanne Shackleford Secretory Accountant Oeporlmenl of Education Busmess Office Elbert Turman Nad ine Tyler Chief Engineer Secretory Sible Depa rtment Mildred McCoy Secretary Dr. Roy Wellborne Harvey Nevins Storeroom Clerk Jean N.... ins. LPN ASSistant Nurse Edwina Pace Secre tory Dr. Cliffon l. Ganus Hubert Pulley MOlntenance DepartmenT Dorma Rainey Clerk Business Office Greg Rhode , Manager College laundry Harry Risinger Maintenance Deportment Ru sse ll Simmons Director Public RelaTions Phylli s Warner Secretory library Ro be rt E. Smith, BS Robert Str•• t Superintendent Manager Buildings cnd Grounds College Farm Dairy Hennan West Po, Young , OA Manager Coshier Harding College Press Business Office 37

~lO"T.·.·~, .' , ..

Classes Cla sses se rve to unit e stud en ts in fcllovvship with one another. From the freshman to th e senior yea r. studcnts advance in lea rning along with gTowth in other a reas. They arc th e (rnle r piece around which all other pieces of the mosaic fit. Education forms a basi s for civ ili zation and the hip;h standard of li vinp; in our country. \\'ithout knowledge and a stri\'ing for wisdom Ollr life would bccomclllcaninglC'ss. Classes provide an environment for learning- and fonn a meltinp; pot for thoup;hts. drcams. ",pirat ions and ambit ions for each student. Thus. they too form a part of th e Hard ing 111osaic.

SENIORS Senior officers schedule profitable year for class SPECIAL problems facing seniors ore anticipated by doss Pres . Ken Dunn, Vice· Pres. Earl (nesler, Treos. Barbaro Durling, Sec. Trish Noylor, and sponsors John McRay and Cliff Ganus. 40 REGINA SPIRIT AWARD JIM HOWARD Exemplifying the cha rac teri sti cs of a SIncere Chris tia n, Jim IToward was awarded the Regina Spir it Awa rd by hi s cla ssma tes. They feci that his a llitudes, personality and conduct mos t clea rly typify those of th e ideal H ar ding student. A warm greeting fo r everyone, unselfish service to others, a devo tion to God a nd to any tas k undertaken combined with a dee p sense of hum ility a re a ttributes which h ave won for Jim this h onor . By serving as pres ident of the Timothy cl ub, president of the A Ca ppella ch orus, and an ac tive member of the H a rdin g Belles and Bea ux, Jim has developed a truly Chri st ian ch a racter . He spends many hours prepa ring his weekly se rmons and radi o talks; ye t he still takes time to respond to any expression of need regardless of his personal desires.

lOY G. ADKERSON, Pa ragould, Ark .; Biology; Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, Vice· pres 2..4 , Sec 3; Camera Club 3,4 ; Science Club 4 ; BISon Photographer 4 . IOIlERT flOYD ALLEY, Oak Grove, Mo.; Social Science; Who' s Who 4 ; Frater Sodolis 1,2, Sec. 2; A Cappello 1.2; SNEA 4 ; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Thelo 3,4. Vice· pres. 4; Dactylology 2; S. A. Vice· pres. 4 . liMA DEE ALTMAN, Wilmar, Ark .; Home Economics; Beta Tau Gamma 1,2,3, Treas. 2, Pres . 3; Petit Jean 3; Colhecon 2,3,4, Vice· pres . 3, State Sec. 4 ; SNEA 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3. CURTIS ANDERSON, Portagev Ille, Mo .; Physical Education ; TNT 1.2,3, Sec.2, Rep. 3; TAG 4 ; Intramural Sports 1.2,3,4, All Star Softball; SNEA 4; PEMM Club 4 . LIN DEL ANTHONY, We. t Plains , Mo .; Bible . JERRY L. ATKINSON, Sp rin gfield , Mo.; Biblical languages; Who 's Who 3,4; Mohican 1,2,3,4, Treos. 1,2; A Coppella 1,2.3,4; Quartet 2,3,4, Belles and Seoux 3,4 ; CIa 51 Pres. 2; Pet it Jean, Asst. Bus . Mgr. 3, Bus. Mgr. 4 . MIKE IIACHERL, MountaIn Home, Ark.; Business Administration . KARYL " BEETLE" BAILEY ,Hobart, Ind .; Physical Education ; Transfer from Vol· paraiso University; Who's Who 4 ; Mohican 2,3,4, Rep. 3; S.A. Repres . 3; Bison Booster 2,3,4 , Pres . 3,4; Cheerleader 2,3.4, Capt. 3,4 ; Intramural Sports 3,4 . GLORIA KAY BAKER, Bradford, Ark .; Home Economics; Tofebt 1,2,3,4; Cho· role 1; Colhecon 1,2,3,4; SNEA 4 ; May Queen Nom inee 3. WILLIAM H. BARNES, Hayti , Mo .; Business Education ; Alpha Phi Kappa 1.2; Mohican 3,4; Bison Booster 3; Northern lights Club 3; SNEA 4 ; Pi Gamma Psi 1,2; American Studies 4 ; Intramural Sports 2,3 ,4 . DORIS BAlIm, Jonesboro, Ark.; Home Economics; Wha ' s Who 4 ; May Court 2, May Queen Nominee 4 , Theta Psi 1,2.3,4. Pres . 3; Inter·club Council 4, Sec. 2; Bond 1; Symphonelfe I ; Colhecon 1,2.3,4. Hist. 3; Pet it Jean 1,2,3.4, Asst. Editor 3, Editor 4 ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 , Basketball AII·Stors 3. GLENDA BAWCOM, Bastrop, La .; Elementary Education; Theta Psi 1,2,3.4, PorI. I, Trea~ 2, Vice· pres. 3, Pres. 3; Bison Booster 3; SNEA 2,3,4; May Covrt 1; May Queen Nominee 3; Inter·club Council. Sec. 4 . JERRY BENSON, Sea rcy, Arx; Accounting and Business. CAROLYN BERRY, Litt le Rock, Art .; English ; Omega Phi 1.2,3,4 ; SNEA 4 . ANN BERRYHILL, Searcy, Ark .; Elementary Education ; Wha ' s Who 4 ; May Queen Finalist 3; Regina 1. 2,3.4; A Cappella 1,2. 3,4 ; Ensemble 2.3.4 ; Belles and Beaux 3,4; A Tempo 1; SNEA 2,4. DON O. BERRYHILL, Searcy, Ark .; Phvscial Education; Who' s Who 4 ; Sub·T 16. Quartermaster 2, Chaplain 3, 2nd Mate 4 ; A Cappello 1, 2.3.4 ; Quartet 3,4; Belles and Beaux 3,4; S. A, Pres. 4 ; Closs Pres. 1; Bison 4 ; Sporn Stoff 4 ; Bison Booster 3,4; Campus Players 2,3,4 ; Alpha Psi Omega 4 ; PEMM 4; Closs Favorite 2; SNEA 2,4; Intercollegiate Football 2; Intramural Sports 1,2.3,4, AII·Star Softball 1,2.3 ,4 , AII·Star Baseball 1.2; Sijitsu 4 . GEORGE BESSE NT . WyandoHe, Mich.; General Science. CAROL BISSETT, Okmu lgee, Okl a .; Physical Education ; Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College; Kappa Phi 3 ,4 , Vice·pres. 3. Pres . 4 ; Colhecon 3; SNEA 4; Sison 4 ; 1ntramural Sports 3,4 . Trophy and Jacket 3 . 41

DONALD E. BLAIR , Dayton , 0 .; Sociol SCience ; Tran~fer from UnIverSI ty 01 Do yton ; Pioneer 7 , Treos 2; TAG 3 ,4 , SNEA 7 ,3.4 , Rep 2, Pres 3; Blioon 4 . A!ost Bulo Mgr 4 ; Intramural Sports 2, Runner ·up Trophy 2 SHARON BLAIR , Dayton , 0 . ; Elementary Education ; Transfer from UniverSity 01 Doy lon ; TAG 3, 4 ; SNEA 3,4 . MARY el iZABETH BOLEN, Memphis , Tenn . ; Mus ic Education; Bela Tau Gamma , Treas 2. HI$! . 2, PorI. 3; A Copello 1. 2,3 .4 ; Ensemble 3 ,4 ; Belles and Beaux 3, 4 ; Chorale I ; A Tempo 1; Big SiSler 2; SNEA 3.4 . BEN BOOKER , Spring Hill , Tenn .; Mathematics and Biology; Frater Sodali! 1; Pioneer 2. VIRGINIA LEE BORDEN, Klamath Falls , Ore .; MaThematics; Transfer from MagiC Volley Chmt lon College; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,4 , Songleoder I, Pres. 4 : A Cappello 1,4 ; Ensemble 4 ; Bond 1; Belles and Beaux 4 ; Dactylology Club I ; Intramural Sports 1,4 . LOUISE BUFFINGTON, Searcy, Ark.; English . BOBBY G. BUllARD, Independence, Mo .; Mus ic Educat ion ; Galaxy , Sec. 3; A Cappella 2.3 , Chorale I ; Bond 3 ,4 ; A Tempa 1, 2.3 ,4 ; SNEA 3 ,4 ; Campus Players 2.3 ,4; Intramural Sporn 1,2,3,4 ; Trampoline Club I. TREVA DaVEE BULLARD , Miami , Okla .; Elementary Educat ion, Transfer from Northeastern Oklahomo A and M Junior College; Kappa Ph i 2.3 ,4 , Colhecon 2,3; SNEA 4 ; Dactylology Club 2,3; Intramural Sports 2.3 . DON BULLOK, Richmond Heights , Mo.; AccountinQ and Business; KOinonia . 3,4, PorI. 3 ,4, Pi Gammo Psi 1. 2.3 ,4 , Pres. 4 ; Amer icon Stud ies 4 . JERRY DON BURKS. Dodge City, Kon .; Politicol SCience; Frater Sodalis 1.2, Treas. 2; Mohica n 4 ; A Cappella 1,2,3, 4 ; Quarte t 2; Dactylology Club 1.2; Campus Players 1, Student Studies Group for Constitutional Government 3.4 . SYLVIA BURNLEY, Kensen, Ark .; Home Economics; Transfer from Arkansas Stote Teachers College a nd Arkansas Stale Junior ColleQe; (olhecan 4 . BETTY BUTlER, North little Rock , Ark .; Elementary Education; Oege 1.2.3 ,4, Sec. 2. Vice·pres. 3; Camero Club 1.2; Campus Players 4 . BILL CANNON , Searcy, AIic.; Biology, Moh icon 1,2; A Cappello 3,4 ; Belles and Bea ux 4; Camero Club 2,3, GEORG IE ClAYPOOL CANNON , Memphis, Tenn .; Enqlish; Who 's Who 4 ; Pet it Jean Queen 3; Ze ta Rho 3 ,4 , Sec . 3; Oeqe 1, 2, Sec. [? Chorale 1, 2, Rep. 1; Pi Kappa Delta 3; Dactylology Club 1,2; S. A. Repres . I; S. A. Cob· inet 3; Bison 1, 2,3 , Social Ed itor 3; Bi~ Sister Chairman 2; Bison Booster 1; Campus Players 1,3 RICHARD H. CARSON , Erie, Po .; Elementary Education ; Transfer from Pen· nsylvan la State Univers ity ; Cavalier 2,3,4 , Sgt. at Arms 3 , Pres. 4 ; SNEA 2,3 ,4; Campus Players 1,2; DramaT ICs Lener 2 . PAT S. CARTER , JR ., Vancouve r, Wash.; Bible; Moh ican 1, 2; TAG 3,4; Chorale 1,2; European Club 1, 2; AusTral ian Club 3; African Club 4 , Pres. 4 . THOMAS G. CHASE, Broadview , 111. ; Chemistry; Transfer from UniversiTy of Ill inois; TAG 2,3 ,4 , Pres . 4; Intramural Sports 2,3,4. CARL W. CHEATHAM, lincoln, Ark.; Bible and Enql ish ; Who 's Who 4 ; Frater Soda hs 1, 2,3 , Pres . 2; A Cappello 2,3; Chorale I ; S. A. Repres . 2; Bison 3; Austral ian Club 3; Intramural Sports 1,2 ,3.

SENIORS SECLUDED in the privacy of a correll in The Ilbrarv slocks, sen ior Will iam Gullick finds conditions ideol for re o search projects a nd independent study. Harding's industrious seniors aim for top grades EAll CHESTER, Pocahontol. Ark.; Biology; lambda S igma 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; Clou Vice-pres: 4 ; Northern lights Club 2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2.3. SANDRA CHURCH , HOlel Gr• • n, Ala.; Biology; Tofeht 1,2,3,4, Pres . 2; Col· hKon 2; SNEA 4 . LOIS COB8, Sp ri ngfie ld , Mo .; Bvsiness Education; May Queen Nominee 3; Gala 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Vice -pres. 3, Pres. 3; A Cappello 1.2.3,4; Ensemble 2,3,4; Belles and BeOUI( 3,4; SNEA 3; Bi~ Sister 2. IUTH COBURN, San Pablo. Cal if.; Institutional Monogeme-nt ; Koppa Phi 1,2,3,4, Vice-pres . 2,4 ; Colhecan 1,2.3.4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4. Treas. 3, Public Relahans Officer 4 . GENEVA COMBS, Bethany, Okla.; Business Education ; Who' s Who 4 ; Ju Go Ju 1.2.3.... Treas. 3. Pres. 4 ; S. A. Sec. 4 ; S. A. Cabinet 3; American Studies 3,4 JO COVINGTON. Fort Worth, Tex.; Elementary Education; WHC ; Chorale 1.3; Ensemble 3; Bond 2.3; Camero Club 1; SNEA 4 ; Dactylology Club 1.2. Treas. 2; Big Sisler 2. JUDITH E. CROWSON. Bastrop. La .; Business Education; Gata 1.2; TAG 4; Jamaican Club 3.4 : EQuestra in Club 1. MAlVIN A. CROWSON. Baltrop, La.; Speech: Best Student One Act Play Director 3: Galaxy 1,2. 3; TAG 4 : Chorale 1.2.3. Pres . 2; Quartet 1.2.3 ; Jamaicon Club 3.4 . NEVA DAVEE. Miami, Okla .; Elementary Education; Transfer from North East Oklahoma A & M. EMALINE DAVIS, LI vings ton, Calif.; Home Economics; Transfer from Modesto Junior College; Tafebt 3.4. Sec-Treas. 3. Vice-pres. 4 ; Colhecon 3.4 ; SNEA 3.4. Treas. 4; Intramural Sports 3.4. EARNIE DOUGLASS. Veneta , Ore.; Bible; Transfer from Columbia Christian College: AEX 1,2.3 .4 : Chorale 1; Oriental Club 1.2. Vice-pres. 2; Australian Club 3.4. Vice-pres . 3, Pres . 4 : Timothy Club 1,2.3,4 , Vice-pres . 3,4; Intramural Sports 2,3 ,4 . KENNY DUNN . Sara sota , Fla .; Accounting: Sigma Tau Sigma 1.2,3.4. Vicepres. 2. Treas . 3; Chorale 1,2.3.4, Vice-pres . 1, Pres. 2,3; Quartet 2.3; Pi Gamma Psi 1, 2,3.4 ; American Studies 4 ; Closs Pres . 4 : Bison Booster 1,2.3.4; Cheerleader 1.2.3; Oriental Club 1.2, 3. Pres. 2; Intramural Sports 1.2 ,3.4; Intercolleg iate Track I .

BARBARA DURLING , Wich ita, Ko" .; Biology; Alpha Chi 3, 4 , Pres 4 ; Who's Who 4 ; Omego Phi 1,2,3, 4 , Rep· HiS!. I, Treas 2, Pres. 3; Colhecon 2 ; Clou Co . Sec lleas. 4 ; Northern llghlS Club 4 ; Allican Club I ; Intramural Sporls 1,2 ,3,4 , Volleyball AII ,Slars 1,3, Basketball AII·Stars 3 GARY D. ElLIOTT, Searcy , Ark .; Bible; fraler Sodalis, 1: Pioneer 2,3. Sec . 2; Chorale 3; Timothy Club 4 ; Bison 4 ; Intramural Sports 2,3.4 JERRY ESCUE, Brownsvi lle, Tenn .; Physical Educalian; Alphi Phi Kappa 1,2 ,3,4 . Sec ,· Trea s. 2, Vice·Pres . 3 , Pres. 4 ; Physical Ed . Club 4 ; Intercollegiate Foot · boll 2,3,4 ; Baseball I ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 ; Baseball All Slart 3, Bosket· boll All Stan 2,3; Varsity Club 3,4 BOBBY lOU EVERETT, Solem, Ark; Business Educat ion ; WHC 1,2,3, 4 , Hist. 3 ; SNEA 4 ; Bison Booster 4 . BOB FALLEN , Perryville , Ark .; Physical Education . LUC IAN FARRAR, Fort Smith , Art .; Bible; AEX 1, 2 ,3, Sec. 2, Pres. 3; Phi Alpha Theta 3, 4 ; Africon Club I; Intramural Sports 1,2 ,3,4. JOHN FAULES, Neosho, Mo.; Mathemat ics; Bela Ph i Kappa 1,2,3 ,4 , Sec.- Treas . 4 ; fenCing 2,3; Camero Club 2,3. BOB FIGGINS, Caruthe rsville, Mo .; Business Administration; Alpha Ph i Kappa 1,2,3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 3 ,4 ; American Studies 3, 4; Circle K 1,2; Bison Boosters I; Intramural Sports 1,2,3.4 ; Football All Stars 2,4. DAVID FINLEY, Washington , 0 , C.; Math ema t ics; Who's Who 4 ; Moh ica n 1,2,3,4 , Pres. 3 , Rep. 2 ,4; Pi Kappa Delta 1.2, 3 , PorI. 2; S. A. Treas. 4 ; S. A. Cabinet 2; Bison 2,3; Debate 1,2, 3 . DOWElL EDWARD FLATT, Cookeville, Tenn .; Bible; Transfer from Freed -Ha r· demon . BILL FORD, Tyronza , Art .; Busi ness Administration; Koinonia 3.4 ; Tri Sigma Delta 1,2; Circle K 3; African Club 1,2,3. DAVID FORE, Vienna, W. Vo .; Biology; TAG 2 ,3 ,4 ; Intra mu ra l Sports 1,3,4 . Seniors enjoy food and fellowship at class party SEN IORS REfRESHMENTS and entertainment by members of The class were mixed with discussion of graduaTion plans aT a senior tea sponsored by the SA. 44

BILL FIULEY, Port Huron , Mich .; Sible; Frater Sodalis; A Cappello 1; Sand 1; Dactylology 2 ; Oriental Club 2; African Club 1; Intramurol Sports 1.2. WAYNE GA ITH ER , Hammond, Ind .; Bus iness Administration. MARTHA GARNER , Hendenon, Tenn .; Elementory Education; Transfer from Freed.Hardeman College; WHC 3 .4 , Vice·pres, 3; SNEA 4 . DON GARNETT, Lubbock, Tex .; Speech; Transfer from Lubbock Christian College; TAG 4; Campus Players 4. PHYLLIS GARNETT, Conway , Ark .; General Science; Transfer from lubbock Christian College; Alpha Chi 4, Treas. 4 ; TAG 4 ; Pelll Jean Queen Naminee 4 . DOT GARRETT, Phillips, Tex.; Home Economics; WHC 1.2.3,4 . Pres. 3. Vice· pres. 4. Sports Copt. 2 ; Colhecon 2.3.4. Treas . 4 ; SNEA 4 ; Big Sister 3 BEVERLY GATLIN, Paragould, Ark .; Elementary Education ; Petit Jean Queen Flno ll st 4 ; Football Homecoming Allendanl 3; May Court 1,2,3; Closs Fa ... - oflte 2; Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4 , Rep. 1, Sec.·Treas. 2, Pres. 3, Treas . 4 ; A Cappello 4 Cho ra le 2; Colhecon 1; SNEA 2,4; Dactylol09Y Club 1; Big Sister 2 ; Bison Booster 2,3.4, Sec.· Treas . 2 ; Intramural Sports 1. DAVID GAUNTLETT, Kingston, Jamaica ; Accounting and Business; Transfer from City College of New York; Pi Gamma Psi 2,3, 4 ; In t ramural Sports 2,3. BARBARA GLEASON, Ringling , Okla .; Elementary Education ; Tofebt 1,2,4 ; Chorale 1; SNEA 1,4 ; Big Sister 2; European Club 2. LYDIA GOINS, Paragould, Ark .; Elementary Education ; Wha 's Who 4; Petit Jean Queen Finalist 4 ; Football Home<:ominq Court 3; May Court 1; Class Fayorite 3; MEA 1,2 ,3,4 , Rep. 2, Sec. 2, Pres . 3; Chorale 1; Colhecon 2; SNEA 3,4 ; HIST. 4 ; S. A. Rep . 4 ; Closs Sec.·Treas . 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 . JOHN GRAHAM, portland , Ore.; Biology; Alpha Phi Kappa; Intramural Sports 1.2,3 WILLIAM GRAY, Dallas, Tex.; Business Administration. CAROLYN HALL, Clarksylll e, Ark.; Elementary Education; Football Homecoming Court 4 ; May Queen Finalist 3 ; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2 , 3 ,4, Song leader 2, Vice· pres. 3; A Cappello 1,2 ,3,.4 ; Ensemble 2 ,3,4 ; Belles and Beaux 3.4; SNEA 2.3.4 , State Sec. 2; Closs Sec. 2; Big Sister 2; Bison Booster 2 . SHERRY HAMPTON, Loxley, Ala.; Elementary Education ; Gata 1,2,3,4 ; SNEA 1,2,3,4 ; Pe'l' Jean 3,4 . DAVID BENNETT HARVEY, Long Beach , Calif.; Biology; Alpha Phi Kappa 1.2 ,3,4, Scr ibe 3; Inte rcollegiate Football 1; Intramural Sports 3. JAMES HEATH, L1"le Rock, Ark.; Physica l Education; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4 ; Intercollegiate Football 2,3.4 ; In'ramu ral Sports 1,2,3,4 ; Intramural Top Ten 1,2; Varsity Club 2,3,4 . SALLY HINDS, Worthington, Ind .; English; Omega Phi 1,2,3, 4 ; A Cappello 1,2; Bond 1; SNEA 4 ; Big Sisters 1; Oriental Club 3.4. GAYLA HODGE, Lubbock, re• . ; English; Transfer from Lubbock Christian Col· lege; Ze'a Rho 3,4 , Sports Director 3, Sec. 4; Phi Alpha Theta A; Bison Boos" us 3; Int ramura l Sports 3,.4. .0 • _.

BARBARA HORNBUCKLE, Jack sonville , Ark .; Elementary Educat ion ; Transfer from Abilene Christ ian College; Tofebt 2,3,4 , Hist . 2, Vice · pres . 3; Chorale 2. 3.4 , Lib. 2; Ensemble 2. 3,4 ; Camero Club 2; SNEA 4; Intramural SPOrts 2, 3 ,4 . JIM HOWARD, Memphi s, Tenn .; Bible; Who 's Who 4 ; lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Pres. 3; A Coppella 1,2,3 ,4. Pres . 3 ,4 ; Quartet 1,2.3 ,4 ; Belles and Beaux 1,3.4; European Club 2,3,4 , Vice·pres . 3 ; Intramural Sports 1, 2,3.4 ; Timothy Club Pres. 4 . HELEN HOWELL, Carlsbad, N. M.; Elementary Education ; Transfer from l ubbock Chr istian College; May Queen 3; Zeta Rho 3 ,4 . Vice· pres . 3 , Pres . 3, Treas. 4 ; SNEA 3.4 ; Bison 3; Bison Booster 4 ; Intramural SPOrts 4 . JERRY HUGHES, Ealt Chicago, Ind .; Business Administrat ion . BILLY A. JACKSON, Wenatch .. , Wash.; Psychology. DEANNA JAMES, Kansas City, Kans .; Business Education . ROGER JAMES, Valley Center, Kans.; Speech . GENE JESTER, McCaskill , Ark .; Bible. BENNIE JOHNS, lawrenceburg , Tenn .; Bible ; lambda Siqma 3,4; Intramural Spo rts 3 ANN JONES, Pari s, Tn.; Elementary Educat ion; Petit Jean Queen Nominee 3,4; Football Homecoming Queen 4 ; Ka ppa Ph i 1,2,3,4 ; Inter·Club Counc il 4; Colhecon 2; SNEA 2,4 ; Intramural Sports 1,2.3. DENNIS KELLY, lud ing ton, Mich .; Bible: Tra nsfe r from Unive rsity of Michigan; Who' s Who 4 ; Frater Sodal is 1,2, 3 , Pres . 3: SNEA 3; Ori ental Club 1,2, Treas . 1, Vice · pres. 2; Northern lights Club 2,3, Vice · pres . 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3 . GRANT KILLION , Springdale, Ark.; Bible ; Fra ter Soda lis 2.3, 4 , Sec. 4 ; Bison 3; Europea n Club 3; Intramural Sports 2,3. DAVID FLETCHER KIRK , Columbia, Tenn .; Mathematics and Educat ion; Frater Sodal is 1. 2.3; lambda Sigma 4 ; Chorale I ; SNEA 3,4 ; Intramural Sports ; Football AII ·Stars 3. ETHEL LOUELLA KLEMM, Denver, Colo.; Biology and Elementa ry Educat ion ; Phi Delta 1.2, Se<: . 2; Camero Club 1,2.3,4. Sec.· Trea s. 3 .4; Science Club 1,2.3.4 . Sec.· Treas . 3; Dactylology Club 1, 2.3 .4 ; Big Sister 2 . BENNIE HAROLD KNOTT, Cincinnati , 0 .; Bible; Transfer from Freed· Hardeman; TAG 4 ; Intramural Sports 4 . DONNIE LAMB, Wayne , Mich .; Elementary Educat ion: Ju Go Ju 1. 2, Rep. I, HlSt. I ; Zela Phi Zeta 3,4 . Pres . 3.4 ; Inter· club Counc il 2.3.4 . Sec., Rep. 3; Petit Jean 2; Bison Booster 1.2.3 ; SNEA 1.4 ; Intramural Sports 1.2.3 .4 . VIRGINIA RUTH LEATHERWOOD, 1.rrell , Tn.; Journal ism; Transfer from North Texas State Univers ity; Oege 2.3 .4 ; Bison 2. 3.4 . Feature Ed itor 2, Asst . Editor 3, Editor 4 ; European Club 2.3 ,4 , Sec. 2; Intramural Sports 2,3,4 ; Press Club 4 ; Who's Who, 4 . GARY LENTZ , Paragould, Arit .; English ; Who' s Who 4 ; Circle K Scholarship Award 2; Lambda Sigma 1,2.3 ,4; S. A. Cabinet Member 3.4 ; Ci rcle K 1,2; SNEA 4 ; American Stud ies 2, 3.4 ; Campus Players 1,2. 46

Final year encourages CAROLYN LEONA.RD , Detroi t , M i d •.; Elementary Education; los ComponerO$ 2,3,4 Vice, pres 3, Pres 4; Chorole 1,3,4; Pellt Jean 3,4; (olhecan 3. 4 SNEA 2,3,4, Phi Alpha Theta 3,4, Sec.-Treas. 4; Intromural Sports 3,4 L. REESE McOOUGALD, Sea rcy , Ark .; Bible JAN McBRIDE, Wes t Pla i ns, M o.; Music Education; Trans fer from Freed -Hardeman College : A Cappello 4 LINDA lEE McMAHAN , Me mph is , Ten n .; ElemenTary Education; Tronsfer from Memphis Slole Unlverslly; Belo Tau Gamma 3,4, Pres. 4 ; A Coppella 3, 4 , En. semble 4; Belles ond Beaux 4 ; SNEA 3,4 GLEN E. McNEESE, Strafford , Mo.; B,ble; Tronde, from Freed-Hardeman Col. I~e; TNT 1; Inlromurol Sports 1. MARGARET MABRY, lazbudd ie , Tex.; Enqlish ; Tronsfer from lubbock ChrisTian College; Kappa Kappa Kappa 3 ,4 ; Fencinq 4 ; SNEA 4 ; European Club 3,4 KATHY MADDOX, Dea rb orn , Mi ch .; English; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3.4; A Cappella 4 ; Ensemble 4 ; Chorale 1,2,3; Belles and Beau)!; 4 ; Fenclnq 2; SNEA 4 ; Bison 1,2.3,4 ; Pelll Jean 1,2; Bison BOOSTer 4; OrienTal Club 1,2,3, 4;' No rThern lighls Club 2. JO MEADOWS, Dearbo rn , Mich .; ElemenTary EdUCaTion; May Queen Nominee 3; Ju Go Ju 1,2. HIS!. 2; leTa Phi ZeTa 3,4. Pres. 3; Chorale 2; SNEA 2,3,4; Peflt Jean 2; Bison BOOSTer 3,4, Treos . 4; InTramural SporTS 1,2,3,4 JIMMY E. MILLER, Dardanelle, Ark .; Physical EducoTion; Transfer from Arkan· sas Tech; Galaxy 2,4, Rep 4 ; Sison 2,3,4, Sports Ed . 2,3,4; PetIT Jean AUI. Sports Ed. 3; InTercollegiaTe FOOTball 3. Track 3; InTramural Sports 1,2,3,4 ; Varsity Club 3,4; Press Club, 4, Pres. 4 . JAMES O. MILLER , Dyenbu rg , Tenn .; Bible; Transfer from Freed·Hardemon College; European Club 4; Timothy Club 4 . BARBARA MITTS, Swifton , Ark .; Home Economics; Oege 1,2.3; Colhecon 3, 4 ; SNEA 4; Camero Club I ; Bison BOOSTer 3. PATRICIA NAYlOR , Wel t Me mphi s , Ark .; El e menTary Education; Transfe r from Freed·Hardeman College; Delta Chi Omega 3,4, Treas. 3; SNEA 3,4, Pres. 4 ; Clan Co·Sec. 4 ; Northern Lights Club 3,4, Sec. 4 . - definite SENIORS INfORMAT ION about iob op· portuniTles is made available for qraduaTlnq seniors by The Student Placement Office. career plans ·0