1961-1962 Yearbook

DI RECTING the A Coppella chorus, M r. Kenneth Davi s stresses the feel - Ing and powe r he des ires from the mus ic wh ich is a port of Hordlnq culture. HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Investigating of masterful the techniques self-expression Each student who A" radu a tcs from Hardin/( mu st tak e courses in mu s ic. art. Enp)i sh and spccch. Bas ic knowkdA"e in th csc a reas is nccessa ry in order for Olle' to unders tand and apprec iate hi s ri ch cultural he rita ge and to communi ca te hi s ideas to othe r peopl e' . Studcnts of sperc h found A"rea ter chal - lenge and enjoynwnt in an cx panded dcbate program. S tudents inte'l'('s tco in drama had excellent opportunity to devc lop th eir talcn ts ill three major' product ions and num('rous on('-art plays. Jack Ryan_ a former student of Il ardin/.(. is new in th e D e partment of Speec h tlli s year . Tn th e ;\1us ic Departmenl Kenneth Da vis has re turn ed from doing g raduate' work and has rcsumed duti es as th e d irec tor of A Cap pella Choru s and the Bell es a nd BCaLL'. Ann Ri chmond Scwell . an excell cnt pianist who completcd her M .M, dCA"rec in AUA"ll st. IS a n('w in struc tor of mu s ic. INSTRUCTING students haw to improve their readl nq and comprehension, Delane Way emphasizes importance of speed 32