1961-1962 Yearbook

Behold, how good and how pleasant it i s fOT bTethTen to dwell togetheT in unity' - PSALMS 133: 1 I.i \·ill j:t in a w o rld tha t can be chara ctcri zed by tha t of s trife i-llHi confu s ion. ma ll lHus t cxc('C'd th e minimuI11 dcg-ree of soc ial d~ " ~ I () l'lll c nt and ada pt a bilit y. Thc illrli"idua l was intendcd to live with !ti s fcll ow 1)1 an , ll o t alon e. Top;c tlH'r men form a soc iety in whi ch they lea rn to li ve. love. and work with onc a ll other . Soc ial life is the di scovcry of one's self in rela tion to oth ers a lld \\ ill I O Il ~ rClll ain a subj ec t of in ex ha ustibl e r csearch . lIappy is th e man who can sllcccssfull y communica te with his fell ow assoc iates. SOCIALIZING a nd reloY""'ion on campus ore concentra ted in the sTudent cenler where sluden ts may gather 10 discuss current issues or iust talk. 10