1961-1962 Yearbook

BIBLE Exploring life's challenges and contemplating etern ity Harding is th e pl acc wh e re Chri , tiall a lld Ameri can ideal s go h a nd ill haml. Tlw Bible Orparllllrllt s('('ks tn ('s tahl ish Chris tian id eal s ami charart r J' in (' (:le I! s tllcklll throu g h dail ~· Ilihl e cla sses. M embe r s of tlw fa culty a r e spirit - uill leadel's on campus and arc aJwa ,Ys willin p: to rOllllsr\ or ad \'il.iC' a nyo l1 (' who nerds 1 (' \ p. Prfsonal Eva np;c ii sl1l und e r the d ir ec ti on of Andy T . Hitcili (' (' l1 f Otlra p,-C's inl (' l'('s l in III is sionary work a t h O I11 (, a nd t)\'C' l'scas. whil e' th r Timothy Club is of spcc ia l intc rcq to those who plan to pre-ar ll . Th rs(' two ~1 () lld a.y Ili ~h t Ill('rlings ha ve b('coll1C' a tradition a t (l a l"(litl ~ CIIII('~('. Th" Tha nksp; i"ill p: Lcc turC's ilip. a nother tradition, was d irec ted thi s yca r by DI'. \\ . B. West, Dcall of th e C"adu;te School of lIibi e alln H li g ioll ill M Clllphi s, and \V. J oe Ilackrr, a Il (' W 111('1tI he r of t 11 (' r aell Itv . II a r kr r. a g-raollatC' of I lardin g- and the Southwcs te rn Bapti st Theoiop, ica i SC lIlill " '·.\', tcae l'es Tlihie and rclip;iou 'i educa ti on . SPACIOUSLY serving the students and teachers with classrooms and offices. the Bible Bui lding fulfils its purpose for 0 second year " SElECTING" mOlerlal thar may be used 10 leoch children about God IS one of Ihe lessons Ihese girls learn '" Mrs Pud,ert s chdd Irolnlnq closs James R. Allen , MRE James D. Bales , PhD Les lie Burk e , MA ASSistant Professor Professor Professor Bible Christian DoClflne Greek and Hebrew William J . Hacker , MRE Earl Conard Hay s, BO Robe rl Hel st en , MA Assls ton t Professor Assoclole Professor ASSis tan t Professor ReligiOUs Education Bible ond Church Hoslory Bible Joh n McRay , MA ASSISlonl Professor Bible Andy T. Ritchie , MA Asslslant Professor Bible W. B. Wes t , Jr ., ThO Professor Bible ond Religion 27