1961-1962 Yearbook

Wisdom is the principal thing; There/ ore ge t wisdom; Yea, with all thy getting get understanding. - PROVERBS 4:7 The goal of every studcnt is th e deve lopment of hi s bra in into a working integral part of hi s mind and body relationsh ip. Educa tion is l.h e instndllcnt u sed to produce Sllell a resull. Students need a broad. liberal educa tion to ullderstand the gr eat issues cha ll eng ing thC' nlinc1 s of m('n and to communi ca te their ideas effect ively. Discipline is also nceded to prov ide an avenue for nla"imum contribution . Learning comes through cJjcr.overy in the laboratory, listening to lyceums, and comprehens ion in the classroom. This cnables students to develop skill s and to qui cken their intellect a nd ab ilities. COMMENCEMENT services and presentation of the diploma, signifying completion of work toward a Bachelor's or Moste"s degree, is on event that will be long remembered by all persons concerned. EXPLORING the mysteries of the atom in chemistry lob qives on opportunity to satisfy curiosity. EXPERIENCE 111 dramatic productions Old studen ts In developlnq basic skills and special talents fo' lyceums 7