1961-1962 Yearbook

SPEECH AND ART Self of student IS the goal artists • • - expression &IJITSU CLUB , FRONT ROW , Herrington, K. Hadley, Hardcastle, Baucom, Moson. SECOND ROW, R. Had ley , Borber, Tipton, Sutherl in, Hamplon . THIRD ROW; Dean , Watson , Wolker. Pi Kappa Delta, a na ti onal h onorary forensic fra ternity, promotes interest 1n debat ing, extemporan eous speaking, afterdinn er speaking, and or ato ri cal speak ing . The Harding chapter gave demonstra tion deba tes to va r ious high schools, sponsor ed a Christi a n college deba te tournament, and presented a trophy to the social club that won th e intramura l speech tournament. Members of the loca l cha pte r par ti cipa ted in several large forensic tournaments and received numerous superior and excell ent ratings in the various categor ies . The Bijitsu Club promotes inter es t in and appreciat ion for the visua l a rts. Although the club is sponsor ed by the Art Depar tmen t for the prima ry benefit of a rt ma jor s, member ship is open to all studen ts interes ted in art. Members attend a r t exhibits in surrounding citi es and enj oy the fellowship of pizza pa rti es and spaghett i suppers. By means of a va ri ed program of ac tivity, the club a ttempts to exemplify th e meaning of the Japanese word " bi tji tsu " - " a thing of beauty." PI KAPPA DELTA . FRONT ROW, Bloke, RORers , Brown, He rndon, Vou!=jhn. SECOND ROW: Ulrey, lemmon, W iltse, Arnold, Rhodes, Anderson 172