1961-1962 Yearbook

VAULTING I iqh in the a ir, EddIe M ick , a fre !>hma n , d isplays h i s Il II and ability or this d Iff icul t event . M ick cl ea red 12 6· this year . of Hendri .. runners , Del Brack carries Hardinq ·s curve in the 440 yard relay as supporters w a tch. RUNNING neck and neck, lewIs Walker ond arch rival A$TC hurdler bo tTle for a posiTion at the tope in the hiqh hurdle!>. THROWING his arms high, Jim Pra ll sTrains to qet more momen tum and d ls l onc~ from his jump as he odds pomts f or Hardmq in the brood jump 19 1