1961-1962 Yearbook

TEASINGLY APK dub queen Gerry Stone offers Charles Borton a bite of ice cream while oTher members enjoy looking on. ALPHA PHI KAPPA Mr. Doyle Ward Bobby Ackers Charle s Barton Stan Brown Gene Dugger Jerry Esque Jon Farris Bob Figgins David Goins Roy Griffi n Gero ld Griffith George Grindley James Heath JOhn Ivy Bill Keetk Jerry Keeth Queen honored at annual Valentine banquet 144 Jim Keetk larry lambert Gary l ewis Terry McRae Carroll Moreland Jerry Mote (karles Parker Odean Parker Glen Randolpk M ike Robertson Dean Smitk Gale Smith Bill Stanley James Stone Gary Wore Fifteen ve teran APK' s r etu rn ed eager to beg in a new year's work . Fell owship among club member s was stren l(thened throul(h a stag outing be fore pl edge week. APK's selected Gerry Stone as their cl ub queen . She r epresented them proudl y as a maid in th e H omecoming par ade. Cl ub members h earti ly enjoyed th e man y cak es suppli ed by th eir queen th roughout the yea r . Camp vVyldewood was th e scene of the club's third fun ction in the fall. The APK's en tertained a t their informal banque t staged a t the Searcy Youth Cente r in February. Val entin e's Day was tJ, eir them e. The club was ac ti ve in all intramural sports and completed th e year 's ac ti viti es w ith their annual spring outing. OFFICERS . FAll: Escue, Pres.; Smith , Vice-Pres .; McRee, Sec- Trea s. lambert. Bulldog; Farris, Scribe. SPRING: Smith. Pres.; Griffin. Vice Pres .; McRae, Sec.; D. Smith, Trees. ; lambert, Bulldog.; Farris, Scri~