1961-1962 Yearbook

A"'lA WA-TWlITA IIft · ~ '''IlS ,.1 AFR ICAN CLUB. Byrd , Shoft , Shewmaker, l aroux , Butterfield . AUSTRALIAN CLUB. FRONT ROW: O. l oylon, Prince, Massey. SECOND ROW: A ll en, Elliol, l emmon. TH IRD ROW: Brown, J. l avton, Po rker. RELIGIOUS GROUPS Religious groups emphasize spiritual maturity EUROPEAN MISSION STUDIES. FRONT ROW, Spurlock. Pace, Bronscum, Harper, Smith. SECOND ROW: Butterf ield, K. Thompson. Robin son, Bush . leatherwood , Gatewood . THI RD ROW: Helslen, Brown , C. Thompson, Horner, Hyde, Bloke, Mi lle r, Ch isholm, We lch . NOT PICTURED: I. Johnson , sponsor. Religi ous groups on campus encourage students to learn about various mi ssion fi elds. Qualified and interes ted m ember s ar c encouraged to go to for eign field s to h elp the spread of God's word. Activities of Ul cse groups include studies in the languages and customs of many countries. Lectureship Week di spla ys , correspondence with mi ssionades, and a m onthly m eeting of all the clubs combined . Speeches by missionari es recently return ed from abroad or visiting in the states provide hi ghlights during the year . Member s of the Dac tylology Club learn to conver se with the deaf tllrou gh the medium of sign language. Sam Roach comes from Memphis every week to conduct classes for. beginners and advanced studen ts a nd encourage them to spread Chri stianity amon g th e dea f peo ple. Tdps to the Arkansas Sch ool for th e dea f in Little Rock emphas ize the n eed in thi s fi eld .