1961-1962 Yearbook

WHO'S WHO Twenty-three students receive Who's Who honor JIM HOWARD lambda Sigma President, A Cappella, President Timothy Club, Belles and Beaux, European Club, Men's Quartet, Junior Favorite DON BERRYHILL . . Stvdent Association President . Second Mate Sub T.16, A Cappella, Belles and Beoux, Bison Stoff, Bison Booster, SNEA. Campus Ployers. GEORGIE CANNON ... Petit Jean Queen, Zeta Rho, Student Association Cabinet, Big Sisters, Campus Ployers, Bison SloH. 11 8 Twenty-one seniors and two juniors were elected to the collegia te version of Who's Who this year. Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities is a national publication designed solely for the purpose of honoring outstanding college men and women. Students are first nominated for this recognition by the Student Council and then are selected and approved by the faculty. Four criteria used in considering students for nomination are scholarship. participation and l eadership in extracurri· cular activities, citizenship and service to the college. and promise of future usefulness. ANNE BERRYHILL Belles and Beaux, Regina, A Cappello, May Queen Finalist, Ensemble. SNEA.