1961-1962 Yearbook

CAVALIER 0, . Bill Williams Dovid Burney Co~la"li"os COleho $ Richard Corson Tobias Kim Randoll Terry Fred Scifnia Roy 500995 Vic lo. Sim Stanle y Starling Luci en Wong A prog;rarll of n ' IHlildin~ and l"('org anl zl l1 g' has 1>('('11 tlip maill ( ' OIl( ' ( ' I' n flf th e r cv ivf'rI Ca val i(' r 011 b , Only 011(' tIlf'lllhf' 1' n ' tllrn r d froll1 Jast year's :.;rollp ~ but mcmhC'rs ilip r r prrsf'lltin g- s('n:' ~l nat · iOllalilirs Wil S qlli c kl~' hlliilup with th e' a dditi on of fiftC'cn new lllC'miJC' J'S. Tile cluh has revit a lized it s prog ram of acli - vitif's. and unnel' a new con stitution th e Cavaliers planned to take a l ea d in rai sin g- pl edge \\'('ck to a more di g nifi ed le vel. :\1 iss Shei la Mitchell. c1l1b qu een. was hon ored Jt the annual ba nqu e t. " Caval iers Around the \Vorlel." in November a t th e :vTayfair H otel. Dea n La,\yer g-a ve th e a fter dinn er ta lk , The clu'b cl osed its yea r 's ac ti"iti es with a spring outing. OFfICERS . fALl: Carson, Pres .; Stor! inq, Vice-Pres. ; Goodman, SecTreos. Outings, banquet, project comprise active year PROMPTED by on interest in the activi t ies of thei r club queen Sheil a Mitche ll Cavaliers visi t her a t Ha wk.in·s Clinic where she work.s. Sheila tells them ObOUT one o f her experiences ot the clinic. 146