1928-1929 Yearbook

I - I •

I'EEIILESS Et'\f;II ,\\' I N f; t:OMI'A;o.;y LITTLE 1\01:1\, A lll\ ANSAS IIUSSELL\' I LLE I'H I NTlN(.i t:O;\ II'A NY II USSELLnLLE. Mn\t\NS ,\ S -' . ".

\-\ ().,:S~ {\~ t\ OD"" :/1'2. 'IC, 7 ,---P41-5 /121 Co,2. 'I'hl' flrl'll whit,· mall to tlJll('h Arkansas :-;"i1 waH lip !-Ootn, a :-;IJaninrd . .1\:'; It y()un~ mal1 ht, had ~HIIH'd )o\(,nH.' fnnw and f"rtune ('xplos'illg' ('enlnt! ,-\nll'ril'H. Lurtd hy 111(· stori\'H of gold and tht' fount~lill of youth, Iw {'nme to Florida and :';P(,111 two ~'hU'S wltndt'ring on'r what Is now FIt,rida, ',N)rgia, .\1I~~if""iJlpi and ,\\ahamR. ill '\Ia~·. j.i-I l, ht- (-anle to a rl\"('r !oIO hroad hf' ealh:d It "Hlo ,,!"fInd.,," til(' Spanish (fir gl'!;'al rlyer. Th£' h natives enllpli it ·'.\JE'f'~·haf"t·IJ(·," or fntiu'r of wllters. whll'h w(' ('ail .\Il:,;sis- ~V siPfli. Thf' IWX! yt.'ar th,- gl'l'at I'aptain .4111'nl tra\' .. ling: through what is now Arkansas, hut what waR tht'li a YlH't wlldt'rm':';s full of wild animals Hnc'! savage!'!. .\1 his d,";lth, Dt"' ~()lo'!'I follow\'rs burlled him in lht, rh""r Ill' hnd dil;l"O\"~"{'(1. 1lI11blillllPll bU tllr !5>tllior Qllulla of 1liurllilln Qllllltnt ~{{ll r rilt(1l1. ArkuIIIlUII ]lllhulIl' 1Jliur HARDIMG COLLEGE LIBRARY

TIll' I<'ath t.'r of J\I'kalll<HS, 110;'111'1 d~' TOllti. was n n Italian hy hirth and a, I<'rt'l!l'hlllUn hy adoption, li e W:I:oI a IIlt'miJ('I' 01' II\(' I'xped lt iOIl under La Halh-. whosO;' plan it was to huild a cha in of ((}I'ts f r om th(' (ircat I .ak~'s, down tilt' I\li!'lsissippi and :l long the Gulf or ;\ Iex!co, lit' built 1<'t, ::;\. Louis whil(' 1.:1. Sall(' retUJ'lwd to I"ranc{' fo r supplies and sett];,'r!!. Then he went d own tlw river to I1)cet La Salle, b ut did not fi nd him, [n 1686 hf' built a \O,L:' ('nhin on lilt;' J\I'kalHms H,i\'t-r a f .. w mil es from ItS mouth, The fO l't ('stahlh;hed here was ('ailed Arknnsas Post, and was nOt only the fir!!t \\-hlh- settleme n t in the present lJou nd a r y of Arkansns, but also tile first In the ~"'eat Loui siana. T erritory, l'hlr.rlunr~ As a symbol of the ~pirit of Harding, as a rccord of lasting f r icndships, and hours of joy and toil; and :1S a s(')'v icc 10 OUI' Alma ~ I at('r. whose future shall uphold Ih e traditions of its past : if thc~c things ~Irc Clllbodied in Ih t., pages of this book. then our PUI'I)OSC has becn accomplished,

ArkaIHHl.H b('('am(' a l )l\rl of lht, l lnil(>d Stall'S in 180:':, l:h'fol'e lhal tinH' Loui:-oianH T('ITittlr~" was a hall tnssl'(] to and fro l)('tWt'(o)l SpaIn and 1<'1':\111:(', and con!<equentl,\' no lI(>!'Inal1l'nt lwltl(>ll1ents Were made ('x('(>Jlt around milita r y post!", AI'knnf'ilUI Will'! Il ]).II'I;<h in the h:> r ,'itOl y. its nam.. heing that of a lrilw of Indians nlld SIh'lhd aftel' tht' manner of the Fr,'Tl('h e.xJllorel's. At the lhrl'ulclwd outhreak of Will' \.... ith England, Xapoleon sold Ih(' who!(' t('rritOl'Y to the l"nItL'd Stali'S, !\Ionroe and Lhingston sign(>d til(> I)ur('ilase treaty at flrtt'Ul mlllloll dollars-less than three ('('nlS an ao:..'rl.', n","'llllwl' 20, I1W:.l, tilt' l"n[u-d ~tato:..-S took J}Oss('ssion of Louisiana. From 18n4 to 1812 .\rkan;<ns wali part of Louisiana Territory: (rom 1812 to 181fl it fonnl'd part of til" to:..'rriLOry of :\Iissou r i. QJ)rller of jookn ADMI NISTRATION C LASSES FINE ARTS FAVORITES ATHLETICS ORGANIZAT IONS 100676

." In 1S19, by an 1I\'t of (~(lnKr('s!<. J\rkansa:s was mlld~' a t,'rrit(,ry. PreHidf"nt ;\lOl1 r o(' al)l}ointf'd [{... bl-!"t ('rltlt>mlt'!1 f;{'{'I'dar~' of l ilt' new t(>rr itory. lit' rendt'n'd ArkallsHI'I <I gr('at s('r\'ict- In apl>ointing ('ounty officers, Qrganizing locnl and ('{, l1tm! !-;"O\l· rn1l1{:lIl nnd !;t.'tti ng things in motion bt;o[ore t h (' new go,\.'rnor, ('0]01H' 1 .l amE'/< ,\III1 (' r, arrl\"f'd. Thl' fi r st l egislatur~ p r o\'id('d J\rk}\n~ I\)o\ with it full so:! of lawlS by adopting ? th(.! !!~ In use in .\lIssourJ. Tlw same Yt'u r ,VillIalll r:. 'Voodruff r~SII{'<l Iht' Hrst number of the "ArkamHlIiI nazf'ltf'," th(' old est H"ing papPI' west of the Missi!<sippL The st'cond It'~isJIlLUJ'(' (,(ITlVt'IWd In 1820 at Arkansf\s ~ P t.!!t .and mo\"ed the ca pital If, I.iltl(' H(J('k . 'I'll .. "H:IJltist )I eetin/-:' HousE' ' ' in Little Hock wa~ Ow s('ene or many m<,e tin~-M of th(' territorial h'gi ::llatul'('. EUCENE IIlt;liTOWEIl LOIS ~IATTHEWS CAH IU E OLSO:'> ~tatf EDITORIAL STM'F· BUSINESS DEPARTMENT TATU~I ~11 LLS LEOl"AIW KlilK LIl"IlSEY AI.LE:'> Editor Lit erary Art ,lIWUlfjt'l' Adver fi si ll {1 (.' iI'Clliot;oll

Arkan:O;:I:O; T"rI"iton" IWI"aIllP H :o;tall' ill IS:;Ii" It wal'; one of the ~t\(dll1J.:" Ijt,\tI~ dUlIll~ till' ('I\il ""fIr, \\"a!< under lll11ilary eontrnl ill 186'!, and adoptNl It!< p l l~{nl ('oll'lltull(J1l In IR71 Oil lU"("OUllt of th;:> natural resourc{'tI and thl' ret-t'1l1 progn'!i!i, Arkan!ooalo! Is now known as thl;' ,,\\ronder State." I t 1mI'! thl;' ~TI'aH'lit yarll't~" of I'!urfa('" and tht> Ill()~t atlra(·tl\'e $('elll"ry of any of til(' !<tall'!-I hord('ring- tht' llississippl. .'\'0 s\O'etions are suhjf'et to drouth or \'xll"Pllles of telllpt:'rature. The stfltP of AI'kaol<Hh ""x("{'ls all othl'rs In IHltunli 1"(· .... OUI"{·,·l:1, its store of mineral wt>1l1th twing: pra('tieally inexhaUl.-Itlhll', itl'! ,"alit f,)rel<b:; supplying: vine anti hardwo()(i in quantitil's Huffkh'nl to pll1l'" thl' :<tah In th,' fon.'frollt, and Its ll)!Ti('ultural and hnrtkultural )Iro\\',,:<:< Hr(' It't"og:nized not only in thl' t"nltl·d ~tat··s hut in for.-ign ('ountril-I'! a~ \\"1'11. AlulU itiutrr III Ih e foo lhill s of Ih l' Oza rk... , nl'ar 10 P l, til , J l'~lIl ; SIa nds o ur g lo ri o ll s Alma ~lal l' r ; ll a l' d in g is he r namt'. Chri s t ia n s t a nd ar d is h I'!' 111 011 0; Ch ris l itlll li fe is s l l'es~c d ; And in ev('ry bl'l ll 1(: h uf le.w ll in g, t':ll' h Ol1t' dot,S h is best. lI anlin ;.( Ol)(' n .. w id e Iw l' po rl :d s, Ihus illv il in;.( a ll Who wo uld I rea d Ihe p: II I1 10 k nuwlt,t1g'(': hl'l'ti Ih l' lJ lu 114..'1' <':<111. HEl-"lIA i ':\ : Sing th t., c hurlls! Sh o ul il lo u d ly! Edill i ng Ihr o ugh th t' \'a l('" Ihli J 10 thee, be lu\'ed lI a r d in g! .\1 111<1 ) ta l t'l', 1I :l il !

IDrlltrattolt To ;\ t r~ . .I . O. (iarn.:1 1. instr ucto r i n lI ar d i ll ~ Cu ll cl-!l', Ih l' 1'l'li t .Jt>an of :\,inl'll'I'n Jlu lld r e tl a nd TWI' Il IY~ llint' is afr l'l' lj o ll all' I ~' rI ~' d il·a t L' d . By ht.' I' lJ o~M's~ i un o f thost: qlw l i t it's w h it h <In' th e IlH:aS lI rt' I) f hi gh id l'a l s and fi n e in llu c n (,t' alllo ng the "Iud ellls, b y h e r untirin g l' lro rt s a nti IIll s dli s h d evo t ion 10 il a nlin g Co l lege, h .\' h('" 'io ll n d p o li c ies all d CUils llm t examp le. ~ h (' h as st.'1 fo r us a slandi. II'd , a goa l 10 w h ic h a l l who a im llI;ly wo rk on, sec ur(' ill t he Ix' ii d thai b~f tlll'i r l'lro l' ts they wi ll he ma de bl'ttl' I',


moar~ of Wrustrrs I •. L. BELL W. T. SWEAT W. E. ~ICHEYNOLD S B. F. LOWEIlY L. L. BELL \\ '. E. ~ltlh:YKOLl)S W. S. WATSON J. D. Au...::-/' L. L. BELL JOE 1-1. BLl: E ~ll\s. F. C /\ IlLAl" C. L. COATES HOREn'!' DUPHE I\llIs . BOI': LIlIK DevALL T. L. HELM W. A. HI1~ L B. FnAlS'I\ LOWEll\, On. J. ~J. ~L\TTIIEWS W. E. ~l cHE\'NOLf)S A. L. HOTTENilEHI1Y LOnEl" Houscli L. C. SEAI\S \\'. T. SWEAT D. A. TUCI\EH J . .I . VALE!':T1:-':E \V. S. W /\ '!'SON iExrmtinr il10111111ittrr B. FH .-\NI~ LOWEll\, illourll ittr111brrll Pres iden l "ice Presidenl Secrelary HlIsilless .l/anager Chairman Secl'elat·y \Y. A. II[] . I~ Murriltun, Arkallsas J'::lIyland, Arkansas Salem, Arkansas Hallieuille, Arkansas Coal Hill , Arkansas J:.:n.')land, Arkansas JIII/) od('ll, Arkol/.'w'" tl/ol'l'ilIon , AI'I.-allsa.>; Coal Hill, Al'kallsa.>; DO/ le npori , .\'ebra." J", Morrilloll , Arkansas MOl'rilloll, Arkamws Lillfe nock, Arkansas Wichita , Kansas Mo rrilton , Arkansas \\feltJo lI. Arkansas Cww, Arkansas Mo rrilloll, Arkall.'Ws Morriltoll , Arko/l.'ws

jJ. N. Armstrllug ,rl'Hilll'111

illn;. JJ. 1\. l\ruu;trl1l1!l 111'(111 of Ululltrl1

L..c. S!iAA~.B.A.l1A. O~ ().yLeAVB BF.RIfODE!'i, El.A,MA SoCIAl. S~II!NC'''S 0. T.RoDIWI. 8A, XA. £HijI.·rSl\ S.ABv..... , as.. IM$) aIOI.,OGtCAL. S<;ltHCES c.B.D)<SH.R. RA.M.II. M,ATtU:""o\TIC.S A.!l!iOtA1it>ROIdl.A,M.A. M(IC:If;1Ui LAtt'flA6I~

AJiTE.NH'£Y.,aA·M.A· Hi.TOlty J1RS. WK CtJ/IIA'IW8JlAM IN<r£RI'1£DlItTE 1'lAHy iTo CRook,B.Sf1A HOM~ ECONOMICS FAHlll'-7 MARl£' 110017'(. Hfl..£N L . GARDJl&RBS PiANO FR£1ICH AIIDl'JIGLlSH ,...______ ., I 1'1",£. O.fju:rn£R.R N. NUR.sE

Wo tqr g,tu~rttt.5 of 1fi.ar~ittg (!Jollrgr OllCl' again W(' COlllC' to ,vo u in Ihis. o llr <llllluaJ IIIl'SS;lI-H', to l ay upon ,vour' heart..; 01H' of thl' glTOIIl'sl IH'l'tiS of thl' l'o ll<- gl' tlwl is so d('ar to w, all. Though like l'Ver :" o lh l'l' private ins t itution of learnin g. '-lardin g ColIl'g(' ha s 1ll<11l~ ' Hl'cds. thl'l'l' b OIJl' Ill'l'lI that ~ t:lIHIs oul Ilrl' l'lllilH'lItl," :II Ihi s Ii 111(', Thl' gl'l'att.':-.I asset ,IllY instituti o n of Il'aming can h;1\'(' is ih Sllldl'lIt lJody r cpresl'n ting nilll'il-l'1l difrt'n'nl :-. Iale :-.; :. s tudl'llt bod~ ' thai is lIlIl 'X(.'l' II l'd ill (' O IHILI (" and in loyn lty to the l'U ll t-'gl' and its iill':tis. OIH' of it-. gre: lll' s t nl'l'ds at this lillll' is ilion' s tudt'lll s. If thl' co llege ('n 1'011 111('11 1 can have an inlTl':lsc in 1929-'10 of OIH' hundred stutit.'llts <lnt! thl' :H.' adl'III~' all incrt'asl' of fifty s luliL'nls , man:\" of Ilanlin g"'s 1II0si urgen t nt.'e ll s wi ll bl' aulolll:lticnll ," SlIPI) lietl, Wilh thl' pns("nt faculty. the institution wi ll bccollle s('lf-'wppol' t ing insofar a~ CUI'I'l'nt expCIlSl'S arl' COI1('('I'I1(,Cl. Thi ~ 'will be a nWl'\' l'Ioli s thil1g fol' :1 s land :II 'li '>;l' ni o l' co II q .(l' in till' s i:\th .\'l'al' of its life and will 1100d wi th Ill'W zeal and enlhusiaslll an l'ntil'(' in ... tiluti oll, Alltl how e<lsil ., ' it call 1)(' d Ol1l'! If e:lch of YOLI 10 whotH this IIIl'SS:lgt' ('UlIlt'S \\'ill r(' so l \'(' to Sl'C lIrl' during till' SlIllllll('r Olll' Ill'W ~ tlld(,llt for lilt' f:1I1 1'1l1'01l1lll'nl. f-I C"II'ding will ha\'t' 10 bui ld "sh:lcks" in onlel' 10 h Oll s(' thl' ~ Iud(,llt. ... , What an inspiration to ~' Oll l' fa cu lt ,\', 10 ~' O lli' f('lI ow s lud('nb , and 10 tht, bO:II'd of regenl ,>; :In<l till' lo?!'al fl'i('IH ls o f yo ur schoo l ! E\' (,I' ,\, thing II ,-Irdin g lila .\" lIlltl l' rt ,lkl' w ill Sllt't'l'l'd 0 1' f:lil according" t o ., 'our attillld(' low:lr<l it. AI 1('",,1. ,1I1~' uIHll' I'I:,king 111:,1 ~' Oll so lidi ?!' !'.lIPPOI't ('a 11 1I0t f:lil. ,h in till' l):Ist. Wt' h:l"(' lurll e d to you for 1lt'lp, I n this. our :lJlnllal IIH.'ssagc. wc w:J1l1 to lay 011 .\'OUI' h('arb Ih i.., I)rillll' Ill'l'tI of !larding (;0 II l'gt', WI' lIIost (';II'lle..,lIy :'ppeal to ?!Ou 10 IlWkl' it ~'our {'hid objl'c l i\'(,' during Ihl' ;IPIJI'o:lching MlIlIlIll'r, Sun'l?!' ill ~' ollr 10wl1 01' ('oullty y o u (':Ill lind Olll' ~' oullg llJan 01' WOIll:1I1 for II00rdillg, Ir ?! 'Oll COIIlllot rdurn ?! 'ollrsl' lf, redoubl(, your ('n'ol'l~ IhOit ?!OUr pian' 111:1." b(' filled in y our OIbsl'I1('(', ,h we ('Ollt"lll(k, w(' w:lnt to sa'y onl'l' ilion' Ih al we b(' l il'\'l' in ?! 'Oll, Wl' Iwlil'\' t, you will do \\'h;1I t' \'('1' is Ilt'Cl's!'.ary to keep II ,u'ding Co II l').((' till' s l:lnd :ll' d in st itution that il i,>;, W(' ,lI't' cOllllling 011 you 10 watch its progrl'SS, to know from ~' Cfll' 10 'y(';l1' i ts llt'l'(b, ;lIld to s t;lll(1 solidly behind l'\' t'I'Y c:lIllpa ign I:wll (' IIl'd to s upph' II1(' s(' need s, Finall.\', we lo\'e' you. Wl' an' for .\'O ll, for Harding Co lI ('ge', BBOT II EIl ,1:\1) SISTEIl .llnISTllO:\(; .


TATUM MILLS 1~ 11I:-;liI.EY, AllliA i\"SAS fL ·t. I/ is /ory Jlard ing, '2~, '2:1 : Pr\:'l'id t:" nt of S",ni or ("litlOl': HUl'illt-s!; )l ana~· .. 1' of Pdit .It.,an; " II " Cl u ll: Ih'po rtt:"1' rot' Sk\:,d .. I': Foothall: Ba lO l'Imll; Basketba ll "(:i\'\:, Ill\:' a It-\(- I' l o ng (-Ilough and a )11'0]1 !<trollg t'nu ug h , and I can, s ingleh ilnd \:'d . 1110\t> th t> worl d ." Harding , DORRIS SHULL AI.~IA, AIII';:A:,\,SAS B.A. I/ollle f~'col1ufllic.'\ '2!1; Twin "Q" Club; Uolf C luh ; T ra il ) l a kt'l's: Associate Editor (If " e tlt ./l' :tll " Earth lia s nOl anythi ng to sh ow more fa ll' : l1ull would ht, h\:' of soul whll l'ou ld ]la~s by "'nd s\:'\:' not ,;Ior:-,' in h \:' r fla l' h ing t>ye ,-\nd bt>auo' of t lh' lIlorninl{ ill h\:'I' hair,"

LEONARD KIRK IIA ~ lI'S IlII\ E . TE;..;;o.;E:-'SI·:E B.A . I~' dll caliol/ fl. I.. C" Xitsll\i1lt:. 1'",nn",::;s",.. , '1:1, '27; /larding. '28, '2~1; .Annual Ht.lf'f: Vin·clo!" of GI~·c ('Iubs and ('horuf<; .\lusic ('luh; \'kt' PrdildplIl of St'nior ('lass: O. K. h:luhhe ·'.\Iusic when SI)fl vok..,s dl t'. \'ibrulell in tht" Illcmor~': Odors when SWt'('l \' jolt'ls skkell, Liv..' within till' St" IISt' tllt-Y (lul ckl:ll. Ho:o!e-lea\"es, when the rose is (h-ad, Art' ht'ltlkd rO l' t il\> lwI4J\'I' d 's ht'd: So in lhy song!'! when tholl art gone , Lon' it self !:! hall sl umb"I' o n ," ULDENE M ILLS nl \ INJ~LI':Y, AII I{AN:-' ,\ S /l .A. Fl'el/cil Ila n ling-. ':!.), '2!': " ". II . (" (,luh: Prt'SS ('Iub; Annual Staff: 110m\;" E ('onomies Club "A Silirit as purt' as Iwn, 18 always pure. t'\'('11 whll .., it (>1"1"-". .-\s s lln ~hi ll t' I) I'ok.:1I In a 1'111. Though turnt'd Hslra,\-, il> sunshl ll t" still."

LINOSAY ALLEN IIUSSELI.\·ILLE, Ar.AnA~IA n.A . Sciellce I '. I.., c.. ::'\'ashville, T~nne!!!see. '25, '2i; I-I ardln~, '28, '29; til ee ('Iub: Dramatic Club, (\'h:t' Presidelll); Straight "S" Club, ( Pr('sld~'nt); Pn."!'!!'1 ('lub; Annual ~taff: Student Teacher "I-l ow bt"fl.Uliful Is Yout h: how bright it!!! g'kams \\'ith Its iII u !!!ions, aspirations, drelms: Book of Beginning, Story wilhout End, Eaeh maid n heroine, lind o:l\el1 man a rrl e nd ." RUBY AOAMS CLAIII\SVlLLE, AIlI\A SS,\ S B.A, l:.'lIgli:sh ila rc1 lng, '25. '29: Dramat\(- ('lub; .Ju (io Ju ('Iu\); Pr.. Jo!Jo! ('Iuh; Annual Staff: Le Cirde Fra ll(:als "\Ve wandered underneath the young grey dawn, And multitud{'s of dense white fleee)' douds. \ \ 'e r e wandering In thick tioekl'l along the mountains. Sh~' J)h ..rd ed by th"" !;Iuw unwilling wind and She passt'd by,"

C. E. BROWN 1 ~ 11I1 ';1. A::-" I) , T E 'X.\ S lJ .A . J/ i .'i l or y l'raugIHIIl!< BUl<inel<!i Collt'g"t.', '11' AbilPI)t> (', C" ':!:?, '2;;: \ \ 'e81 Texas Teaeilf'r:< ('{,IIt'gt'. '25. 26: Il arding. '21<, '2~' "C" Association al A. C, (',' Pr,·s!' ('Iuh: ('Oll<:h or Athletit's; Sponsor of S\' n ior .\(:ademy " H is lir~ was gentle: an d t ht' elements So miXed In him, that !lal u r., lIlighl IStand ,UI) And say to all th.: world, This was a man. MRS. C. E. BROWN 1 '; [III'; LA ~ Il , TEXA S B.A . J::.' l/fJlish BnUltlt.'y Dmughon College, Fort \\'orth, 'l'l'XHI<, '23: Hay l o l ; I-I;trding, '28, '29: Il onOl' Student: Annu:l.! Staff, lIolllt.> Economi('s ('lub: Spanish Villi); ] {, (', B. Sodd~" \ \r, It. C. ('Iub "She ('omes Uke the h u sh.:d beau t y of the night, Rut St;'t;'l'j too d"l']) for lau),:hlt' r H t;'r pr"'''t'Ilf.:t> a \'lbration Hnd a itKin F rom wOI'l d s b,'foro: and aftt-' l'."

LYNWOOD B. JONES WALIlO, AHI\A~ SAS IJ.A. lI istory Arkamm~ LIli\t'r~ity Fr",:;hman: \'nndt,,'hllt Sophomor e nnd Juni o r: H a rding :5O;'nIOl': Drama!],· Club; "~oothal l : 8as.: ball: (iulr Club; ( 'a\"alie r ('lub " I hope J :shall ahnl:,>' s I)O!<S{'!<!; flrmrwss and v!l'lu", (' !lough t o m ai nt ai n what <:ulH,i d t ' r t h~ most t'1l\' iahl .. of all tltl to !:!, t h t' <:hn ra(' t t' r of an ' Holle);t man· . ·· LOIS MATTHEWS )]OIIll I LTON, AIlI{Ai\'S ,\ S Ilarding, '2!i, '2~ ' : St"<:rdary of I.e ('in-k Fr'i\Il('in s, '27, '28 : (;l ee (' Iuh ; )Iusie Club; \";01 f ('I ub ; Dramati c ('lub: P t-tit .!to-a n !:)taff ":'\I~' soul il:! like an \'Ill'ilantl'd boat, \\' h k h lik\:" a sleepi ng iSwan doth limn Cpon tht:" s il v ",r wa.n'::c of thy swet'L s inging: And thine doth like an :tllgd !l i t Bt'sidc tht' ht'lm cond lu.' t ing it."

M. A. KELLETT .JO='EsnOIlO, ,\II I{AKS .\ S H.A . H(/lI coliOIl 1.\' I)01110n Law Sch ool. IA' bano n, Tt' lllll''''t! l'l'; J lllw!<bo r o ,-\. ,~ ~ I. ; llarding " T o tho!"t' who knvw 11ll'E' not :\0 word:-; ('an paint; . \ !ld th o!'t' who know t h~t' know ,-\11 wordJoi art' faint." LAURA OLDHAM HIIA)\ IAX, O'~I.AI I O'\lA !l .A. J ~' dIl C(1liU Il "Endural1('., is t il., (·rownillf.:' q llalil ,' .-\nel pa t h-nn· a ll II1\" 111(- pHl<!!\on of grt'at hearts. So mild, ,..0 ll1l'rdful, !<o sO'lInK. so ~ ()od So I lHtknl. pl'al't'fu] , lo~al, I {)d n~, purt'."

BASIL HALL (iA I ;o.; I :S BOHO, TE:-<:-"' Essm,: U.A. Science II, L, C, ('oll t"gt", ;o.;a~h\'ill~, T I'llllt-!'!"t-t', '2&, '28: 11111'ding, '2~, '2~1: ~I!";dght "8" ('lull; Ha !"kl.' tball: 'I\'nnis; Pr,·s:; ('Iuh '" I n ('O lllmOn t h lllg!' thaI l'OtHlcl us lie SOI))\' 1' llIlclum o'ulhs hi' \'an imp:lr! 'I'hl' harn'!'t (,f a q u id l'~' l' Tlml hl'oods aud ~1l'eJl:< 0 11 his own heart." ELSIE MILLS BIII ~ I ": LE\" , t\lI1..:,,;o.;S:\S B.A. S panish Harding, '2 6, ':!!I: W , I I. (', Club: Prl's~ ('Iu": H OIll/!" F.:'onomil'!-i ('Iub "And therl"!l a little i< l al' So whih', a \'irKl n '!l It mu ~t h", 1'l'I'Il:lPS n lamJl my 10\1' in 11 t":\\'en liang:; o u l V' li~ht t h t.· way for Ill"

E UGENE HIGHTOWER Il:\TES,' I LL E, :\HI~:\KS:\S N. .4, Jli ,' if ory Jlardill~, '25, '29: Editor of 1:1 2!1 P etit J~' an: ('ollt·/o:"t, I)",ba t ",; t~d ito r of Sk .... tt· r. '26, ' 27; nU l'll n ess :-o\;tnagf'r of Skeeter, ' :!7 , '28; Straight "8" (,'Iuh; " II " ('Iub ; Book Store :-Ol allage r; J~n'88 (,'I u l) " \ 'iew th e wholo: SCt· IIt', with critic judg'llwnt s c a n And th"n d ",IlY him lll t.' riL If y ou (.'a n , 'Vh{' r e he falls s hort, ' t is :"\ature's fault alone; "'he r e h e s u <:<:et'ds , till' Ilk rll' s all hi s o\\'n." BEUNAH V ESTA SCHRADER BE ll=" I E, ~ II SSOU III 11 ,..1 , }~ lI g li .'t h Sou t heast :-'I h;souri Teach,,!'!'; ('ollt.'g't" '2il; Ha r d ing ('oll .. gt.', '2';, '19; (; i rl Fa\"orit,,; Ju (;0 Ju Cl ub: Authors ('Iub; Prt'Sl'; ('luI,; Pdtl ./ "BI'i ASl'listant Editor ; Trail :-O IBk"rs " '\'ho' l1 to tht· ::I ~' i'<::I i () l1 li of S\\·t.'t.'l sil" l1t thought \\'" 'Summon up r e m emhra nct' of thinKS pas t , \\~t.' sigh th.. l a(' k of m:lny things o n l't.' ::IOUghl ,-\nd \\' ilh ol d woes we grie\'" o't'r <It'a r tirues wHsle. But if tilt.' whllt' Wt' t hiJlk on lh",,, d ea r fri t.'ll(l , ,\11 iosl'lt.'::1 ar(' I"t'sl o .·ed and so rrows t.'nd:"

EDWARD BEASLEY TEx"nl~ A ~.\ . :\ I\J ~.\ :\S .\ S .\rkanSH~ l'nhl'I'",ily. '26. '2.: Harding 1·\lJlt'K~·. '2" ':!H: ('i\\alit' " ('luI>: I'dit .1\:':\11 St."'-; P rt''''''' ('luh; !)nUIlH t h" ('lull '" do prof\..·~,," to IJo..' 11\1 It·,..;, thall I "t'",Ill: to "'t'nO;:" him t r ul~' that will put Ill ... ill lru:<\ : to lon' him t hat j", tllllwsl : 10 l'Ol\\' t'nH' with him thaI il< wi", .. and sa~'s Ii I tl ... : to (",OI l" ju{l).anl'nl : to fI~'ht wllt'll I ":lIIII,'t 1'111.0"'1..·.·· BEATRICE LOFTIS POt AIIO :-.l T .\ S . .\I II ' ANS ,\ S l l ardinK C' oJ]\:,g", ·2 ~ . '2~1: Twin (~ ('l u b; Trall l\ l akl"'t-': l :(llf Club; P t>(il J{':II) :-Hal'i; (';\IllPUS PlaYt'r", "Iit' I' air, hO;'r IlWlllll'n". :111 wh,) 'law admired: ('oun",ous thou~' h (:0)". and /-:'\' 1111\,. lhtJuJ;h "din,'d: Thl;' jo~' of Iwalth a nd ~'outh IWI" ",n's d i",pla~' L'd: ~\nd t'll!"!;" of II\--art Iwr t-'t-ry I(lok t'oll't'~'t'd:'

LEO A CJ( ERS SL' BLETTE, I': ,\ ;';S \ :-, IL L J:'duc(l tio ll IJ:lrper ("ollel{+.', '2:1. ';:1; Ha l·din~. ':!G. '2:': "'[" ('Iu\); I-'rt's~ ('Iub: Annual ~taff; {;Il' ' ' ' Club; Quartdtt,: j'!olWt'" ('Iuh "llt, abo\'<:" the I"d.t in ~tature proudly t'min.. lll Slood likt, n tnWt;r, silt'IH, sk l'n, hut nla d<:"\'(.i <l of sl11ilt'!<. Tlw l';rnileS or tht, old Earth's .h'k.. ,'s," MARGARET LEWERS TH YAT ll l, \ , .'o 11 SS ISS Il'I'l [';[\i(\ Up",,'O!lll, College:', '2:), '2,: l iar-dim:, '2 i, '2:'; Ju <:o.lu Club: i-'dit ./,-an Staff "SIlt' ("nn h ·lI U!< WIWI'\' 10 hornJ\\' ComfOrt In tilt' mldJo;t 01' so rrow 1n till- dl' :;olall'sl Iwac.,. " '!t il her P"<;:l'I<:"I1(".. liwn' is /:I';,{,t.' ~hl' has taught us by [wr llIight To find (' ht'<:"rful.H'''':<. d t'light,"

( CULLEN DIXON S.\ :\ATOBIA , :'II ISS ISS IPP I IL L lIi ... lor!J (;raduatt' D. L. (', .Junior (\)Il",gOo", '2S; XIJrth\\,.,~t :\ [ ississippi XO I'llml; Il arding, '28. '2~': I)d);llt-; !'itudt'llt ('(lund l "Tilt' o u tward sho\\'s of sky and ea rt h Of hill a nd \allt',\', Iw ha!< \'il:'\\'('(}; .\nd Impul!<~'l'i of dt'l'l)lr h irth Han- ('omt' to him i n !-:olit ud l':' JACK SMART POCAIIO :X T ,\ S , .\1I1{ ;\ i'\SAS IL ·t, 1:,' 1101;,", 1 "lit' has a hea r t to rt'!>oi\t', n h,n(l to vOlltri\t" and a Imnd to eXc\.:ult','·

MCGARVEY I CE \ ":-:'1'0:-:, 0 111 0 fl.A. Sc i el/ce Jlal·dln~. '2S. ' 2:1 "H", J<pt-'akJ< not fOl' himself, hu t of him Wt' (' an l<ay only that whL·h is good." W. T. H ENRY I IA:\ l llL:lIli , :\ 11I,t\:-': S ,\ S B.A. 1I i.~/o1'Y H at'ding', '2j, ':::'; ]<',,011,,111 ( '"adl: Studt'lil T,-a('!wl' "Endura rw(> ii; the c r ownin/-:' 'Iu:llit~· and l';!tkll~'\' a l l t lw pa;;:;[on of p:re-at hea rt s." VINCENT ROBISON ALI C IA, .\III'A:"SAS IL L 1I ;~ /ury lIardinK. '26. '2(1: H~ndrix. '25, '26: Footl,all. Ba!<t"hall: Prt'Ss CluJ, " 11 ... ll< truly gTt."at that il< Iittl~' In hlms\'lf ami t h at nmkdh no :H:eount of any hdKht (,f hOllor:<:'


WADE HCI3Y COLI)\\'ATEH, ;\IISSISSll'l'l C(llIalier i'EAHL LATII A)! Si\ IITIIYlLLE, O I';LA IIO .\1.\ 11'. II. C. EI'EBETT EI'A"S ;\It\XSFIELn, .\IIK .\i'\S.\S Piolll'er TIIA I.IA DALEY CO;\ I ;\ I. \:\CI I E , OI~L\ 1I 0:\IA JII (; 0 Jil LAWBE"CE PATH)" :\IOllllll :TO:\7 , A I IJ,t\:-1SAS C(I/I(/iicr CABHIE OLSO:\' LEXIXGTO:\" , 01-':1.:\110:\1:\ Ju Go J/I TIlEOIlO BE ST .I "DB IIl(;E ,\IOIIIIII.'I'O=" , AIl I\ ,\ :'\"SAS IIILDA DA \' IS TO)! ilEA:"', TEX.-\ S 1\' . II. C. II ABO LD PLATT S IIAIII'SIlUBG , IOWA EVELY" II A)I S T. LO U IS, ;\I ISSOlilli .111 (;0 JlI

CUI\I)EI.I., Oli: LA I [O.\IA Piolleer S'\[ITII\' ILLE, OIi: I.AIIO.\!.\ IL II. C. .I. n. FE:\:\ SEW '\1.\lIli:ET, AL,\BA'\I,\ 0, A", },'Iubbl' ET II E I. HIlAIlIlZSO:\ 'I'l'Ch:EII'\\ ,\:-i , ,\Jl Ii: .\:-iS .\ S II". II. C. C I. UVE Il S II E\nIA KEIl .\ I OIIHILTO:-i, AI\I';:ANS ,\ S Qllal'l ell t' ~I II. IJIlED FO IDIBY WA U )O, .\IIIi:A LSS .\S T ",i Il "Q" PAU I.I :\E GBEE1\ I:\(; CA.\II)ES, AH l';:,o\SSAS II ' . II. C, .I0DI E \\· ILI.OCGIIBY TEXOLA , Ol'L.-\I IOMA .1. It \\'AI.DllmI '\ I OII IIILTON , .\Il I":ANS .\S Pi oneer (; 1I , IlEIlT S I IEA FF EIl L.-\\\,IIESt:I,: BUHG. TE~NESSEE

. , . !"l:: , . • [!1j

HOHEHT FIDD LES WESTEHLY . BllonE I S L\:\'"I) C(walier .IO II :\:\ IE II AY "CHP HY I.Y;o.I:-InLLE, TEi\"i\"ESSEE .11/ (;() JII WA I.T EH 1l 1..\ "E ll.E\'ELAXn, J\ . \i\" S.\ S Cavalier E \ 'ELY:\ ) IILLS ( :o~ W ,\ Y•.\HI\:A:,\ S. \S JII (;() Ju OS LE H LOFT IS I'OC.\ II O:\'T.\S, AHI>: .\:\'S;\S ."ilrai,qhl " S" HL'lIY LEE S il li LL AL)IA, ..... In,A:'>ISAS Twin "Q" ) IAHVI:\ II AST I:\( ;S IWTHO IT , :.! l ell I(i.\:"; /)roll1alic Club ETHEL SC HHAIlEH BEliSlE, ;\ I I SSOl:1I 1 JIl Go JII BII. LL IE BA:\ISTEH TlULL\, ' rEX .\S CmlOlier LOC ELLE:\ S)IITII 01';1..\110)1.\ CITY , 01\:1. ,\110)1,\ Jil Go ./11 ) IHS. J. H. \ \ ' AL Il Hli)1 \'0111\11.'1'01\, AHK,\;\,S,\S

IIEH~IA" \\,ILSO" , J ,\( : I~SO:,\,\"ILI,E , FLOIIIIlA •..,'ll'oif}hi "8" EVE LY" BAY :\1'1' . \ ' EH:XO;o.l , TEXAS lI'. II. C. .JOH" BA:,\ ISTEH THALIA, TEXAS CW)(1/ier Sl"S IE Hl ' H"S fl' I' .-\ , .\II SS I5S I I'I'I JlI Co J/l CLEO .JO"ES \ "EII:\'O;X , TEXAS Stroight " 8" 1.1;\' '1'0;'; ,1;': 01:\1'\ .\ D.ILLAS HOJ3EHTS .\SII F L."'T, AHI\ .-\:\'S .-\S (acc Cillb OHA Fl ICIIS S ,\Y III-:, OI'LAIIO'\I .\ JIl (;0 JII (;LE"" ~IOHELA"D TOI'EI \ .\. I,;::\:\, SAS Ill"HTO" SPIlI"(;EH .\IIA:\1 I, TEX ,' S Colleoe Club ;\OCO ;'::\, TEXAS CAT II EH I"" BELL '\IOIIII II .TO:\' , AIII';:A.s S ,\ S

LESTEH JOH:\SO:\ STf\1I C I TY, .-\I"II" ,\:\ S:\S C(wolfer CA,I PI E DODD ;\'AUYOU, AL.'\IL\:\JA JII Gn ./11 I. EW IS FOSTEH W[C IlITA FALLS, TEXAS IJralllatic Cillb 1.11.L1 A:\ C I. EYEI.A:\D ) 10111111.' '0:-'-, .\HI" :\ :\SAS Jll (;0 .I ll FAH lliS DIEHSO:\ EXGLAXI) , AIO":: :\ ~SAS Colle(fe Club E,IILY GA'DIII.I. ilEA/iDE"', AIII';: ..\i'\SAS T/vill "Q" TEHHEI.I. ,IOOHI '; P llESCOTT, .-\I\1":: ,\:\S -\ 5 (;tee Club \\' I:\STO:\ HI(;(;I:\S \\' . \1.1)0, ,\111"::.-\ :\S.\S C(walil'/' II.\SKEI.I. ST.\:\DH II )(;E "01111 1LTO.'. . .-\ H 1'; ,-\ :'\S.\~ AYO CI. ICK :.1.-\(;0 :'\,\ , TEX.\S ./11 (;0 JII FH ED HOBI;\ SO:\ ;\ 101111 11. '1'0 :-.' , AI\[{A:,\S ,\ S CHIDI EH ."1ES IlI.E\' I:\S, .\HI\ .\.'\S.\S CfJlICfll' elfll)

IHlIlEIlT CLOSE :-': ,\SI I \" II. I.E, TE~:-\I':SSEE II AZS L CO:\:\ (;VIII)O:-<, AHI~ .-\:-':S ,'S AI.IlEIlT \'0:\ AIUIE:\ LOUIS\'!].LE, I ~ E:\TL' CI, Y FLOIIAL, ,,\I\I''\;';S .\S ,IOH:\!\IE BALI. TC);\I 'IE,\ ;';. TEXAS OI.IVEIl \\' ,\TTS IIAYIlE :\', COl.OIlAJ)O S II ElnIA:\ LA:\IEIl tHI' J,..\i"\n, (:.\I,IFOH;\"\.\ Ill'SSE l.1. GI.ASEIl :\EVA (;AIl:\EIl C:\L1CO IIOC I'; , Aln,AXSAS (;EOIlGE E~IPTM;E ;\IE.-\FOIHJ , O:-.;rTAHIO , (:.\:\" ,\1) .\ OilVI LL E :\Elnl.l:\ co;..; W .\ Y. ,\111\ ,\:-; S .\S SYLVIA )lOIlEI.A:\1l TOI'EI\:\, I-':,\XS .\S FA Y A:\I)IlE\\'S :'\(OI\II ILTO :\', .-\I\I": ,\:\"S .\S CAT Il EIl I:\E IlI.AIIl .:\10111111.'1'01\, ..... I1I\.-\:'\S .\S AIlT lll' 1l II A:\:\,\ (~IIEE!\WOOJ) , ,\III'A:-.;rSAS

1.0lS \\' .ITSO:\ ;':.\Sl lnLLE, .\ HI": .\ :'\S.\S CI.YDE IUII.EY :'.111,A:S, l":A:SSAS :\AT II A:\ (;lIAY ;\1.\YF'ELn, j..:ENTUC]'y P.I:\SY WAllIJ 1I0HACE EeIlA:'>I" THt;SCO·PT. TEXAS .II.TO:\ 1I01.1.IS LILY, I.OL' ISIA:\ .\ ~l.l nlE LOFTIS I'Oc: ,\IIOST.\S ,,\I\I';:A:\S .\ S IlE:\ IIOPKI:\S , 'EI\;':O:-'-, TEXAS CAHHOI.L CLAHK (: III)SSETT, AH'';:A=''S,\S Il. l Y BLICK LEXI:\,(;TO:-':, 01":1..\\10:\1.\ SII..IS (;HIFFETII DLIl.\CII, LOl:lSI :\S .\ H L' T II A:\:\ ., Il K1:\ S (;OOIHt ,\ S, :\IISSOl' jl ! ~IAI((;.IHET 1l11.1.0:\ ;\1 OIIHI 1.'1'0:\ . .\ H 1": .\ NS.\S .I ~1. DOWIlY :'o'(lIIHI1.TO:-': , ..... I\I.;t\l\S .\S .101 ': FL' QUA STU;LEH, 01 \ L .\ \I O:\\.\ •

CBA II'FOBD A 1.1. 10:'( IIl'SSELL'· ILI.E, ,\I..\n.\:\I .\ (il.E:'( BOSE ~l cG BEliOIl ;\I:\IILO\\" OI~LAI I Oi\IA FLOYD LACTEIlIlACIl CLYDE "YEllS TIlUSCOTT, TEX.\S \'AII:'(.-\ IlA"IS LIL Y, LOl' IS IA ::-'-A WILEY IlAUillETEE ~ II ,\ :\11. TEXAS ,\lII . IlUEIl WII.I.IA~IS TO)1 IlE.-\[\ , TEXAS :'(AT II A:'( CLEEK IULl. S, TEN:'\ESSEE DIMALI:,(E WAKEFIELD ) 10111lI U I'ON , AIII~ANS ,\ S ;\1011111 LTO=-- •. \ 1I1~ ,\ ;.; S .\ s FIlA:'\K EI.I.IS .:'\IE.\FOIII) , O:"\TAHIU , «-::\:\ .\1) .\ EI'ELY:,( LA~II3EIIT C I.AIIE;-;CE "EIISCII W I CH I T .\. h: A:"S .\S I'ICTOI1 ""LAI:,( JIEA"E N EI1, OI~[ ,,\I I O"IA .1011:'( PELLEY I": IHI ": I.A:\,I). TEXAS

.JOYCE COPELA:\O LOl;I S \ ' I I.LE, KEXTl' CK Y CH.I HI. ES L AT n l E I1 P.\L' I. S \' .l.LLEY, O I,L,\ II O;\ ' A I1 AI' ST .I I' I. ETO:\ WO LFE CITY, TEXAS EST II E Il 1.0 IS I( EY (iEEE )./ \ ' l l , LE, TEXAS IXTH EI1 :l II X J .\PTOX, AH I":.-\SSAS (;EIlAI.Il I :\E BI10W:\ snl:\E I1 CI.A Il Y F LOYD, KE\\' ;\ I EX I (;O V I I1[; I :\ I A HOWELL liE 1\ :"\ I E, '\II SSnU IlI VEI1:\ I :\ ST A:\ I. EY :\IOllll I I.TO:\, A ll1,t\l\' S AS II A I1I.A:\ :lIOSS 01,1 ,.\ 11 0'\]:\ t:lTY , Qh: LAIIO.\IA. 1l .1:\ OTT I :\(;EIl l :.\ \ ' E CITY, AHI':t\ XS,-\ S F ELI X TA I1IlET 01,1.:\1 10;'1.\ CITY, OI':L.\J I Ol\IA OTTO SHEII':II A I( EI1 ,\lOIlI1[I.TOX , AII I,A:"\S ,\S CLY DE TA YLO I1 I'E I III)"" ILLE, :\1I 1'; .-\:\S:\ S Oil VILLE WEBB

UHA L CLOUD I'HES CO·...T• .\R I'.-\ ;'\ S .\ S ~ IH S. FABE Il SP ll l ES ~'O l lll I LTO ;'<, AHKA :\'S ,\ S WILLI AM BEASLEY WALDO, AH I\'-\:\' SAS AHTHU Il COHSE ;\ 1 IA:'II I , TEXAS AI<TH UH GOLIlE:\ W IC Ii ITA, J\ t\ :\'SAS CHIlI STI :\E TDIPLE lJII U:\"S \\,Il: I ~ , TE .:--':\ ESS EE ACB Il EY CHAI:\ BOUCAW, AHI'::.-\ :\,SA S L EO:\A I1O BHAZIL P EIIHY , .l.nl ';.-\ :\,SAS MAHEE ADA .IOH:\SO:\ ;\101\1\ ILTOK, AlllC\ :\'S ,\ S PACLI:\E HILL :\0 101.\:\ .\H:\OLIl Iml S I, LEY , .-\ IU;: .-\ :\5.\ 5 LOLA "ATTH EIVS l\ IOIIHII.TO:X, AIl I,;.-\ :\,SAS ( IIAHLES ~IEHHnIA:\ .\I\ KADELP I II.. A, AIII '.-\:-;:S AS ) 10:\,1 ) IIX JO PTU;': , .·\IIIi: ASS .\ S FHEIl ~IIX JOI' TOK, A III" \ :XS .-\ S :\AT 130 :\1l

... e>rl1il1rs CI.EO PHIB .I Hl' SS EI.L\' II.LE, .\Il I\ .\ ~S ,\ S OPAl. ~I.\TTHE\\· S .\10 1l11lJ.TO :-.' , .\ Il I" .\ :-;S .\ S I.I.0yn "ATTI IEWS .\IOII II ILTO :S-, ,\IlI \ A :\,S . \ S MAXI:\E BILI. I:\GSI.EY .\IOllllILTON, A I II.;" z..;S AS E~D I ETT )I",lEY:\Ol.nS ;\IOIIIIII.TO :'\' , AH"' ,\ ;';SAS (;EHTHl' nE HA~IITEH (; ,\ I X ESVILLE , FLOlnn,\ .101 1:\ I'ALE:\TI:\ E :'I I 01111 1I.TO :'\ • ,-\HI \;\:\'SAS HE llA ~ I AE DICKSO:\ :'IIOII II ILTON, ,\IlI \ANSAS JACK BELl. GA l ;\' ES nI. LE, 1' 1.0 111 1) ,\

, ~rniurfi 11.11 . 1' 11 WELCH 10:1. 1)011 .\])0, AHI;: .\;'; S,\ S 11'11.1. .1 ",IE DIlEWHY COllIlELL, 0 1;:1,.-\ 1[0) 1:\ CI. .IH .I SCIIAEFEHS WIUI CTH BIlO II' ~ Hl'TLEU, Ol~ L .\ 110;\1,\ AI.BEIlT ~ I CIlPHY Il ETHOIT, 1' 1[CIIIGA X IlE~~IE B II.I.I~(;SLEY I.E . I ~ I A~ WALLACE Jl·. I ~ ITA HHODES ;\ IOIIHI I.TO :", .\III';: ,\ KSAS f, lQIHlILTO ;-.l, :\nl~ A'NSAS 1l11.I.IE "ATTOX 01,1. ,\ 11 0;\1.\ ( : ITY , OI'L.-\1I0;\1'\ I • . < \, .. t " • ( • • "'" ~(,~ , • , . . ' • '! ...

3Jltltinrs .1011:-';:-';110 )I.\PI.E IUS!J., 1\.\i'\S.\S A. J. S) I.\1.1. COHnE LI. , 01,1..\\10:\1,\ .I.\)IES C.\HI. TA :-';KEHSI.EY -'IOHIII LTO;\'. ,\Ill';::\.:": S.\S 1l.\YE;".;I'OHT , XEBH,\SI":t\ .\ I OIIIIILTON, .-\HI\t\NS.\S ,II KE FI.OYI) i" .·\S II \'I I. LE, :\lll';ANSAS WIC Ii ITA, K -\NSAS IJ(»I E H HI G II TO\\· EH II .\TESYII.I.E, .\111": ANSAS HAC II E I. PHICE ItLA(: I, WATEl I, .:\ I ISSOUII I .I . T. LEWIS Cfl\' I ;o.IGTON, !,ENTUCI"Y PA UI. ,IATTOX 01":1.:\ 11 0,\1:\ CITY. OI":I.A I\ O.\JA 1.,1:-';10 CA I.I)II' E I.I.

§lIpi)lIl1tllfl'S Bl1b Il!fl'Si)ll1l'lt 1"11.\ ;\1, HIIOOES S ,D\ BEI.L 1.1-:0::-'- S;\ I ALL C :\TIIEHl:"'E I-lI ~ES (}nl:S "E ~I\"E I)Y H t.:BEHT :\l c HE V=,"OLOS L UC I I.E :\IATTIIEWS :\ I ELBA KEES EE (; UY :\!CHEY:\,OLDS :'\OI\Mi\ MEEII S I N EZ (iUFF LOI S BELL C I.A IIA BELLE GII.\Y LOt' l S E D u;.l;"; ) IOIIIllS CU;.I:-IIXGI IAM !lUBEll'!' BOYI) II .HLIE 1-I:\ \\- ' ,IXS L EWEY H OnGES EUlImT 1\ YI.E H "y:o.lO;..;n HEY XOLDS E:\'os SI I E\\':\IA I,EII OOIl I S S TA:-.ILEY AI)DIE D. TA;":I,EHSLEY

L. Ara~l'lltl! nltll Uiruiltilt!.1 ~d!l1u 1 lJ!nrulty I.EI);-'; .\llD 1'[11 1'; :'I l lIs. W . K . Ct.:S.sI:"GIIA:\1 . \ . B. T E:XSEY :'IIHS. FLOIIE l\C E.\ 1 CATHCAI\T .1. D. FE ;\,;0.I \\ ' ,\I ; TEI< B LAI\E C II .\IILES .\IEIIII\" .\IA..s .\IIIS, Co E. BI\()\\' ~ ,\111. C. E. BIlOWi\' 1, 1i'\ I) SEY . \1.1. 10::"01 CAIIII I E OLSO.s J)t\ :\ OTTI;";GEII CULLE:'\" DI XON B EA'I'II ICE I.OFTi S (;11.\\\'FOIII) . \I . LEX HAY STAI'LE'!'O:-'- L' J.DE:\,E .\JII.LS I.EO ACI';EIIS


Educat ion w ithin <I Chr ist ian l'nvi I'Olll1ll'll t. :IIHI und er CIII'is t· ian tl';lcill'I'S, is jus t as valU;lbll' fo r th e hi gh sc h oo l s tud ent, ;I') for th o~l' o f co ll egt' 1':lnk, If the r l' is a ny ditrl'n'IlCl', the grea t l'r d l'vl' lop· III ell I 1 11< ' ~' be lIIade w ith the youn ger ~tu dt'n t. FOI' this lJurpose, I-lar di ng At'adl'tIIy is mai nl :dn l' d, It i') full y :l l'(' I't' d ill' d b ~' Ihe St<l le BOHn l of Educa ti o n as a class " .\ " hi gh se h uo l. Thi s indica l es th(' Qualit ,\' of wo rk dOIll', :lI1d Ih e s t ;II11I:II'd Ilwinl: .iIH'd b~' Ihe sc ho o l. The ('o l'l'elal io n o f bu ~i Iless l'OUI'o.;t' S with Ih(' hi gh Sd1001 g i \'es th e s tud l'll t a n op purlunity 10 fini sh hi gh sc hoo l at Ihl' S: 'llI l' li ml' he rl'cl'ives hi s business tr :lin i ng, .:\I:IIl Y of th e co ll l'ge ... Iuden ls also take advanta ge o f COlll'ses Ofl'l'l'l'ti in th l' COlllllle['(: i:d Dl' IJ :lr tm l'nt. Tht, Terlcht' r s' Train in g Sc h oo l Sl' I'\' l'S a t wo·fo ld pUI'pose: it is ;] laho l'al o r~' fo r till' Dl' partmenl of E tlucati u n in till' tr ain in g o f e fli c il' llt t l':Jc h l'rs, anti it gin's a lilllit ed Illllnhl'r of c hildl'l' lI the line')! t .... inin g it is poss ibk to g in.' thl' 1II in :1 mo ti e l (' il'lIll'nl;lr y sc h oo l. Thl' training ')e 1-100 I indlHIl's the entire l' ighl grade s hl'low th e :lcn tl ('my, It is Untl l'l ' the ge nera l dil'n'l io n o f th e Ikpal' t llll'ni o f Educati o n, but (':Jeh g l' :H\(' is al so unti l'!' :In (' x pl'l'iell ced Hn d ca pnble lerlc hl'I' , w ho co ndu (' ts nil the wo rk and ~ up e r \' i ses thl' pl':l c tic l' teac hing.

<!lontlltrrrtul <!lht£l£l l-I O~IEH HI G I ITOWEI\ HEUL\II H ,\llwoon .1. D. FE;'\:\' :\i lls. W. W. PACE CAIl IIOL C L .\ I\ I~ Ihy BL.-\ c l\ WII . ) I UTI I S HOWN :\1\'1' 11 .\;0.: (iliA\" C L AIIA SC II .\EFEHS .I AC I\ BELL :\1.\ l l f, :\IlET D I L L ON TII O;\ I AS FOST EII .I . D. F E:-;;-'; I lIs/l' lI efu l' ~ I na: Fl.oyO CATI I EIII':'iE HI NES GEHALDI;-';E B HOWN E~IMETT :\ l c B EY:;-';O I. IlS J O li N YALEXTI~E ,J AMES T AN I,EHS L EY OIlY ILLE \VE ItH L lmNAHO HnAZ I L \ 'E IIA H UF F:\ I AN L OY I) :\I ATTH EWS H E II VE Y K EL LEY P AU LI NE 1-111.1.

11. \ \' III , \( ' 1\ ItEI ' L .\II II ,\I{WOOH (!lolUlttrrrtal i~ottor §tulIrnis Th l' Co III Illl'l-c ia I Dl'j1:l l' tml' n t is by no Illl'ans leas t in impor t - :I Il Ct' alllo ng the nUIIH' l' OUS "pl'c ia l i l1 t l'I'I:~h OI l I-lar d i ng Co ll ege, In locu t ion and in natul"l' of wo r k it is qu il'l :IIHI u n-obs l!' lIs iq' kxcl'p l fo r the s t acco t o cla t k r of tYPl'W r i tl' r s). Yl'I the t l':lc lw rs and s t ud e n ts wor k log l'lh l' r p(" r sisk ntl y :111<1 1:l f lTtiq' l v in o bt a inin g m :ls l l'l"Y of k l'~' boa !' d", I<: lI g("·s. and s t ra nge hinog l ,v ph ic cha r a ei el's w h ich ar(' int e l ligib l l' on ly to Ih l' in i ti :dl' d , t\ nu m ber o f SIH-cia l ho no r s camt' to tlw COlllllu:rc ia l Dl'par t llll'nt du ring th l' yt' ar. Bl' ul a h I I:l r wood :In ll Ha~' Bla c k wo n p lacl's a s h o no r s tud e nt s i n th (' an ll ll ,d cOlH pl'liti oll. ( :l' I' ;tldin l' Brown was aW:l rd l'd a IIl l' d :" b ,Y th e Cndl'!'wood T~' Pl'\\T i ll'!' Compan y fo r mak i ng a h igh !' <I t l' o f s pl'l'd w ith o ut l'/TOP; . .I . D. F l' n n likew ise rt.'l'l'ivet l a IJll' d ;lI fr o III th l' sa me {' Olli p any fo r l' n ic i l' n c~' as a tl'ac h l' r o f tYPl'w !'i t i ng. II I..' a n d Hay Sta p le to n, by tlw ir u n tiri ng dfu rt s, h a\'(' r:l i"l'd th e COIllIll('rc in l Wo rk to a Ill:lXilll ll tll )J ,'cs ti gc.

1J1illl' Arts lJ!antlty ;"\I ISS F t\~:\'Y :\I.-\I\[E .\ IOODY Piaflo .\ li ss EXEK E CA I10LY:\, BE:XE F IEUl \' oice A. DE CI-!:\ UD I\OX Orchestra .\ l lIs . .I . j,\. t\1L\IST I10:-./(; h: X / H'CS"'; i () 1/ I. EO:-JAJ\[) I\, lin, Focal M II:)ic

:lIIlS..1. ~. A I DISTIlO~G Director EYELYS I.A:\IBEI IT ~ll\ s . .I. X. AI\~I S TIIO N{i Ha.:TII Ass AIHiTs s CH,\WFOIIll ALLE:"\, En: L Y:"\' MILI.S LE W IS FOSTEIl En:!. ys It\ y S ILAS GIllFFITII L O I S W ,\TSOS L ,\ VIIA O Ll)JIA :\1 I SE7. GOFF ESTEll LOI S I, EY (iEH,\L])I i'iE HIIOIlES

i.llrulIHltir minI! ~L\H\"IX lI :\sT I :,\(iS EnWAHn BEASLEY "tits . .I . O. (; ,\IIIIETT "II\S, .I . :\ . ..-\1L\ISTHO~(i .\l lIs. F • .\1. CATIICAIIT ,\ 11\, .I. D . FEN .... BEATIIICE L OFTIS t;E IIALDIXE HII()I) ES SUS I E B UIlNS '-\Olll.\;\' i-! ENDEHSON EYELYN .\IILLS L O IS .\ L-\ TTI-IEWS S I LAS (iHIFFE' rll En:LY:\" HAY L ou ELl.El" S;\ I ITII I. EW I S FOSTEH WI NSTO::"< HUiGI :\,S EVEL YN LDlnEIlT THALI A ))AI.EY .JCAXITA l3unl~E .I0Il N;"' IE H AY "l ell!' ll \, I :-;EZ (;OFF CAIIB I E OLSO:\' HOIlEIiT Fml>LES S I - I En~IA:-'- L:\XIEII .I VA1'\ IT.O\ !inonEs HUTII ANN ADI';I:O\S c..\)lPII~ 0001) ALHEIIT .\1t:HPHY L AOIIA 01.1)1-1;\)1 .1011 N l3A:-;rISTEIl L OIS W ,",(,SON C II AII L ES .\IEIII\Y:\ I A:\ LEA )IAN \\'AL I.ACE I. . 13. JONES OLln:1I \\"ATTS l':ATIlAN (iliA\" SU) I NEil \.LAHY .\lI L IJHEIl \\'ILLI:\:\\S EST ll En L OIS I\E\' EII:\I INE COLE:\I.-\:\ SA) I )' I \' SUE .\1,\ so;'; CLAIIE:>"(:E -'I Ellse ll Ann i E D . T.-\:-\I~EHSLEY

iExprt>lilihlll IDl'partlUl'ttt TIll' CallIlJlI~ PI:l~t·r .... wm. organ izl.' d in Ihe (;!l1 o f 1927. \\' jlh thirly -.... ix ch:lrkl' Illcmi.H'l"s. olh('l'-'; bein g a d d e d durin g the ~' l':lr. Thl'1l ill 1928. til t, IlH'm lw n, hi p wa .... limilt' d to lifty, and thl' llll'lIIbl'l'!-. .... egn').(flll·(1 inl o th r l't' gI'Ullp~. I ll'obatiulll'l's. :lppan'llliCl'S. and ( :; 1111 - pm. Pla ,H'I'!-.. Onl' \\'ou ld go (,II ' indel'd 10 fintl 11101'e zl.·;llotls worker,> tlwn 11ll' IlIl'lllbl'l'!'. o f thl' Dn llllali l' tilih. th(' 1:1'\\".'0 o f w hich makl' it 1110 .., 1 1I1l - pl u fil<lhlt " and almost iulJ){) ....si hh· fo r :l 1l 0 1l -\\ 'O!'l.; l'I' 10 n 'lIw in a IIH'JIl IJt' I'. T hei ,- hi gh id t'a ls Il:IVl' brought t o lht' !\d lOO I Il\all~' high cla ss enll'rlairlllll'llls. ,o\(1 liH'ir lIlltirin g ('O'o r t-. h ;l Vl' gin'n to Ihe 10\\"11 o f :\lol"l'illl.ll t wo l oca l 1,"(,l'lIlll ('DllrSt· .... tha i ('umpa l'l ' fa \"ol' abl~' wi lh Iho!'i(, b roughl bV 1)I'Or t-'!'i!'iion,d p b Yl' r !'i. The prol'l'l.'tb o r Ih l.'!'it' l'Olll'!'it'~ h ;I\'I.' put :l su lJ !'i I : lllliaJ roof 011 Ih(' :luditoriUlII, l )l'!'iidl's SOll lt' 1)1.' 1' - IIlallelll I't'p:lil' wo rk Oil th l' gi l'h' Iwi ldin g", ;UJd ,,0 I ll(' !llllCh 1H'I.' 11l' tI illll )rOYl'IlH'll t 011 till' ('<I III IHI!'i. Tht' IHII'POM' o r Iht' ('aIll IHI!'i Pla .\'t'l's i!'i to dl'\"(' l o p th l' I:lk lll of ib IIlt'lillJl'l's, 10 ho l d lip thl' ~ 1 ; ul(I:lnls 01 Ihl' school :tlltl 10w II IJ~ ' JlI 'O- \'iding \\'ho l l'~OIlH,,' l,' nl t'l' l a inllwn t o f :1 hi gh on I t'!", :ll1d 10 !Jut into th l' sl' hoo l 1.':1('11 ~' l':tr ~O llll' p('rllwlll'1l1 ('qlliplllt'ni.

1lI iUlIll (!1I<1!l!l ~I I SS FA1\:-': I E ~ I A IlI E .\ IOOJ)Y Dil'ector OItA FL' Ci-IS liOIlEHT CI.OSE PEAIIL 1. ,\'1' 11 :\:\1 ~J ISS ~Ioony LEO:-.i ,-\!ID KIIII~ I. O I S ~IATTl I E\\'S L OIS W ATSOX :\EYA (iAI\XEII .J UA:\' I TA i1l1ouES .10 11 :'\':'\' 11-: H .\Y J\ 1L'II I'II Y L OLA :\ I.\"I'T II E\\'S .:\IAHEE AnA .JO II XSO!\'" ,I EXWYL DEAX :\IASSEY EUWAHD BE. \SLEY :\IA IW I X HASTI;.;'GS E:\I:\IAI.I:-'-E \\"AI~EF1El.n JAl\IES CAIIL T Axl,a; IISI.EY .1 UA:\, ITA BOYD I XEZ GOFF MAUII ICE :\ l cKIXLEY (; LI~ :-.' HOSE :'I1c(iHEGOIl AnniE D. T"KKEHSLf.;Y C,\ TI I EHIXE BL.\JII

1.!/UruU1UY uub i~i5tl1ry C1l1u551'5 E~I:\lALlNE \\'Aii:EFIELI) PEAIIL 1..-\'1'111\:\1 HOIIEIIT CLOS E L O IS .\ 1..\ T"T II EWS LEU:\AIU) 1'.1111;: OIIA Fuc II S .\IAIIVIN HASTlXGS EDWAIlD BEA S LEY LOLA '\IATTI-IEWS

• , 4)lItlilll" £l1Iusir QHass PEAIlI. r. . \TIIA~1 I lls/rllc/ur :\IOS .\[)E ,\ ~ TII O:,\ I PSO:\ En,\ \ \' 111'1')10111-: "-\LLEXE Con:Y ) Ii ;<~ L a tham, t lw inslruvl/.r (If lw r \"t;>rtltkate in pi ano this ~· t'ar. E)l;\IA LI KE \\"AI~ E F[ELD H OBEIIT CLOSE L Ol.A ;\1,\'1' '1'11 EWS ~IAI\\' 1 N I L\ST J lX(;S LOIS WATSOK Jl' AXIT.\ THA W I C I, EAB:\ESTI:-:E T I IO;\IPSO:-l' 1-1 EIIBEIIT L\s 1-1 I.EI:-: ALEX How.-\Im• .I II . ~OID I A .J EA:-: '\ IATT II EWS H UTI-' \\'ALn IH : )1 Ih: NX lS ALLEX .\ l oKA H I SS1NCiEil l 1

]luic!' (!Huss ) 1I 5S EXE:\E CAHOL Y:\ IlE:\EFI EI.D Direclor HUHY A I)'\)IS CAllI. BHITT LU I S :\I NrT II Ews l. EO ACI{EHS H AZEL CONN l KEZ GOFF P ,\L:L :\I ATTQX EVEI.\":'" MI LLS AIITHUH (iO!.!)E;\" A I.BEH'!' VON ALI.) II·: N :'\1..\ I\ Y D OWDL E )-I E II:\'I:\;./ WI LSON J O II NN I E I-lAY :\l uIlPJlY

LEO:".-I1l1l KIIlK IWIlEHT CLOSE HEIDIA:" \\"ILSO:-.l 1.1:"IlSAY ALLE:" LEO ACKEIlS First T en urs 1.';:01'\:\ 110 KIHI~ U. H. !3EESOX LEO ACI';EIIS .I . C. SHEWlI. l AI\.EI: St'cond TCI/ors HOIlEIlT CLOSE S II E I!:\IA N I. AN IEI\ H .-\ y STAPLETO:'\' ()IIYlLLE ;\EW:\IA~ AIITIIUII GOLI)EX illllUll ~ll'l' ([Hub IJireci o r .4.ccUl1Ip(lflist President Secrelarn .Hollfl yer /Jul'i/vlles .lOll :" V,\LE;.<Tl:-"E HEI D I ,\1\' \VII .SON LEW IS FOSTEII PA U L :\ I ATTOX Uasses H USSEL L GtASE II A. .I . S~I ALL J . I N n SAY ALLEN DA LLAS HOHEHTS ENOS SHE\\,:\IA I'EII I ~OBEHT FIDDES

(!1l1lll'!Il' Qj)llurtl'ttr CLC\,EH SHElnLIKEH ALBEllT S~I I TII "O IDI.\:\ .IO:\ES FHA:\K STAHK F iJ',.. t '1'('1/01' Sl'C(Jlld 'l'l'I/(J1' Baritolle The Colll'ge .\Ia ll' Quarll't. organizl'd dur i ng IU2i-'2X, lIndt'l" till' directi on of '\11', I., n, S:IIHit'rsol1 has, as us ual. bl'l'll :l r l'a l :I '\sel tu o ur sl' hoo l, both in 10l' .. 1 t'nlt'l't:linllll'nl :lnll ('S lll'c iall :\' in doing SOIlll' HI',\' l'fl'l'ctivl' ,ulHl'li si ng fu r thl' l'o ll t'gt" Th l' ~' s tartl'd 11':1\'l' lin g last ./UIIl' :ln d co ntillul'd until the firs t of thi s ~' l'al', l U2U, Duri ng Il'i'\ ti lHl' tht'.\' Ir;1Vl'll't! l'xil'nsin' ! .\' in Arl;: anS; IS, '\lissUl lI ' i, Kan s:l~, :\t'br:lsl;:a. 01;:1,111 0 111 :1, :IIHI I.oui sia na, g i \' in g th ei r high ('lass l'llll'rtainllll'n l. Thl' dim,lx o f tht'ir ~' e:ll"s \\'01'1;: \\':1'\ thl' prognllll broad c:Jsted from Sh"l'\"l'j)orl. Lo ui sia na .

pnol'. A. IlE C1 I AUIlH()~ IJil'('c /o" E ~I:\I"L1 SE \\',\J\: EFIELIl PHOF. A. DE CII . \l' I)I\O i\" CLAH" SC II AEFEIlS ~l"IIEE An,\ .J OII:'\SOS BII . L1E B" :-': I STEII (;I.E :-;' HOSE :\l cGnE(iOIl )111. 1l11EIl \\"ILLI :\ :\IS .JOliN B"~ I S TEH L ou EJ.I . E :-<" S:\IIT II LEW I S Fos nm Pi ano Orgoll Vi oli n l';olill ";olill Cornel Hell s Drl/Ill s Trombone Sa.l'opl!olle Saxo pholl e ,

------~-~==~- -- -----

• / 'R"th. Ann Adkins 'Bea" ty

Eslhco Lois '"Mallhcws Beauty ~ t

f 1 I ~aUCLne <9066 BcovJ" Honor

Eoe'"ett Eoans Honot'

Ca«i.e Olson. 'Best ALL-"'Round 'Wade 'Ruby I ....________-=;.;;;.,;;;o==___=_ -- - - - - ------- -

Het'man "W,lson f C1vot'Ltes

Emily Gammill FUIJ017ltes 'Russell Glase<

FRANK RHODES A C A D E: 1 % o l? S l' U D ~ GeRALD!NE RHO[)6'S ----'-_____ 13£)1 HOP/aNS

illtfiOlt ~quab Haill'd :1:-' til(' s urpri se Il-:UII o f Al'li:lIl sas by a ll thl' shll l"s s por ts w rite rs. tht' 1928 Bi 'io ns of lI ar d ing Co I It- I-{l' " OSl' fr o III till' po~ition of Ollt' of th l' w{'ak k:IIIlS of tlH.' stall..' to a 1'('01 1 dl<llllpiullship co ntl'lldlT in IU 28. Thl' Bi sons. \\'ho lwei IWl'1l sc hedu le d Ol S: 1 "se t LIP " ill 1927. lurnt.'(1 oul to iJl' th e ;'dark hon.t'" of th t.· 1928 c:lI11p:lig n. and befon' th(' nJiddll' of Oc tobl'l' Ihl'~' w('rt' ]'('cogn izl' d Ihl'o ll gh o ut th e !-. Iat l' as th t, " ThulHil'ring II t'l' d " t h at \\,no,; tnllllpling th l' c.:h:llllpion - ship ho pes o f tllfHl~' of Ihe 51:1I l"5 bes t It'am s L1ndl'1' foo l. Th l' Hi:-.ons began to ;Jttracl (':lrl y nlll'lIlion w h cll it \\'<1:-' IC:II"Ill'd in Sep t f'lll lw l' (hn! F,'ank TUl'b('vi ll e, fOrllll' 1' star 0 11 :\ I orl('~' .Jl' ll ningo.;· c h ;ullpi ons hip Ouac hil :1 l e:1lH!'. a n d a pl'rllWI1C' n t Ib..lure on the a ll-s late elt, \t·ns for Ihrce' ,n.'ars, W:lS 10 be h ea tl coa c h at Il ardi ng durin g til l' 1928 St'3'i0Il, H:ll' di llg, w ho ha s ~d wa~·s had goo d nwtnia l :111<1 infl'rior cO:lt'h in g:, fOllnd in "Tw'bit·" the JIlan d('sired ;nlll lIlHlcl' hi s cOlllpt'lell1 guid,uH.'e till' Bi 'io ns {Iui c kly found th e ir s trid e' ;I ntl St" a pa('(' w ith w h ich on l ~' til<' b(,st o f th t, s ta te'!o. 1(':U ll!o. were able to cope ,

!tHUW:\ 'l 'ul'kll' "d ' I.\I' Ellil tTtll ' \ 4luurl i'r lml'k .14111 ':-..oX TIII' kl .. Th t' o n(' dark ~ p ot in thl' brilliant 1\)28 se:l~un wn~ lil t' ab br c\'i:lit',1 ~c h e dllk. Lnf o l' llIllatt'l ,\ ', H:n'din g did not hl 'collle H IIlt'lIlbt,!, or the }\\soc iation until ]Will' Iht' dost' of lil t, foolball cillllpaign and In' · ('all~l' the Bisons Wert' a non·co nft' j"('lll'l' l'lt'H'n, tll(' liartling IIlt'nl o r h,l(l a tough job in M'cu rin g galll('~ for hi!'> 1(';1111, .\\;lJl~' of tht' h':lIlI~ Ihal h:1<1 bt'l'n ~dl('dllll'tl. b t'CittIS(' !twir conlri't'I:-. we!"t' nol go\'t'!'nt'd IJ~' allY c 3 nfert' tlCl' rilling, C:lllCl'It't1 tiwir gallLl's, The non·confl'!'l'II{'l' loopholl' offel't'd :I chance of t'~('alH.' 10 those '\lIrprisl'd {'o:.u.' ht,,\ who h:HI :-.c he<iuleci ilarding m. :1 .... oft" ,pot lH'fon' :l H'gUi:II' .\ssoc i;,tion lilt. :11141 thell hat! ,\('t'll Ih"ir "e;I,\Y 1II('a l " tll' feilt (hark s :lIul til' the '1't':H'ht'l"'\ :In tl Ouachita. I

HO~~ t; 11 11 r~1 " \ TTII.\ t : 1111 r,1 . : L , \ ~": H I: 1I 1 1f~1 "",\ (; lOt r , j Coach Tudll'\' ill l' :l rrin'd lah.' in Sl'ptl'lllbl'r 10 bl'gin wo rk , and a ftl'I' Il'ss than Iwo wl'l'ks of pr;lC: til'l' til(' Bi !-oo n 'i llll't tht, pOwl'I'fli I Tl'ch tl'am at Hu ss l'I l \'i ll l', I lot wl'at ll t'r [lnd la c k of a long conditionin g Sl':I~o n Wl'rl' fad o rs ag: lin s l llll' Bi sO Il S, :IIHI it 'wa'i al thl' hand s of Tl' cll tlwl th l'.' llll'l tlu'ir !-oo le rt.'\' l' I'!-oe of th l' !-ol'a~on, A powl'rflll I'e!\l'j'\'{' !-o tr engt h and a l o n ~ IJn' - "Il'a~on t nlini ng hl'lpN I mllch in Tl' c h '!\ 19-0 "iclor~' , T ec h, ill c i(ll'nta ll ~' Wt'nt thro ugh the r l'gular sdlt:dult, withoul :1 dt'f l'a l in IlIl' s tat l' , :lIld W:IS 111 (' con fl' l'l'll Ct' l'il:llllPion. Th l' Stall' Tl':lchl'rs College, to ull'd in th l' Sl' I1\(.' lIIbl'1' spor ls 1'l" ' it'wS a !\ :1 tealll o f , 'l'Ie n ln s anti a likel~' "Ilall' c halllpi o n, wa~ tilt' II t' rd' !-o IWX! op ponl' nt s. For thl'l' l' <Iuartl'l's I.ad y Lu c k r. ·OWl1l'(\ an d thl' bl'l'ah o f th l' ga lll l' s;I\"l'd thl' p{'dagoglil's fl 'O Ill being )Jut o ut of Ih l' dl:lll1piol1ship 1' ;ltt' l':lI'I~' i n Illl' Sl';!!-oun, Till' g:lI l1l' e nded :I "ICOrt'- less draw. ,

• IIOPI\IS~ TlII'lilt, .\1 ILI... :-; C.'llh'r I!OUI:\~OX CI'ul,'r ( ' 11 ,\1:" E ... , II Sl't'IlIS that llIany tealll!o. in thl.: slak h:1I1 hopes for ;1 championship , for the :\lolintaill(,(,I'S o f the ColIl'gt.-' of the Ozark<i Wl'n' so co n Iidl'nl of Ihl' superior caliber of their :Iggn:gatioll Ihat the:\' sC'n t all opening line- up consisting of livl' kill'!' men :lnd six fre shml'1l ag:linst th e Bi!';ons in till' gamC' at CI:lI'ks\'illt:. On(' qU:lrter W:l'i suflicienl to conv in ce Ihl' Oz;u' ks cO:lch that Iht., Bisolls Wl'I't,' a bit 100 r ough (or freshmen. and he l'(·pl:1ct.'<1 hi s rook il' s wdh veterans. With this s ll'l'llgthenl'd linl' - lip on the field the galliC' \Va", a Sl'l'S:lW afL,ir until th l' final minute of pla:v wlwll "Buck" AnlOld, Bi!-.on back , intclT(' pted a n Ozark pass ;111( 1 I':lced s i x l~' ,\";uds for a touc hdow n , Thi s exciting Fl':wk :'Ikrriw('11 finish g a\' l' lI:lrdin g Ih(' g:lnll', i-I).

nllll"::-- Fullhu"', )lUnlll ; t)uurll' rhuI ' 1o, ,11I't: :-- II ulrtllll' k ,\11'01.11 J: u 111111"';: Th l' ,Jo nesbo ro Co lI,, 'g(' Pal'~on s flln l i~hl'd o ppo .., iti o n fo r thl' hOIIll'('o lllin g :lfrair at :'Il o rrilt o n , Th e Par~O l1s WCI' ,,' :l li g ht t ea lll w h o~t, atlack was built 0 11 pa 'is ing and ~ kirtin g the ends, 11 (, :l\' ~' lilll'- sma s hin g b~' Arnold , Fitltll' s. Fuqua, :Inll Ames a c collnll'(1 ror '27 JJ o inb in th e fir s t half, :Intl :t countl'I ' p:t ))s in g :J!I;l c k r:Ul the seo r l' up to 64 -0 in the fin a l pl'ri od , In a d uw npo ur o f rain and 0 11 a fh ' ld illl p oss ilJl l' fo r foo tball thl' IIt'rel Il l'x t Illl't (;o ;lch 'l'ul'l)l'\,ill ..,'s Allila :'Ilater, OU:l c hit a , On th e w l'l li l, ltl an~, th in J.: but s tr a ight football wa )) UM'IL'S'} and thc gallll' W:l S a dd(' Il Sl' battl c thro ugh o ut. Biso ll s anel Ti g(' r~ 1I 01lnd(' r NI a bo ut i n tl H' m ud for s ix ty llIillllh' s w itho ut (' itl1l' 1' h- :1l 11 be ing abl (· to ~('on'.

1-:\II-:H:-oO'\ 1': '1 11 I'HI H \ TIII' kll' "I , \ It 1\ lIulfh lH'k J'I-: \:-01,": \ - -'I i llllt ll l 'r Th l' M'a~O Il cloM'd wi th <I 13· 7 "idol'Y 0\' (' 1' Hl'ndl' I'SO Il · lkowll , II l'Il( I l' I' ~O Il , wi th ('Yl'S 011 th l' c h;lIlIpi o n ~ hip. p la Yl' d Ill(' gallll' w ith onh' <I pa l't of h('1' I'l'gul :u' 1l':1 III , Thl' Bi so ll s Wl' I' l' ;IIl XiOli S 10 pl;.~' OIn ti eo ns('n ll'(1 10 all :lgI'Cl'lIIl' lIt thai till' Ikddit, ,,; co uld pl ;. ,\' 'wholll tlH.' Y pll':I!ool'd and Ihat till.,' o uteo llll' o r thl' aO'; til' wo uld no t be eons ilil'n'd in ti ll' !oo t:llldin g for t hl' t h ;lIupi o ll s hi p_ Two sb..ty-yanl pass('~ by Fuqua . to Cr;tin ,r lld ~kl.ain, in th l' thinl «1I :1 1' 1l'1' :ll'l'Ollllll'd fol' I-Ial'di llg'~ sco l'in g :lIlt l "icIOI-Y_

• • Thlaalu>tball Shortt." aflt'!' thL' do!'.c of football 'it';I~on the l'OaciH'S of Arkans:ls IIll'l in Lillll' Hock to arrange sc l1l'duh's for II ll' winle l' h:lskl'lb;dl Sl':lSQIl and the 192t1 footba ll c,nllp'lign. ,-\1:1 !'>IH'l'i;1I M'ssioll o f lhl' Arkansas Athletic A ... ~o('ia tion during tht, l'l'g-ul:11' IIIt't'ting of ;11 1 lilt' sl:lh' (·o:lcht, .... Hartling was vo t ed ill :1\ a IIH'lI1bt", of the .\ S:-'Ol'i :llioll. Thl' IH'\\' ' ' ' Ihilt thl' Bison ... Wl'l't' 10 entcr the M'aSOI1 of engl' play ,.s .bsol'ialiOIl 1Lll'IIlbel's !'.l'n't.'d to stiJIIU[;l!l' an ;Hld,,'d inl t' !'l':-' ! to Ihl' alrt':ldy popular winlt'" ,port. Of the lan.(t' sq uad Ih:11 l't'pol'li..'d to Coa('h Brown only Iwo Idll'l' lIIell Wl'n' a\'a ilable for" 1I11' sCi.son's pl;l~' . Healizing thai hi-; leam I1Iw.L be buill fro III the promisi ng fl'l'"hnwn IIwll"ri;1I lIll' CO:l('h ;uT:Jn gl' d a holiday tOUI' fol' Ih(' 1"':JIll. (i;lllIt· ... with co llt'ge fin's and fa ,,1 intl('pt'IHIl'nt o rganizalions Wl'I'l' M'CU.'('t! in order 111;11 Ihl' fl'('shlllt'n woultl h ;I\'l' ('on:-idnablt.' l'xIlt'l'ieIlCl' in fa ... t cOllIpany bdol'l' thl' oPl'ning of thl' .\ s!'>o('in li on sc h t,t lule. With Ihl' clo~illg of ~c hool fOI' thl' holidays the Bi son!'> '\H'I't' 011' on n long jaunt through Okl:lholll:1 and T('xas. III :1 ~ dH'tluJt· of eight galll('S , all with fa~1 Il-alll~, tht' Bison ... won fOll l' :md lo!'>t Iht· rOll!' otht,!,!,> by IliIl'I'OW llI;lI·gin~. Thl' Bi~oll~ alll':lt'h'd ('oll !'> ilil'J'ulJll' attenlion ill a ll tllt'st' gantt'S. .\ft n tilt, h o lid: I.\' trip work wa .. IW !,{lIn ill ('al'I1t'~ 1 for Ih(' As~o ('i;ltioll Sl'iWdlll, ', \\,itll;l tl';llll ('olllpo ... t'l l allJlo~t t'n t il'l'l.\ of fl'l'~ hlll( '11 till' Bi so n~' fi n. t ~t'al' :I!'> a ('011 - ft'1'l'lIet· 1I1l'11l!Jt'!' wa:-. a sUCCt':-.:-.ful 011l'. Fini:-.hing ill a lil' for Ihil'd place ill Iht · ' \"'MJt'ialioll 1':1('t', and wt'll liP in Ill{' :-. t:llItling for the ~ta t l' ti lil', tht, Bi son Cagt'l':-.. likt, lIlt' foo tball le;,,", Wl'!'t.' (,OIl~I;llItl.\ drawing favorable COllllIIl'n t fl'01ll Ihl' • pori "Tit(·I· ....

1'1-:1. I.t: , IIOl'ld.\~ ( i'I111'r IIUO" , ( ' uuc'h 1101 , 1, 1'" t: 1111 rtl \1 \ t-: II'" ,: .. lIrt! The wOl'k o f Eub:lIlh alltl Pd ll'Y. fOl'w:lrtls; Ih)pk ins, ('t'nkr: Clark. '\IYl'rs. :111(1 lI o lli ~, gu:n'I!:\. all fn' ~hl11t'I1, W:lS brilli :1I 11 all thr ough thl' S(.a ....o ll. Eub :l liks was oftl'1I llH'ntiolll'd liS olle of thl' besl fOl'w:lrd !>. ill Ihl' stall', Tht, cOIl!>.i:\ll'llt wo rk of Bub~' ,lll d Hanliistl'l'. \,{'h'I':11I guard ..... ,Hided !\I:lbi l it~ 10 Iht.· 1(·:ulI. 1'" It \' "' ... . ·i,r\\ IIr.! un" t: u:! rl' .1. It \ " ... ·I· .: 1t t ; 1111 r l\ ( I. \ 111\ Fur" ~ I r l ' It. 11 \.\I~TI : 1t F .. r\\urll

BILL B#ltNf~ TFR 7({fIfD DII~t:. f Jt.HN BR/I'NISUR CIn'C,,~Jt TIll' latl' d ,l\ ~ o f Fl'brll;u'~' , whidl U ~ lIall ~' II lt'oms ea rl y b ' lsl' bali 11:1 \ ... ill th l' ... o uth , wen' (IH~' S of ~1l0W and r a in thi ... ~' l'a r ; OIIHI whell .Jup ihT Plu vis con lilllll 'd 10 !-o('n tl hi ..; wo!· ... 1 \\TH thl' I' sOll lh w:II' " Ih!'O ll gh Fl'bnw!') alld .\larch , u:l",(' b:dl W; l ~ o lJli gl' d to s it ba ck :1Il 1! wa it for ti ll' "'lIn~ hi Ill'. III ... pill' of thl'~l' b:ut wl'a tlwr c ondi - tions th l' Bisolls bl'gan tlwir baM' b;1I1 practi cl' o n sc hl'dule ~O llthl'rn I;m(', anti durin g thl' dn'ary d :1Y"; o f till' pro lo ngl'd .\Iarch winh'r, p r adil'l' M's!-o i ()n~ Wl'!'t' hei (l indoor~ in till' g~ III. Prospl'eli\'(' l)i tdH' !" ;nltl c; lklwl's wen' down tlll' rt' l'ady lossing thl' b:dl al'ou lll !. an d aftl' l' :I w('('k 0 1' Iwo o f " Iimbe!'ing" process, Ihe pitdll'l· ... w('n' ahk to "b('" r d own" a littl e a nti till' Il'maintlt'r o f IlIl' ill(l oo r period 'wa s s p l'll l learning Ihl' rlld illH'nl s o f "!-o landin g in 111('rl' ' ' 0111 11 in )Jl'al'lil' ing cOl1 l rol. \\' hilt, the pitl'ill'l'S a nd catd'll' !'s W('rt' busy wi lh thi s. c; uHlidat t's fo r th e inlil'ld posi ti on W('rl' l'ml) l o~' in g daily "Pl'PPl'"' ' "'l'ss ions as a 1I11'a Il S o f gl' llin g into l'ontlili on. WIH' II, in lall' .\larch, w(,:t th(.' l' (, ~) Ildi ­ li o ns Wl'rt' warlll enough (u r o uili ool' practice till' Bi ~on!-o look 10 lite lh' ltl in !..(oo d ('o I1lIil ;o n for till' eOlll i ng c<llllp; li gn. The IOll g e ~JIlditi()llill/-( Sl'ason h a d (' Iimi - Il:ltl'd IIH' (lal1 /-((' r of son' ;lnllS :tn d Ihe l) itch (' I '~ Wl't'l' r .. :uly 10 "l'u l :d uos... • frolH I he st;II· 1. Fol' I wo w(' l'k~ fo llo w; IIg till' li l's! ou t d oor 'l'ssion 1lI0~t o r till' lillll ' was ,pent in lo ng battill/-( pnlclices. Wil h hi s pilcill' r s ill goo(1 con d i ti on. (;o:lch Brown g:I\' ( ' hi s IlH' n pll'nly of tillll' 10 gl'llhl'il' l')'l'~ 011 11l l' ball and the pildll'l's g;I\' l' p ll'nt\' 10 " loo k at." .\ bad contlilion of till' playing fil'id Ill'id LIp inlil'id wo rkouts f u r \\'l'('h, and nol unt i l .\p ri l was Ih l' inl ie ld in s hall l' fo r n'a l work. This lal'k of infil'l (1 wurko ut... wa, a !Ji g Iwndicap 10 Ih l' "':11ll an d