1928-1929 Yearbook

LYNWOOD B. JONES WALIlO, AHI\A~ SAS IJ.A. lI istory Arkamm~ LIli\t'r~ity Fr",:;hman: \'nndt,,'hllt Sophomor e nnd Juni o r: H a rding :5O;'nIOl': Drama!],· Club; "~oothal l : 8as.: ball: (iulr Club; ( 'a\"alie r ('lub " I hope J :shall ahnl:,>' s I)O!<S{'!<!; flrmrwss and v!l'lu", (' !lough t o m ai nt ai n what <:ulH,i d t ' r t h~ most t'1l\' iahl .. of all tltl to !:!, t h t' <:hn ra(' t t' r of an ' Holle);t man· . ·· LOIS MATTHEWS )]OIIll I LTON, AIlI{Ai\'S ,\ S Ilarding, '2!i, '2~ ' : St"<:rdary of I.e ('in-k Fr'i\Il('in s, '27, '28 : (;l ee (' Iuh ; )Iusie Club; \";01 f ('I ub ; Dramati c ('lub: P t-tit .!to-a n !:)taff ":'\I~' soul il:! like an \'Ill'ilantl'd boat, \\' h k h lik\:" a sleepi ng iSwan doth limn Cpon tht:" s il v ",r wa.n'::c of thy swet'L s inging: And thine doth like an :tllgd !l i t Bt'sidc tht' ht'lm cond lu.' t ing it."