1928-1929 Yearbook

MORRILTON ;\loJ'l'ilioll is a ('ily o f 5.0UH c itizl'Il ." full o f c i vic prick and cOl1llllunit~· ~pirit, loca ted ill Ih(' ht'<ll' , o f .\rk:im, ...... 3tt llI ik ~ llol'lhw('s l of I.iltl l' Hock. n5 IHill'S nOl'lh of 11 01 Springs. ;111( 1 12() llIih·!oo soulhl'iI:-.t of F I. Smith . It i~ M,.'n"t.' tI by the :\Ii !'o!o,ouri Pal'i . fi (' Hailway, the Ark:m'>: ls I.i ~ht &. POWl 'l' Co., Hnl! thl' Sm ith Stal l' Lin {' , There an' ::!:)O.OOO Hen'!'> o f ri n' l" bottom I::lnd w ithi n til l ' tr:l(lin g tl'l'l'ilol' Y o f :\l o J'l'ilton. The hill ('ouni.I·~' north oi .\Ion-illull is ('x('l'pliol1ally lillc fruit :tnd Inl('k land. TIll'; I ,,\:'\ J) TIlE J •.\XD OF PETIT J E .\:'\ OI'I'OHTC:'\ ITY Civi c cO-OPl'r:diOIl s l'clIn.' d for i\l o l'l'ilt oll :I IO.OOO-sp indl£.> co tt o n mill , ('mp lo:\'ing 15U wOI'h'I's. and va lue d at S;;500,OOO.{)O. ,\1 0 n .' intlustr·y is wanted. Th(' Chamb{' I' o f COlIlIlll' I'C{' thl'ough il ~ OfliCl' l'S wi ll b{' /o{ lnd 10 gi,,{' you nn~' infol'lIIation yo u 1II:1~' d t's il'l'. as wl'll as aid in Ih{' prOlllotion of any worlh whi le UIl - (iL-l'laking. :\IOlTilt o ll io; :In i(h: ~ll p la ce t o I'{'ar youl' family, It s c hu l't:hl'S. schools OIlId co lli:ge alronl opporlunitit,s nlrcly f ou nd in UIlt' cOllll11u nil~' . Writ {' us, .\:\SEI. :\E.\1. .I. L. I.L'CAS PI'l'~ idt'1I1 Secn' lal' ." CHAMBER OF COMMERCE