1928-1929 Yearbook

• IIOPI\IS~ TlII'lilt, .\1 ILI... :-; C.'llh'r I!OUI:\~OX CI'ul,'r ( ' 11 ,\1:" E ... , II Sl't'IlIS that llIany tealll!o. in thl.: slak h:1I1 hopes for ;1 championship , for the :\lolintaill(,(,I'S o f the ColIl'gt.-' of the Ozark<i Wl'n' so co n Iidl'nl of Ihl' superior caliber of their :Iggn:gatioll Ihat the:\' sC'n t all opening line- up consisting of livl' kill'!' men :lnd six fre shml'1l ag:linst th e Bi!';ons in till' gamC' at CI:lI'ks\'illt:. On(' qU:lrter W:l'i suflicienl to conv in ce Ihl' Oz;u' ks cO:lch that Iht., Bisolls Wl'I't,' a bit 100 r ough (or freshmen. and he l'(·pl:1ct.'<1 hi s rook il' s wdh veterans. With this s ll'l'llgthenl'd linl' - lip on the field the galliC' \Va", a Sl'l'S:lW afL,ir until th l' final minute of pla:v wlwll "Buck" AnlOld, Bi!-.on back , intclT(' pted a n Ozark pass ;111( 1 I':lced s i x l~' ,\";uds for a touc hdow n , Thi s exciting Fl':wk :'Ikrriw('11 finish g a\' l' lI:lrdin g Ih(' g:lnll', i-I).