1928-1929 Yearbook

j 1ljL1l111' iECOlllll1l in; C!l1ub ETIIEI. )1"Cl.l"I1E A:\D )IAHY .10 CHOO(;E Illstrllctors JOll~~IE IIAY )ICIIPII)" ETHEL 1. .. \1'11,\)1 H UIlY L EE SlIl' LL E:-'lILY (:,\:\DIILI. .\IAIIII-: LOFTIS DOIiIS SIlULl~ LOLA :\I,\T"I' II EWS <: .O\T H EIII:-';E BELL '\IAIII-: 1-: AIU .I01l ;-':SO;-'; Lou ELLES S:-'111'1I I..U' IIA OLIJlIA .\1 EVELY:\, .\tll,LS ET II EI. SCIl IIAIlEIl SL'SIE Bll l1SS Ha.;11Y AI)A).ts ELSIE .\IILLS Tht' work of no otht,l' dl'I):ll'lnH'nt C:111 Ill' of ilion' IH:lcti (': 1I ":!!lIl' than thl' training I"('Cl'j\'l' d in th (,~t: CI;IS!,;l'S. It makl's little dilft"'('IlCC wh:l l o th er profl'ssion a ~'oung lady chooses. sht, wi ll lind a thorough knowkdgl' o f the al'ls Hlld sciences taught in this COll l' Sl' t o IJl' Iwl' J.(I'l'atcs t as'ict. Whik the H Ollll' Economics stu d t' lIl s an' 1l-:lI'ning th a t th t,y 111m.! UO SOllll' real nlll'cliH' thinking and SP l' lHI hOllrs in prHeticl' bdorc t1ll'Y COI n do the thin~ that Sl't'llll'd silll lll {' whl' lI they w:llcl1<:(\ motiwl' or SOIlll' o ther t'xpl'ri('ncl'd hOll'il'wift" tht,y an' nl!'lo t'njoyin~ wOI'king with their dasslllatl'~, Tht,y Il'arn nol on ly thl' scit'ntifi c tlll'OJ'it's bill :II' t' lau~ht to put thelll in practicl'. Thi~ is one of Iht, 1110~1 practic:11 :lIul a favorite d('partllll'nt among the g il'ls, Tht' Y call no t forgel thl' o ld ada~t'; "Tht, W:I~' to a nl:ln'~ heart is through hi s stol1lach:' (