1928-1929 Yearbook

C. E. BROWN 1 ~ 11I1 ';1. A::-" I) , T E 'X.\ S lJ .A . J/ i .'i l or y l'raugIHIIl!< BUl<inel<!i Collt'g"t.', '11' AbilPI)t> (', C" ':!:?, '2;;: \ \ 'e81 Texas Teaeilf'r:< ('{,IIt'gt'. '25. 26: Il arding. '21<, '2~' "C" Association al A. C, (',' Pr,·s!' ('Iuh: ('Oll<:h or Athletit's; Sponsor of S\' n ior .\(:ademy " H is lir~ was gentle: an d t ht' elements So miXed In him, that !lal u r., lIlighl IStand ,UI) And say to all th.: world, This was a man. MRS. C. E. BROWN 1 '; [III'; LA ~ Il , TEXA S B.A . J::.' l/fJlish BnUltlt.'y Dmughon College, Fort \\'orth, 'l'l'XHI<, '23: Hay l o l ; I-I;trding, '28, '29: Il onOl' Student: Annu:l.! Staff, lIolllt.> Economi('s ('lub: Spanish Villi); ] {, (', B. Sodd~" \ \r, It. C. ('Iub "She ('omes Uke the h u sh.:d beau t y of the night, Rut St;'t;'l'j too d"l']) for lau),:hlt' r H t;'r pr"'''t'Ilf.:t> a \'lbration Hnd a itKin F rom wOI'l d s b,'foro: and aftt-' l'."