1928-1929 Yearbook

(!1l1lll'!Il' Qj)llurtl'ttr CLC\,EH SHElnLIKEH ALBEllT S~I I TII "O IDI.\:\ .IO:\ES FHA:\K STAHK F iJ',.. t '1'('1/01' Sl'C(Jlld 'l'l'I/(J1' Baritolle The Colll'ge .\Ia ll' Quarll't. organizl'd dur i ng IU2i-'2X, lIndt'l" till' directi on of '\11', I., n, S:IIHit'rsol1 has, as us ual. bl'l'll :l r l'a l :I '\sel tu o ur sl' hoo l, both in 10l' .. 1 t'nlt'l't:linllll'nl :lnll ('S lll'c iall :\' in doing SOIlll' HI',\' l'fl'l'ctivl' ,ulHl'li si ng fu r thl' l'o ll t'gt" Th l' ~' s tartl'd 11':1\'l' lin g last ./UIIl' :ln d co ntillul'd until the firs t of thi s ~' l'al', l U2U, Duri ng Il'i'\ ti lHl' tht'.\' Ir;1Vl'll't! l'xil'nsin' ! .\' in Arl;: anS; IS, '\lissUl lI ' i, Kan s:l~, :\t'br:lsl;:a. 01;:1,111 0 111 :1, :IIHI I.oui sia na, g i \' in g th ei r high ('lass l'llll'rtainllll'n l. Thl' dim,lx o f tht'ir ~' e:ll"s \\'01'1;: \\':1'\ thl' prognllll broad c:Jsted from Sh"l'\"l'j)orl. Lo ui sia na .