1928-1929 Yearbook

LINOSAY ALLEN IIUSSELI.\·ILLE, Ar.AnA~IA n.A . Sciellce I '. I.., c.. ::'\'ashville, T~nne!!!see. '25, '2i; I-I ardln~, '28, '29; til ee ('Iub: Dramatic Club, (\'h:t' Presidelll); Straight "S" Club, ( Pr('sld~'nt); Pn."!'!!'1 ('lub; Annual ~taff: Student Teacher "I-l ow bt"fl.Uliful Is Yout h: how bright it!!! g'kams \\'ith Its iII u !!!ions, aspirations, drelms: Book of Beginning, Story wilhout End, Eaeh maid n heroine, lind o:l\el1 man a rrl e nd ." RUBY AOAMS CLAIII\SVlLLE, AIlI\A SS,\ S B.A, l:.'lIgli:sh ila rc1 lng, '25. '29: Dramat\(- ('lub; .Ju (io Ju ('Iu\); Pr.. Jo!Jo! ('Iuh; Annual Staff: Le Cirde Fra ll(:als "\Ve wandered underneath the young grey dawn, And multitud{'s of dense white fleee)' douds. \ \ 'e r e wandering In thick tioekl'l along the mountains. Sh~' J)h ..rd ed by th"" !;Iuw unwilling wind and She passt'd by,"