1928-1929 Yearbook

l i IlS. .I. ~ .. l lll I STIlO~(; liIlS. A. I\'. HAST I ~(;S lilIS. II. 1'. LAS III. EE C!:l111l'Ul' Q11uh • Adll;.'iCr MOII(l{Jer Assistant o Ill' uf I hl' itl'1I1S of l'X IH'IlSl' to I Ill' slUlil'nl is that of boai'll. In unll'" to al'('omplish Ihl' gn'ah· ... t al1l Ollnl of work, it i~ 1lt.'Ct'SS:lI'y thnl Wt' han' wholl'sOllll' food. and this I11l'OIIlS Ih;1I we 1II11 ~ t han' 1II 0IH'y Thl' COlIl'gl' Club was ('!'l'aktl primarily fOl ' tilt..' purpose of iu·tping thl' slUlit-n l so l \'l' Ihis probl elll. ~olJocly Illakt's :In~' profit. Thl' ~llItll'llh 11;1)' for the food. and thl' wOl'k of pr'ep:u'ing it. Bl'sitlt·~ ftll'ni:-.hing' board :11 the minimulII pri ct', the Club furnishes employlIIt'lll en'"" , Yl';ll' to a ll u lIlbl' l' of st udents who could not otherwise lIlll-liti sdlUOI. By tluing this. it rt.' IH ll"'s "" Iuable st' I'vice in two wa~· s. During the gn.'ait:r pal'l of the t illll: ... inc{' the Club was organized, it has IH.,t'n lInder till' Sll l)t'rvision of :\l l's. Arlll~lrong 10 whom much tTt'dit is clul' fol' i ts success, Tht' work t h is yt' :tl' h:ls been uncle l' the din'ctioll of :\11'". It ast ing-s. a~si~ l t' d by "Irs , LHsh lt'c. They have bt'('11 untidng in tlwir work, and hn\' l' rt'IH l l'I't'd \"alu:lb lc ~(' rvi("l;' to the ~ltI(lt'l1l bo tl ~·.