1928-1929 Yearbook

, , .'.JOrt-' ('Ilg'!':l\'in/: hlU:k from the engnl\~'rs-a nd .. 'ongratulntions I:'lldo!led for our t'<Iltor on hili progress of the book. Ahilt"lw ('hl"istiHIl ('olJ",ge d eba t e our Hl.'nio r t'ollege kHrn-thl'ee d~·('j~ions in fa nil' of Jlard lng, St:llior... plan an outing, hut ttl their di"lI]lpointnwnt it lain~·d . .-\1ton Hollis has a date. " "f\(k I{u],y find l 'u\1",n Dixon dt."bah' with :\ r is~i",slp])i ,\. & .'1. ('ol1<;>g.,. Il arding d t'f(·a t~d . )[n<, I{hodt'f; entt'l'tnins \\', II. (', ('Iub a s a ..ul'pl'ise for " 11IU!'int'. 31. Eas! ..'r Sund ay-Ollkil·y :\Iurl'!hy visits lind pn-,\{:IWK Bro. 'r\·I1Ilt'~· and family vi.';it {"oop~'n; (;al). AP HIL 1. April fool d aY-!:il'w·ral fa l le tt ers rd.Tiw-d . !:i:tta Bt'll J armon t'llkr ... 1>\'11001 to atlt'nd l"pring' t",rlll. RU"'~il'1l ( ; laser rE'c-o\'('I'S from :<t'arl",U f",n:r and ('()m~g to :<U))))t'r, 2, .\\1', ,/a l llt'!; from '\l1~souri talks in dUIP~1. Ordlo:l:!tl'<l p layl'i lit IJO;'rr yvilk, and GIl' ' ' ' ('Iub sings at Sardis, 4, Bro, J\rm!;U'ong ~o",s to Little Rock, but l ea\"\:s wo "d fn r h is (;re",k ('Ia!"s to 5. 6. 7. 8. ~j . 1O, II. 12. I:\. I [). 16. 17. 18. I ~!. 21l. 2!j. mt'o:-t, Go:orgt' 1<:lllp t age Is getti ng wlse--as olle si d e of his fa~e Ii:! \\'Itne~~, County ('onkst al (;ntJllmar Sel1oo\. Hul",s Wt:l'~ off F"idny nl/-;'ht. .\II', Cobb, a \)"o(Ill'I' of l\1" ~, C. F:. B" ow n visits In Ilal'(l ir,/-;" 5",nlol'l-; go to (\'dar Park for II Jlit 'nk-Tatulrl was dh;(UI'lwd by all oIl' hen while t'Hli ng d inne r , Bra, .·\rml-itrollg 11I't'adl"'s, (;\I..'nll :'Ilordand and F!'llnk BIlls ))rt'a~h at COopt'rs Gap. ;\'t'w date fOl' :;un{\ a,\' night-..\li ss :'Ild'lurt' Hnd L eonard Kirk. Sp "in !{ ntins still ('ontinuill!{, Bro. \{odman J,;i\'t,Joi tt'st in (;rammnr. (;irll; I ' XPt, (,t",d boys to \,j),<it ]'/)()m~, bu t all eleaninj: up was for nothing, firo. (;riff(-th and Higgs, ft~'ld rtcpl't'st' n tati\'es, \Isil H arding. ('ampu!'! IJlayt"'s IH']·!"t'nt " [ )add y Long [.t'g:-." ('hal'lt'!'! ,\l{'rr,nllall It-an:!:! s('h ool, St;niOI' 1)"l)aton; g'o lO Shrt'\' t' port and A"ka- {Itolphla. "'\, i{\owJoi" havt' ('onnmtion (.\1. F.; Ii. ('.: ) 1. L .· B. \'. S.) Lost; In debate wIth Center,lry College, t ll t- !' o:. D ... ·\)Htl ' with OUII('hita..\1 1'. Lun' gi\·...·Joi t'ntt-'rtainnlt'nl. Protnl(·tt-d Illt't'ting begin:,!. H!'o. Bn'"wt;'r ])!'t'1l'·ht's. St'nlor Play, " 'I'll ,· \\"'o'n." Jo"'nnklin L,,\\·t·ry aUt'nch ; h istory ('Illf'.'<. Bast·lmll gan1t' with II t:ndt·rJoioll- Brown. Pt;'tlt ,h' an g-Ot'S to pI'",!':!;. Oratorkal ('(1ntl'.'<t. 1:\ PI1 0SPECT ) IAY I. lit-dtal hy E\' t;'I~'1I LHlllht'rt lind L ewis Foster 6.. \nllual SdlOOI I'knk to Pt'tit Jt'an. II. Dt'lmt,· with Arkansas ('ollt'~t'. Iii. 1;;\· ... ·I~·n '\ !i lls, Ij)ls \\'alsoll :md Clal· ...·!ll·.' ]\[",rst',l ill H...·dtal. 21. I {t"l'ital 11.\' [n t'? (ioft', Hulh .. \nll ...\clkln:<, an d Addl ...· D. '!':tnkt,j'Joi[t:y, 26. ('omm, ' IH·t'ml:.·nl Sermon hy S. p, P itlmHn. 2:-;. Founh I.~'('t'um Ilumher- '11 ... ' 1' IlolJ(Jr tilt' ,\[ayol'." 2~. Laura Oldham in r",'dtal. :W. ('Io'llng- ""'>t'rel;'t,s. ('Ia~s addr ...·"' ... hy \\~t'ddinK of Sophomores- I.,·wi:,; and Ens.. mhlto hy "LillO students, l 'I'ofeSS(Jr I, (}u , Ell...on. eaumgaj·tllt' r of [.ast I,y(· ... 'um Hrlnkl ...·y. ~um"t' I·- , t