1928-1929 Yearbook

LEONARD KIRK IIA ~ lI'S IlII\ E . TE;..;;o.;E:-'SI·:E B.A . I~' dll caliol/ fl. I.. C" Xitsll\i1lt:. 1'",nn",::;s",.. , '1:1, '27; /larding. '28, '2~1; .Annual Ht.lf'f: Vin·clo!" of GI~·c ('Iubs and ('horuf<; .\lusic ('luh; \'kt' PrdildplIl of St'nior ('lass: O. K. h:luhhe ·'.\Iusic when SI)fl vok..,s dl t'. \'ibrulell in tht" Illcmor~': Odors when SWt'('l \' jolt'ls skkell, Liv..' within till' St" IISt' tllt-Y (lul ckl:ll. Ho:o!e-lea\"es, when the rose is (h-ad, Art' ht'ltlkd rO l' t il\> lwI4J\'I' d 's ht'd: So in lhy song!'! when tholl art gone , Lon' it self !:! hall sl umb"I' o n ," ULDENE M ILLS nl \ INJ~LI':Y, AII I{AN:-' ,\ S /l .A. Fl'el/cil Ila n ling-. ':!.), '2!': " ". II . (" (,luh: Prt'SS ('Iub; Annual Staff: 110m\;" E ('onomies Club "A Silirit as purt' as Iwn, 18 always pure. t'\'('11 whll .., it (>1"1"-". .-\s s lln ~hi ll t' I) I'ok.:1I In a 1'111. Though turnt'd Hslra,\-, il> sunshl ll t" still."