1928-1929 Yearbook

\-\ ().,:S~ {\~ t\ OD"" :/1'2. 'IC, 7 ,---P41-5 /121 Co,2. 'I'hl' flrl'll whit,· mall to tlJll('h Arkansas :-;"i1 waH lip !-Ootn, a :-;IJaninrd . .1\:'; It y()un~ mal1 ht, had ~HIIH'd )o\(,nH.' fnnw and f"rtune ('xplos'illg' ('enlnt! ,-\nll'ril'H. Lurtd hy 111(· stori\'H of gold and tht' fount~lill of youth, Iw {'nme to Florida and :';P(,111 two ~'hU'S wltndt'ring on'r what Is now FIt,rida, ',N)rgia, .\1I~~if""iJlpi and ,\\ahamR. ill '\Ia~·. j.i-I l, ht- (-anle to a rl\"('r !oIO hroad hf' ealh:d It "Hlo ,,!"fInd.,," til(' Spanish (fir gl'!;'al rlyer. Th£' h natives enllpli it ·'.\JE'f'~·haf"t·IJ(·," or fntiu'r of wllters. whll'h w(' ('ail .\Il:,;sis- ~V siPfli. Thf' IWX! yt.'ar th,- gl'l'at I'aptain .4111'nl tra\' .. ling: through what is now Arkansas, hut what waR tht'li a YlH't wlldt'rm':';s full of wild animals Hnc'! savage!'!. .\1 his d,";lth, Dt"' ~()lo'!'I follow\'rs burlled him in lht, rh""r Ill' hnd dil;l"O\"~"{'(1. 1lI11blillllPll bU tllr !5>tllior Qllulla of 1liurllilln Qllllltnt ~{{ll r rilt(1l1. ArkuIIIlUII ]lllhulIl' 1Jliur HARDIMG COLLEGE LIBRARY