1927-1928 Yearbook

Priflll1lg by RussellrJiIIl' Prh,!;ng Co. Russellville. Ark. EngrarJ;lIg by Peerless E"gruv;ng Co. Little Rock, Ark.

\Ie r 3'y r p.L< r /'12£ .\ hund"I'd and fifty ~-I'a l'H ag'n '\larquis Jt.'an Pit' r ponl I ];U\(h·d at Ih,> mouth of til(' ,\I[;<;<il'<;<l l1pl. II, ' had Iken se iy.t'd by ~' tilt' ;;I)irit of wHlukrlus( and U\lOll It'a\-IIl~ his nali,'t' ('ount ry, , I<'ran,·t', 111' "1\(11' a hr'i\'( Hnd MtOt'Ill~' fan,w('11 to his 8W{'('tIwart.• \drit'IlIW I:.\nglkt', who wllnlt'd to aCt'ompany him to Ill\' <'l1d;< of L1ll' ..:u'th. J:.:xlrUn\j.:::lntly did ill' promise that he would COlnt" again. IIltl ... knowhlK ht' would (' ross the .At lantl c hut OIW.', PETIT JEAN THE SENIOR CLASS Harding CoUege Morrilton, Ark. VOLUME IV

It was an lHI!'IOrh'd company (If adventurl'I's who put out to !oIl'a, Thl" l\larqui!-l him~elf W:H! It eommandlng ftgul'e, who lookt'd thl:' ('hara('lt'r of th.. darln~ it'ader. Among the otiwrs WIUI the ('aLi n h()~', one of those nam(' I('l'l l'l waifs who haunt Ow harbors and art' tllkl'n aboard for II long ,"<)yag!;' at Ow caprh.'t' (If !-lome shipm:lSH'r, So faithful WA!-I the ('abin boy In hl!'l ma!'lle-T, :\Iarqull'l Jl:'an, lind !-IO belov('d hy lht- {'olllp:tny Ihnt. h('('au!<\ of hl!i devotion to their Il'ader. h(' WHl'l ji!:"h"t'n till' nam(' of ""l"Ilt Jt'Hn",

Dedication To Dean L. C. Sears in whom we have found inspiration as teacher, comrade, advisor and friend, and for whom we hold in reserve a place in our hearts, we dedicate this volume. 126~39

f' .\ fter followin~ tilt' fathl' I' of watl'r;.; for s01l1l't hing mon' , than four hundr..d mildi, t ilt' ;Hh"'llUrt '-l'! \'\'kin~ ,'rl'W foun d ~ \ till' mouth of till' .\rkan~al'! HI\'\"'"r, Hnd mad.' tlwir way upslrt'am ) G for two hundn·d 111i1\'S tlllJr\', (hw day II't'Y 1l1lt'hon'd at t h e ~ (uot of a mountain rising" ah " ul)\I~' a thOUl<and feel from the i-< ul'roundinK wid., nllh·y'. l'j'{Jll lauding tlh'~' w\'r.,. Ill e t by frl('ndly war r iorI'< who ,,;'1"\,.. I,'d till-III with food and iln'\tations to dwl'il with tlwlll on till" ht·autlfu l 1lI(,Ulltaln. Foreword As a record of lasting friendships and hours of joy and toil, and as a service to Harding, whose future shall bear out the promise of the past, we present this fourth volume of the Petit Jean. ,

'\1()n~i"lIr .I,·all i'i ('rpont and hi!" men ncccpted tor some d ~ tinlt' th'" hn~pita1ity i)f tht' H('d .\len. hut, a~ wlnt(>r was approa(·hlng. tll\'~' dl'l'ld,'d to quit thl'il' m ·w-found paradise, dl'><{,t'lld lht' strl;'am and return to France, But they were delayt"d bt'/"aus" Pl;'tlt .It·an wt'ak/;,Iwd by th (' ('o ntlnUI·d hnrdships of su{'h II life. had t'oml' down with n. fever. No power of tht· grt'at nwdklm' man nor nny {'a r e of {'omradcs ('ould n·stort' Pt,tlt .11;'1In. wh o n few hours hefor(> her d e ath, told her :-<\ory of (\,'\"ollon to h(' r lover. Order of Books College and Academy Classes School of Fine Arts j<' avorites and Honor Students Athletics Organi zations Humor and Advertisements

Frit'Il<lly and h"in/o:" Imnds t·a ,... it·d h(' " tu tlw til l) o[ till' mountain, whd·'· \'nll1ra(k~ and 10"'r nUl u,'n.-(1 Ih"sld ,' the gra,'t', FI,r many Y"arl' tIlt' Marquis wa nd ;> l't'd Ull and d own the nllky, ,,"t'r lind a~aln rdurnlnl{ tn th.. mountain lOil to worship Ht tIlt' shrinl' of hi!>; \o!>;t 10'·... Tlwrt' at Iwr 1'Idi.' lhe n ..d )\('n ) '( hUl'it-d him wlll'n th.· (;,',-at Spirit ,':dh'd him 011 a 1l1'W ad- \t'nIU"". I n lH>lH>r of a ,·ol11 l' a d .. su faithfUl amI a palefac.:t' liO aff""lionatt' til!" It vd :'.h-TI /-;:aYt' I lw l1 a~llO' 1' \\lt ,It-a.n to t h t- :'Ilountain. Staff Editorial Department Rose-Marie Lowery, Editor Desdemona Stark, Literary Mrs. J. O. Garrett, Art Business Department J. O. Murphy, Manager Doyal Bland, Advertising Irene Bevelhymer, Circulation



L. L. BEL L \ V . T . SWEAT T. L. li EU·! L. L. B I~LL T. L. II ELM \V. S. \YATSON Dn. J. :\1. MATTII EWS L . L. B EL L J OE H. BL UE \Y. S. \VATSON \V.. T . SWEAT B . FnAN li LOWEn Y C . L . COATS J . .I . VAL I~ N TI NE :\1 liS. B OULDI N D U \ ' AL I. LOH I~ N Hou~a: 1I D. A. T ut: liEH A. OL I \,E \V. E. ~IcHEYNOLDS J. H. HIlADLEY L. C. SEAHS BODEIIT I) U I'IIE A. L. H OTE~lIImll\, W. A. HI LL :\I HS. TOM CAHI. I Z" T. L. H EL~1 J . D. ALLEN Board of Trustees Offiicers Executive Committee I.. C. SEAHS Members of the Board 11 Pres ident Vicf'-Prcsi (( (' nt Scc r c t a r y Ch ai n nan Secrc t a l'Y W. A. HI LL :\I o rrilt on, Ark a nsas En gland , Ar k a nsa.;; ~l o TTi sto n , AI' ka n sas )i o rl'iit o n . Arka nsas \\' (' I(( o n, Arka nsas DaVl' l1po l·t , l'\c b ras ka Coal Hill , Ar k a nsas :\Io n i lt o n , Arka nsas Imbo d c n, AI·ka n .;;as T o p t.' ka, Ka nsas Cas;], AI'k ansas Littl e Hoc k, Ar ka nsas )l oITilt o n , Ar ku ll sas ~iu s k ogcc, Okl a homa l\l o r r ilt u ll , Arka n sas Engla nd , Arka n sas Littl e Hock , Arka nsas Coa l Hill , Ar ka nsas Ha lt iev ill t." Arkansas ) loITilt on, Arka n slls Monilton , Ar ka n sas

J. :\. AIU ISTHO:\(j 1~

~IHS . .I. :\ . .\IOISTHO:\(; DEA~ OF WO'\lt:::\, 13

To the Students of Harding College Once again we come to yo u in this, QUI' annllal message, to lay upo n yOU!' h ea rt s o ne of th e great est Ill'l'ds of til(' co ll t.'gc that is su dear to li S all. Though like evcry othe l' pl'ivale i ns titut ion of learning, ilanling College hao; many need s. The re is 0 11 (' Ilt.'cd th at 'i t untls out pn'('mincnti y at thi s t ime. T h e gr eatest asset any ins titut ion of Ica rni ng can have i'i it s student bo d y. a nd , w hil l' Hal' din g College tws a most ('xct.' lI c nt s tuden t body rcp r csl' nting nineteen dirrerent stal es- a stude nt bo d y thai is un exce ll ed in cond uc t and in loya lt y to th e colh.·Sl' an d it s id eals- o lH' o f its gn'a t l's l need s a t thi s linll' is more studcnts . If the co ll ege e nro ll lllent ca n h ~lvc ~nl in c r ease in 1928·29 o f one hundr ed ~tudents and the acadenlY an in cn' asc o f [in y s tudl'nt s, many of Hardin l-f's m ost urgent need s will be automatically su ppli ed , With the pl'csell t faculty, th e inst ituti on wi ll becollll' "e lf s lIppor tin g in so far as CllITl'n l expensl'S aI'(' co nce rll l' d , T hi <.; wi ll bl' a lIlar \,(, lo us thing fo r :I s tllndant st'nior co llege in the firth yt'(.II' o f it s life and will rtood with new zeClI and en thus iasm the e ntire institution, And how easi ly it ca n bl' do ne! If each o f yo u to whol11 thi s IlH.'ssage CO lII l'S w ill r('so lve to sec urc durin g the SlIlIIlIl er o ne new student for the fall e lll'o llmcn t , I-lardin g will hCl\' C to build "shn cks" ill o rd e r 10 hOll se the students. What. Hit inspiration to your fncuity, to yo ur fe ll ow students, and 10 the board o f I'ege nl s an d the loyal fricnds o f yo ur sc hool. Evcry thin g IIm' dill g 11111)' unci e rtake w ill succced 01' f:,il Hccording to youl' attitude towtl l'd it. At leas t , any lIlHlC'l, t tlki ng that yo u so lidly SUPPOl't ca nn ot f:liJ. As in th e past. we ha n' tunll'd to you fOl' help , in this, o ur annllal message, we wa nt to la y on your h e:II' l s thi <.; IHillll' need o f J-i tlnling College. We most ea rn es tl y app('a l to yOll to make it you r ch id o bjec tiv c during the approaching SUllllller. Sun' I~' ill your lown 01' cOlln t y YO ll ca ll find Olll' young man 0 1' WO lllall fo l' Harding. If you canno t 1'{' tUI' Il youl' st.' lf . I't'llouhle yO lll' efforts that your place mAy be fi ll cd ill your a bsence, As Wl' cOll c lud(', wc wnnt to say o nce morc Ihal we believe in you, \Vic beli eve you will do w h a tever is necessary to keep Hal'din g College the standard i nstituti on that it is . \Ve are counlin g o n you to watch its progress, to kn ow fr om yea r to year its needs, and 10 slnnd solidly behind every campaign launc h ed to s uppl y these n('cds. Finally. wc lo\'e yO ll , wc arc for you, fol' Hardin g Collcgc, BI10TIIEil A:,(D SISTEH ARMSTHONt; . 14

Faculty .I. x. AIIMSTHONG , 11. A., :\1. A. , Pres id en t A n cient I.~tnguage and I.iterature, and Bibl e I. to YI) CL I NE SEA liS , B. A., i\1. A. English Language and LIl('rature •10 11 :'\' T. GLEN1", B. A., ,I. A. Dean ;\lod(' rn I.anguage:-; Knd 1.ltl"ratur~ B. FnAN I\ HII ODES, B. A.. :\1. A. Social Hdt'nl'N! liEOHGE W. KIJ~~ FFEII , U. A .• ),1. S. Ph~'lika 1 S('kn('l'~ s. A. BEI.L, B. S., (M. S.) l3iolo~l t'a l S('lenct"~ In: ,..; H. H ENSLEY, H. A., :\1. A. ":dueatlon il nd Psyeh(Jlog~' UUIf r: 1I H. BEESOl'-l, B. A.. '\1. A. I>;ducation and I 's~'('hology L EIIO\' B. EPJlEHSOX, B. A., (.\ 1. S.) .:'IlnthenHt ties :"\OH i'o I A I.. S'TEWAllT, B. S.. .\1. A. 11001(> E eonomi<:li '\IATlIE ELI. A CII ,\ \"ENS. ll. A.,.\1. A. Eng-Ush l.anguage Hnd I.It('ratul'l" Ikarl uf :'l I en 15

Faculty J-1t~ LEN C. GA IIDNEH, B. A. J:.; ng ll s h and Fren ch ALYA BOYD HEESE, B. A., P ri ncipa l oC Academy H is to r y L. O. SANI) EHSON A t hl etic Direc t o r , V. T . BENny Ath le t ic Coach M a themat ics a nd Scie nce LOIS M. G I~ENN, B. A. Physi cal Educati on tor Girl s DESDEMONA STAIH ' Fongllgh BoxlJ': O. \ VOOORI NG Librar ia n St enograph y and Bus iness :\! ethod s ) ln5, L. O. SANDEnSON Inte rmediate Gra des E. ODESSA PRATHER, R. K., Director oC Hospita l Hom e l"Ufs lng, Phys iology and H ygie n e FLOHENCE M. CATH CAHT Primary Department B ETTY Lim WI NBURN, B. A . Engli sh a nd Spani sh ZUA GUMPHIIEY, :\1. P ed. , M. A. G r a mmar Grade s 16

.I. o. ~IUIlPII\, B. A. lI istor'Y :\lajor Lyr-.; KV ILI. E, TENNESSEE I-'rt'sld~nt of Senior Cla!!s FOTensle League, l!i24,'28 lntt'T('oll egiate r)ebator, 1924-'28 Bes t All Around Man, 1924-'28 Business "Iannger "Petit Jean" College Club Harding College, E124-'28 "The heart to co n ceive, the understanding to direct, Or the hand to cxpcute. lie i8 truly ~r('a.t tha.t is little in himself, And thR.l maketh no account ot any height or honors:' 18 ~IHS. J. O. GA IUlETT B. A. Eng! ish Major STl<;l~IIE="'\,ILJ.E, TEXAS \·h:e·President of Senior Class Senior Student In Expression Campus Players \\'. II. C. Club Sponsor College Club Sabinal Christian College; 'Thorp Springs Christian College; John Tarlelon ('uHf-ge, Stephenville, Texas: Xorth 'I'f'Xas ~tate 'l'eacher's College, Denton, Texas; I~Hst '!'('xas State Teacher's Col1(.'ge, ('Olllrner(>e, Texald; taught. intermittently from 19115.'17: Harding College, 1926-'28. " 1 '0 gild refined gold, to paint the Illy, '1'0 throw a perfume on the violet, 'l'o 8nlooth the ice, or add anoth('r hue , t'nto the rainhow, or with tapl'rllght ' 1'0 sl'ek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,. " Is wtUI((·ful and ridIculous ('xC(,SS. , .

H()SE- ~ I AH I E LOWEH\" B. A. Sp:lllish ~I:tjol' 1 ) .\ \,EN I~OIlT. :\EBIIAS I ~'\ .\!,;!'listallt Ht'(' r t'tary of Sen i or C ia!:!!:! ,';dilor·in-('hid of Pdit Jean Prt'ss Club :\ I i:-:sion Study C l ass ('!)Ileg... Club Ju Go Ju Cluh ()rehestra Hom(' l':conomks ('luI) ('oll{'~f' Iionor Student H arp",!' Collq;'e, 1921,'22, '23·'24; fl an'linJ.; College, 1925·'28 "j-'or !'jIll' was jt.'s· tilt! q u iet kind \Vhmw !lalu.!') never vary. Lik~' Slrt-' ams that keep a SUIIlllwr mind Snowhld i n .Jenooar}'." 19 E.IDIETT IJLACKS IlAE H B. A. Engli s h ;\I ujol' :\ I OiIH II .TON, . 11 Ih:A:--ISAS l"rt;'ss ('Iub Heportpr of Senior t'lnlSs Teadl"" of English In B l:' rlil z Sehool of Languagt;'s, Bt'rlin. (;\'rmany, '28 I larding College, 1924 ,'28 ..( '!It'ert>d up himselt with e nd s ot verse And sayings of philosophers." ".\ linh· lL'~ tI·ning is a dangerous thin!;'; Drink deep or taste not l h e PJ er i an sprinK." I

WILLIS HHODES B. A. Il istory ~Iajol ' ~10IlHILTON. AHI';ANSAS Football, Ba !:lt'ball " In th(' Spring a live lier IrilJ ('hang('s on the burnished dove; In thl' Spring a young mUll'S faney lightly turns to thoughts or lovE'," 20 ~IA li nl:-;E IHiODES B. A. Spani'}h .'Iinj or ~IOIU\ILTO N, AllliANSAS St'l.:rctary·"'reasurer of S~nlor Class Press Club W. II. C. ('lub Petit J ean Starr ,\Ilt;t;ion Study ClaJoJtI W, II. C. BaskN Ball Campus Players j larding ('ollege, 1924-'28 "('harms strike the sighl. but merit wins the !loui. There Is a kind of ('hal'lId",r in thy life, That to t h e oh~l('rver dmh thy hi s tory F u lly unfold."

JOYCE DUVALL B. A. fl ome Economics Maj o r I MnOf)EN , Anl,ANsAS W. H . C. C lu b Ilome E('onomics ("lub Skeeter Slarr College C lub Petit Jean Staff W. II. C. Basket Ball I), I.... C. C lub Ikllt ;\II -Around (iirl Prf'I:!S ('luh Arkansas Ch ri st ian Col lege, 1!J2:J : l);lVid Lipl:!comb College, 1924: lIarding Gu ll ege, 1924-'26 and '27-'28; Arkamlll s Hlatt' T(·aeher'lj Collcgf', summe r of '26: taught, 1926- 27 "Tu thol:l{: who know thee not, no word/!! ca n paint; Alld those who know thee, know itll wor ds are raint!" 21 IJESDDIO:-iA STABK B. A. English '\iuj o l' Ih:WEY, OKLAHOMA Campus Players College Club Petit Jean Start W. H. C. Club }<jnglish In structor in Aca delllY Harper College, l lf22·'24; lI ardlnK, 1!IZ1·'Z6 and '27-'28: tau"ht, 1926·'27 "Ge nteel In personage, Cond uct, and eq uipage: Nobl.:: by h eritage, Generous and free,"

.\L· IlIlEY ~lILNEIl B. A. 1I01lll' Econoltlics ~Iajor :'.1011111 LTO:-..' , AIII{ANSAS \\", II, (', ('lul> 'Iollw i':('onomi('s ('!uh liard i ng Collej;t·, 1924,'28 "A ru.'TTY h t'a rt ,",Ol'!:l all till' wa)', Your :iad tin's In a milt-'--a." " 'W4Jl'th, ('ouragl', honor, these Indeed Y(Jur sUHl"nam:c and hirth-right ... rt;"," 22 EllA III YES B. A . HOIIIC' Economics Majul' ) IOHHILTOK, AItKANSAS Ilome Bconomi cs <;l ul. :Mi ssion S tudy Class .\ Jumo l I~di tor of th('- Petit .hmn .\l'k:t nSH8 Ch ri stian College, In:l-'24; Ilarding College, }925,'28 "Io;ndurance Is tilt' crowning quality. And patience all the pasRlon of Kn~at twarts," "So mild, so merciful, so st r ung. so ~OQd. S(' palil-nl . pcacdul, loya l, loving pure."

HELEN IIAYNES SMAIlT B. A. English ~lajOl' MOIIIIILTON, Anl{ANSAS Secretary or Pre~~ ('Iub C;lIendar I.;dltor of P('ttl Jean 1,(, ('(·rde Ji'rancais Sk~'I'l.'r Stafr Arkansas Teachers' Co ll ege, 1923·'25: I.. I. Dipl oma; Ilarding ('oll('g(>, 1926,'28; taught, 1926,'27 ·",'he fountains mingle with th(> riv{'r, And the rivers with the ocean. TIlt' winds of heaven mix forevt'r \Vith a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world i s 8 illgl<'; All thinKS by a love divh1l' In one anoth .. r's bt-ing minglt'- Why 1I0t I with thine?" 23 IXKE rilIBA B. A. History ~Iajol' HUSSEI .LV ILI.E, AIII{ANSAS ,,'ol)t hall, 8Rsehall Abilene Christian ('ollege, 192.-'25; Harding ('01l.'1;{', 1925·'28, and summer 1927 "What is noble?-to inherit Wealth, estate, and proud degree? There rnUlit be some other mprlt I/Ighf'r yet thn.n these for me!- Somcthl nl-t greater far must enter Into life's majestlc !Spa n , ]"lttcd to c r eatl' and ('f'lltrt' Tru e nobility in man."

.'\EI.SO:\ (iAHD:-.iEH H. A. Educ<1tion ~Iajo/" j\;ASII\'ILLE, TEX:,\ESSEE n. I.. c. Cl ub :-il r aig il t ~igh t Clu b Furens\(- Leagut" Le ("'rt'I,' FralJ(:ai~ ('ollegL' ('luI, David Lips('oll1h ('ol1t'Kt'" 1~1::! 3·'2l; IInl'dlnt.;" ('ollt'gt", 1~1::7·'2S "TIlt' lI1an \\ ho ('onst'c-ratc-s his ilutlr!oi B r v!g"rout< ,ffot'\;; Rnd a n IHlrwst aim, At fOIl"" h,' dl'aws th,' sting: of lif,- and death, II , walks with nat un' and Iwr llatilk artp,·:u·(·... 21 MHS. LLOYD O. SA:\IlEHSO:-.i B. A. Spanish }'Iajol" .:\lclHHn.TO:-"', AHI";:\:,\SAS , \ ~~Istanl E ditor of t ilt' !'.-l lt .h·an ("ollege Cluh ' 1','al"lH' I" of In termedlah' (;I"a(l,';; In 'l'l"al n ing 8<:hool \\'t'l:! t T~xa::; S tate :'\o flnal ("olit'got' . ("HnnJll, Tt.'XllS, su mlllt"I' of J:11!1 and ':!:!: Ilar'Pt' r <."011.'/-:"(', 1921·'2:\: Oklahoma .\ , & )1. College, Slll1watt' r, Oklahoma, sumnwl's of 1!t:!G alld '27; ll arding ( 'olkg'I', 1:12 1·':!" and '27·':!S: taught fin' Y('Hr"t<, "(I \\"oma n' in our h(jur~ of ,-;\!-<,. l·IH.'ertal n , ('oy, and hard to ph'as"" And nlrlabh' as th,' shad,· By th ... Iig:ht of (juin'ring a~pl·r"n mad,·. \\' Ia-n pain and anguish wrin:..: til<' hrow, A mlll!.sterin~ an", .. 1 thou '"


Juniors '/ACI;; C. S.'IL\HT Valdosta, Georgi!! ".Jack" "I::nllfillfl oil" TJ\Tl' ~ 1 .\IILI .S Brinkl ('~' , Arkansns " Jlill ..," " lI ow Y(lU all '! " BFATIlICE LOFTI S . P O(,'l h o l1ln s •. \rknnsn s " Hee" " That dis kill~ 1110' ~ .. LOI S '\(,\TTIIE\\, S .\lolTilt o n , Arkan sas " l'ra-la-la" DOIIl S SIIUl.1. Alma , Arkan s a s <' I). n," "'Iurry. ('ome 011, B ee" E~'EIISO X' SD1PI\:IXS . 1\ashyilll'. T ('ll n C'!\SCl' "Schula r" F /\ N!'.;[E L ou FIII C I"S . Sal'ntoga, . \ l'kfln~;I'" "Fricks" "Tht;' n' r y hh'a" BEUNA II S C IIH.\f)EB Bern ie, .\1 issollri Buny An.\i- I s "Hfl-fl llllfl " •. F:!o\ lastima" Clarks\' ill e. Arkan sas a(i !/I)sy" "Oil, I ,ind!<;\y, I'm so mad at you" I .\UI\\ OLIlIIAJ\, Braman. OklHholll<l " Laura" " "What is it?" 26

juniors LLOYD O. S.\ ~ IlEH S OX :\I OlTili un. Ark :U1 S<lS " L 0. " "\\'at{'h til\' h·ad er" l . r '.:: Il SA' ALLEX !1u ssL'II " ill e. Alabama "Allel/ " ~ "Fur ~'ryln' out loud" PAL t. I' .\UE:\ :\IOlTiIi OIl , Al'k a n s a s " /J oe" ··Y\;'~. Bl'oOwr I\: it:'fft'r" :\l:\11GAIIET LEWEHS . Se natobia. ~Ii "s issippi " .11at'{Je " "Oil, " Ill ,it"Ollna tt."~UIt' h im abou t t hat" Fi l ED .\IOIIIII S Glenn Al le ll , Alabama " Albamu" "1.1'1':,; pl ay g'o IC" El'tiE ;\ E IIlliIlTO\\,1-:1I , Batesvilk, Arkansas "Gene" "1);0; iSl !:It'h ,' guC L' I.I)E N E .\ I ILLS Brinkll' :v, Arkansas " J) elle " ··Say. w h " rt, 's Dot?" .I L'1l1) L. 131..\ <:1": Stuart , Oklahoma "JI/dd" "XI/I\' t h i,; l!< liw 11"ut h " CLYDE ).t,\TTIIEWS . .\lor.-ill o n. Ark:llls:Js "J)oc" "J u st nw a nd my l'lha d o\\' ' ' AU. Ej'\ Sl' nJ)EIITIi . I.l' x ington. Okl:lh0Il1:1 " Tflbby" " \\' Iwrl"l:! my " Io na B., ll l''?'' 27

Class of 1929 Wh e n Hardin g Co llege o p e lH' d ill St' I) \ t'lll her , t!J 25. fjft y~thr('c li H· l y. ambiti o us F r es hme n n :p o rt e d fo r dut y. Fo r ('a c h O IH' o f Ihl'1Il co ll ege li fe w a s :l n ew ex· IJc ri e ll Cl'. Ea c h w a s a w a y f r o lll hOlll e in (:o llege. " Wh y an' we he r e'] What :0'(' Wl' goi ng 10 d o? How long s ha ll "'t' " ta ~'?" Tlwsl' :lI1 d o lll l' I' qu esti ons PI't-' sl' nt c d IIwlll selvl'S t o th e 11('WCO Ill ('r s . Soo n, ho\\,('\'(' ,', thi s cl ass w a s o rgan izl' d a nd bt'gan i ts work wi th det e rm in a t ion t o w i n. Oll l' Yl'ar Ja il'r', in Sep te lllber, 1926. t he Sop ho lll o r e class til ... rt'po r kd fOl' \('l'viCt, in cl ud e! 1 Ihirt y· lhrel' III t 'm b l' I's , m any o f w holll h : ld Iwen f r esh lJlen :11 I!; n'din g d u ri ng th e p recedi ng yt'a l ', So Il l(' of t ht, origina l g ro up d rop ped Qui of sc hoo l t o wo r k, w hi il- o t ht'I's en t el"(' d SUIIlt' olh ..' r st.' hools, As Wt.' han' o ft t'll 1I t.'ar d . l irc is a si Ftin g p rOCt'ss by whic h in dh' i(lua ls <l I'C tcs l t.' d .IIHI Iri t.'d, T h t, Inl l' a nd II'il' d win th e race, Th t.' Cla ss or I U29 now in c lud t.,s l' igh tl'l' n (' nl'rg"' !i c .Jun io rs, ro u r t ec n or which t.'ntl' I'l'd Il<tn li ng tog l:lhcr in 1925, Th r('t.' . o r th e n: lIl a i n i ng ro ur , gl':lilu a t ed r rOIll Dav id I.ip sco lllb .Juni o r Co ll ege la s t )'t.' ;II ' , The ~· ha ve I'l'cei vc d H heH l't y we lcoll1(' int o th e r ;ln ks o r th e .Ju n iors. Th e il' 1:II (' nt anti l' llel' gy have add ed s tr e ng th to t hi s c lass, Alth o ugh th e Ju n io l' c la ss is no t so la q{l' n<.; it w a s o ri g in n ll y, i t is gl'ow i ng: in q ua li ty; aFte r a ll. i t is qualit y an d no t lj ua n tit y that coun ts, In thi s :.\I'O up o r e ig ht een s tud en t s ar(' " p('akt'rs, lIl us lc ian s, :l I,ti s ts, an d a lhlt,t es, Th e mos t 1I 01t., « soc ia l ac ti \' it ~' or th t., .J un io rs was th ei l' l' n le "t ~lin i n g the Senio r s a l n IJa nqu l' t. Wht' ll th t'st., Ju ni o r s ('ntl' r ('d co ll ('ge, Iht.,y \\'I..' I't.' con fr o nt ed b y ma n y IHlzz lin g q uesl ions . O f course, t hl'rt.' wao;; joy in n nt ic i pn t ing the ex p erien ce o f t h e ca ,'ee l' hl'fol'{.' th l' ll l. :\ow t h ey an' pass i ng th e third mil es to ne or th e ra ce , Th e p as t Ihl'el' yt.'a l'S wi th thei r ma n y, m a n y joys a n d pit-a s tin's an d fe w so rrow'S a nd d is· a p poi nt me nl s a r e hi s t o r )'~ hi s tory w hi c h no Oll l' ca ll ap p,'ec ia te unl ess h e h as t'x pel'iellce tl it. W itho ut quest io n it i 'i th t, happi es t part o r an indi vidu a l 's l ire . With thr l' t' yca l's or th e il' co ll cgc car ee r h.-o ug ht to a cl o~c, these Qu csti o ns :I r e now con fr o nti ng th l' Vers t'H.'ri ng Juni o rs: lI ow m:1Il Y o f LI S are comin g I);t c k nt'xl yea r ? S hall we co nt i n ue the ra ce t o til l' e nd ? What s hall w e d o? How Can Wt.' p ut out a n ann ual? How c nn we d o all the o the r thin gs r equired or Se ni ors'! lI ow :11'(' you, .Ju n ior, go in g 10 a nswe l' thes(, Qu ('~ li o n s? Let cac h Ol1e answ(' I' li1 l' llI fo,' hi msclr, thus I wi ll be h ere nex t )'t."1I' wi th new e l1 e l'gy lUl U zeH I to bear m y part of th l' c nj o ynbl e ta s ks, and d o all that I can t o m ak e the cl ass of '29 th e bes t i n th e hi s t o l'), o f Harding, 28

!=.-l , I . ~ SOPHOM()RES

~~. ~'. ~ ..... ~ """'-..~ ... J ~~ .... ~ ·, r(.. \e ( ..... '""- l . ~h oT' 19 ~ ~ 30 1.,\\\' UE:" t:E P .\TTO:'\ . ) Io rr iltoll, Al'kans~ l s "S'ltJ erie" "Hal',' ,V')lI g(,t til{> Hk~·o.:tl'!' \\'ritl'-up'?" \" ,\IIE HCHY Cold\\'aln. :\ I j ~s i ..sippi " I(" b,( ' '" didn" t tak .. ~·ou to r:lil-:\'" 1111',:-' E rh :n : LlI Y:\1 El l »('n Y~'I" Colorado ;' /( CI10 " "H.'rt, ('(Jill<' I W I'," AI . IH~HT S:'IlITI I "Smitly" "Thlnk I 'l l ""~' I ' ;l1l!(.U1l1 to an,l-lhillt(' DOll(lTllY :\1t .QUlUllY .. H ;tYIll's\,i l1('. L a. " Dol " '" thought T'd dk" H LTTII S IIO!'T .\\\' .. Hu SSl' II \' illt' , ArknT1 S:lS " f(fllhie " 1.,I.LI,\ :>; t\IIHIIE Y SI:lffonl, K:lI lsa s Smithville. Oklahollla " PI/dd lf" "Ye!>. dBrling" ETIIEI. I.ATIIA~1 SllIithville. Okiaholll:l " Ethel Allllie" "\'ou ugly thimC E'n " B ELLE J .\lDIO:\" . (;111'(\011, Ark:1n~;I'" " Jar' IIIOI/ " "I!m'l that 1'0, Ho~it'·.'·· DO YA L BL.\ :-;n. i...:x ington,Oklaho llw " /J uyal" ":';ow listt.'n. r .. llows" ~tAliY I IIE N E A[H'[:'\"S • (;OOU Ill:l 11 , ~Ii<o;soul'i " ll'elle" 30 " [ don' t belio..'\c it, anyway" PCtTY, Al'k:lllsn s " /-lil a" " You know Ill( Com:ln('\ll'. Okl:lhOllW " Blockbinl"

Sophomores BIIYCE '1.1'1(;11 :'Ilorrilioll, Ark:llls:I'i "Uf'"Ct'" .. , kno\\ it·~ that wn,", \' au~\'-" TlIl-:OnOl l1-: S ' I ,\;-';llIIIIU ; E . )lolTillon, .-\ rk. "Tc'd" "Y"lI l'a n 11k .. pt'uple" .JOIII I : \\' 11.1.0\:(; II BY ' I\ ' :\o la , Okl<1 h OlHa '-e 1111" EI.SIE -'fI I.LS nri 11 kll'\' Af'I.;an:o.as del/riU" - • "That' s what [ think, \00" En: IlETT Ey.t\:"' s .\1:lI1 s [ield . Arkan sas ;' /~ "flIIS" " Zat >loT' BEIITIIA B E:"'SO:-'" Canton, Oklahollla " /-Il' rl" ", \ et IIkt, you think 1 <.'a n '" CI.I'\' EIl SIIE\\,:-'IAI\l<:l\. :'olorrilton , .\rkans:ls ,. S h O('{ i .re r" -'I \ 1\ Y J L\ YES " " ' t ' ll, It, t Jil(' St' p" (~rat o ll , Calirol'nia h I/flOP!! " " Ik leiwr !It'ek ~ .. :\'()lI:>'I.\:\ JO:\E!'i Coal lIill. Arkansas " llill" P' l'I,I;\,I . ( ;lI u : -..;rXG C:llll(It:'Il , .\I 'kan!);lS " flmtli 1/(( ' "),1Y t'Ot1Svit'lH' i ' ~ •• T il EO[)()llI·: \\' I I,O\\':-'I,y • Hect or, l\l'k;II1Sas "A'os ky" " H"no, !"ing th.· h..li for Ilw" :\1]1.])]11-:1l Fon ~] II Y \\'aldo, Al'k:ll1!\as " II {J/.~.I' " ., , 'I! ~\\"an:' ETH 1-:1. B u \ IIIIZ:-.O,\, , 'l"1]('k(' I'III:II1. ,\ l'k;lIl!\;h "Uraf, by" " 1 (l oll'l 'ik,· .V\)U ,111~ 11](. 1',' En\\" \un Ih :.\ s LE Y Tl'x;II'knna, Arka]l'.a s " /, d" P .\"rT II~ :11.\ 1-: \\'1l . J.J.\~l:-', (:ol'lll'lI, Okl:lholll:l " Pa// I/' ' That ju!'t grip,,!' lilt· to (!La th" , /

Class of 1930 Til l' So ph omo r C' Class o f '28 is composed o f thirt y. livel y, viv[tciolls s tudent s, n indel' ll gi rl s ,lI1 d l'il' \'l' 1l boy". all of l'x('('ptiona l !:drnt [lnd ability. Eight di f fl'l'l'll t st a tes arl' a' presc nt ed in thi s grou p. The SOphOIllOI'l' CI :l!-.s was ti l{' fir!'.1 to org:l ni zl' at the beg in n i ng of thi:-. sc hool )"l' :U' a nd has bl'l'lI \"t'ry ac t iv(' .. -; a l'Iass l '\' t'!' sincl'; they h:lH' lost n OIH.' o f thl' 1'1l IhusillSIH and l'ag(' rr1l'!ots th ey POSM'ss('d as Fl'l's h llll'll ItI'i! :n';u. Whell th e r e is a p r oj(.'ct 01' an :Icti\'i l y to bl' Spoll'iol'ed. the Soph!-. :u-c a lways 111('1"l'; bl' it wOI'k, 01' LH.' it pl<l Y. T o sho\\" the Ililu s ual abi l ity and aetivity 011 the pa rt o f th is class, ll'l lI!o. 1'11I1IlH,: r : d l': Of thl' tell 1llC'lllbcl's o f till' Skl'et(' " Starr, f i \,(' arc Sophs. including the Editol'- ill-Ch i l'f. O ut of th l' l'ight favoritl' s th l:-, yea r , Ihn'!.' arl' Sop homores, Th l' Prl' s idl' nt of til l' SOl) h OI11OI'(: Class was ;I lso cap t ain of lilt' footb:dl tl'alll, Two o II a' I' lettl'1' Itll'n \\T IT f r o III th l' SOp hOlllo re Han ks. In bask(,t b:lil an d ba s<"iJ :d l thl' cla ss W<I'i al so Wl' 1I r ep r esen t l' d , Half of the Il:I n ling ()l'b:ltOI'S are SOphOIllO I 'l'~ , Th l' Sophol11o l'e Class IIwdl' tht' f irst a nd la r ges t co ntribut ion to tli t' fund to t;lkt' "()obt'Y" l3Iacks hear to (il'rllIaIlY· QUi l t' :l IllIlJlbel' of th e C!;ISS are art student ... , JIlus ic ian s ( bot h \"oca l a nd ins tru lllt'nta l ), and l'xjJrl's~ioli s tu dents. Il ow would IIm'ding Co ll t, ~W gt'l along w ithout )l:lril' Dav idso n. i t s lIlusic inn'! lIardin g wo uld Ill'\"('r hav e had n golf cou r se, had it IlOt bl't' ll for the SOjJh~ who s po nso l'ed an d built it. Thn'l' lIIl'm iJl'rs o f the Pctit .Jl':m S t a rr arc Sophs. Th l' o utin g a c li"ities of till' c la ss thi s Y(':lr co ns isted of a trip to Petit ,)(,'an ; all :t il da~' Il'ip to th l' ri vc r w ith th e Freshme n; and a moonlight hike to til(' riHl', w h l' r l' Wi l' llnl'I' S and Ilwl'shmali ows :iwaitl'(1 Ihl'lIl. Thl' c lass h opes t o be bigg('l' and better and 10 do bigger and better things ne x t "'.el li S evcr pre.Ii ,Ii olfwurd" " E.l'celsior " 32


., • • ;t - • Freshmen II\s h: ELI . ST.-\ ;-';UII II l(iE, .\Ioni It 0 11, .\ rk:1Il~,I'" "'\"wr;. was I all that tinw'.' ' ' .l()lI:-'-:-\IE l oAY :\IL' IIPIIY , 1.~' nIHilll'. '1'(,1111. II EIDL\:-; W!I.SO:-" .Jaehollvi ll e, Fl o ri da "1 1 "1'111:1 n " "I,et'~ all Io!'t'l togetht'r" \1 \ItVI'\, II \STI ~(iS J)c.' tnlit. .\lichigHIl ";\lanin" " l ',l In l1t·troit-" C;U; :,\:\, .\lO IlEI.t\:-.l1l Topt'l.:a, l\ an ... as ",\l"I". ·lllll(!'· "~ay . wlwr,·:-; (lUI' gralllmar lesson"!" Hll" l1 (; .\I\II~ I ·: II San!; , Ho~a. C;lli fo r n i a "!tilth" "n('lit'\'t' m e!" CECIl. SP llI)\\'1 ~ Li n d say, Okh, ho lll :l "( ·~.dlly·· "Oh, lI:-;tO;'I1, Kid!" .I":\I ES \ II 'I'C II EI. I. .J :l cksond lk, F lori d a ".\l! t('!lell" "Aw' Thal'!! fierce:" n .\1.1 1\ \\"II.I!l:I\!'\ San t a Bos:l . Ca li fo r nin " H,'d" "'' 'ha1'('hu l<ay. f"lIows'r' O NETA (;IIEEI! Lindsay. Okia h ollla "Oh : I-I e's till' "ut~,~ t thin"" ~ .. I.OIS .J UNE :,\ IC< ; I\IWO II , :'\I ar lo\\', Ok l;lho lll a " l.ol~ " " 1 jus t don 't know wha t lO think of that" T OI ,LlE J I A\\, I ~I:-':S :'\ lo l'l'ill on, Ar ka n sas ' ' ' I'ollie' ' " " ' hen -I \\'Hl'I In til(> army" Ih ': IITON SP liI:,\ (iE Il "Hurton" :,\ ii a lll i, T t'xas "Son, I'll hurt you" 1. 0L'lS E T O\\, ELL Ol a, Arka n sas " I.o u " "And, bo~', !d nw tdl you" CLEO .l UXES \' l~ I' n on , T c-x .. ') " ,I ()nt'~" .. "r l 'l1, 1'\1 :<ay" CAT IIE III;"; ": BELL J\l o lTili o n . Arkan !'.as "('Ilt" "Xot mu('h te!!ln· ... \\' ,\l.I'En B L_ \I \ E r. lt'\'t' l: lI1 d , I\a nsas " H!akf' ' ' "You tllkt' th f' eakt' ' ' (;i\UY '\ld~ E E Li n t on, In dia n :! .....I"" ht ing rrj~hmrill" .....ight ' .. Ill, Frt's itmen! " I llI .IH .JO ~ ES AIkin s, Arka n s a s "'I'ltlh', the Tolk r'" "You'd bl' !;urpri sed " LILLI AN C LE \'E L,UW , :'\l o J' l'i it o n , A"k a n sas " I .()\'e" "Oh: 1 jUst ('An' t d o thi t';" Alm :l , A,'ka n sas "Sish' r " "Lt't h im !:It' 1l(1 for nH', If ht' wants nw" S US I E BIIA I)E ~ Ly nn v ill e, T c- nn C-SSl'l' 34

freshmen IlE:-':I\\ I.'· E BeTII ~hpl.E "Hut h i,·" :\1 orri II on . .\ ,'k,l!lsas Bas il. 1':.I nsa'i didn ' t nlt' fl n to" " 011 , :\1:\111-:1': . \1) ,\ .J OI I :'-lSO~ . :\lo['t'illon, Arkansas " .\1. . \ ." " " ' ha l a n- ~·ou w a itin g- o n, d a rling?" L Ol' ,SE (; \ \1 \1 [1.1. E\III.Y (; ,\\1 ,\111.1. S, r. YBF:>.S Il lLON "~ a l~' IJ, 'ss" H L' T II ,\. S l " Ul Ell Bl'<lrt lt'll. Arkansa'i " " -('11, of all thi ngs : '. Bearden, Arkn ns::ls .. [ dO ll ' t b ('IIl'\"t' i t " Willi s, Tt'xas " 'I ow (' hoo, h o n T' Dt' IlVl'I', Co l o l'; ld o "Hu f u s" "ll aVl ' y ou Ko t you la yout?,' \\'11. 1.11. l EE Ihlll' L ETT . :\Iorrilton, Ark. " H ill" "'\ I)h -oo: t h is i s t h t' ham' of m y (, xl s t en c:e" BI:lHll , S T.\TE Atkin s, Arkansa'i ":-;0 1"1'1'1 T o p " " " Ill a li a r , am [ ?" En·: I.Y~ HAY :\ I t. \'('l'nOIl, Tt' xas " Jo: \\']pl" " Oh , it 'li s irnpl r ~OI·g.·() U S : ' . J O l i N isA N:-" rSTEIl FII .\i\' [~ ST,\' I [ ~ "PH rleh u " Thalia. Te xas n(,\\'{'),, Oklahoma "Oh! what ':<j the UI:I(' ?" :\101\' ,\ HELI.E FCLE :-.IW IIlEIl , Wald o, Ark, 0'1\ Fn:1I S " Ah ! ThaC !! nil right"' :\Iayfil'ld, O klaholl1n " 01';1 r" y" " Th a t d o .-s n ' l m a k e a n ~' odd s f o r me" OSI.EH Lo prts Pocahontas, A,'kansas " ])0\," " Oh, d o n ' l lll('nti o n it"' EII:\I[I\"~ COI.ID ',\ :-; .\IO l' l'ilIOI1 , A, ' bns:1 S "1'11 ~H' (' y ou tomorrow" K\ J. P. I ,\ IOOIIY W :ddo, Arkansa~ " :\[ o od y" "\\'", 11 , ,\[i ss ( ' ra\",ml, I f {Jund it in s t a t lstle fol" P'\l' Ll I\'f; \\' E ,\\' E l l SUSIE BUII~s " Xu :.." Pn's('olt. Al'k : 'll sas l uka, '\li ssiss ippi "I'd ha \'t· you to kllOw " :\1.\11 \ ' EJ.I.E:'\' 13 0 \'1) , Bridgepo rt. AI; l b;llllll "' '>ill' ' "Oil, ]'111 1<0 thrilled " :\ELLIE F I SCUS Chatllpaign, Illi noi s " ,I H IlI '" "You ou~ht a (,Olll", U]I :-;urth" <:1.,\111-;:-;1:1<: Bow ." ,\ :'\' " Jl k k " '\IUlll goll l(' I'~' , A I <I. ", \illdlU shanll' ?" Avo Cl.l( : l~ COllwnd'll', OklHhotlla " A vo" " "(' nlurel:l 0 11 it "

• Class of 1931 Tw('lq' ~Itll('s c01ltributed to l11;1ke II<lrdin g'~ Freshman CI'IS!'. of '2X. lilt' largest and strongest class in ~dl OO I. From till' first, the F'rl'shllwil ha n' ~hown 1l1111s lwi l'!ll'I'!tV ;11)(1 en thu ... iaslIl. Wht'lll'H' I' any undertaking inck('d anlol', the su pport of the Frl's hllll' lI was !)oli cited. The Illost 1101nl1l(' ach i cH'IlH..'nt of thi s l'I<lS~ wa ... the publi~hing of :1Il issue o f " Tin' Skec ter." The ent in' ~ta rr WHS cho!-.l'1l from thl' Fn-'s huH'1l c la ss, :lIul thl' p<1j)e r WtlS jJublisht'd indcp{' IH l en t of out'i id c ;lid. Thi s ed iti on of the p;q)l' 1' wi ll be ;, wor lh y aile! la st in g mC'llIo rial to th e ('1a~s o f ':i l . Hcniiz in g the Il eed of a bell for thl' Colle!!!.: Club, the FJ'C'shllWIl Class UIl - :ln illl o ll s l~' ag r l'ed t o supp l y it. A ~ lIilnbll' 1)l' 1I was jHlITh:l'icd nnll erecled ;11 thc n 'a r of t h t· dining ha ll. Th l' class also agre('d 10 sponsor H (irivc for f unds to pay for Ihe n('w Iwaling plant ill the boy's dorlllilory, The IlIclllbt'rs of thi 'S class w ro t e 1<"Ilcrs to rl'iend~ aW:ly frolll school, <lsking money fol' Ihi s purpose, :\Inn~' friends of th l' ~chool 1'l'~pon(It'(1. and an account ca ll (' d "Th(' Fn'sh lilan Hcpa il' Fund" was opcned al ;\ loca l bank. Thi s public- 'Spi rited mOH'Illt'nl (lid II111ch to allc\"i<ll(' the I)I"CSSll r (' o f financial bunlC'n s, II :u'din g was proud o f its vcrsatile Frt'shm:u1 Class. It s IlIt'llIl)('r~ wel'(, ill - tiutlt'" in ('\'cry noteworthy act ivity in se hou l. The Fr('shman QUaI'tt'! \\'0.1 ... exct'cdillg l ~' popu l<lr. rt'ct'iving 11lIIllt'l'OUS in\' ilali ons to a plwllr in public. The Bison Club . Il l(, nnllllntic Club , th e Forcnsic Club, th e Press Club , and th l' Ol'c lwsll':1 :111 I"l'cognized an d ap pl'e c i:ltt'd Iht· valuablL' s upport of th eir FrL'sh - 111:111 IlIl'lll iJ l'rS, Th e c lnss has provc n ilM'lf wo rth y of it s motto: ":\01 al the top. hut tiiJlliJi ng ," 36


Seniors FO U~ T WILLI.-\:\I H\ 'I ' IOX, Pn' s idl'llt Ok l aholHOI. City. Ok[.dIOIlW .. /J ill " "1 )id I ~l'l a It,ttt'I' OIlI' II A HI LL Coa l liill. Arkans;\,>; 'iO,-pllll Jan e" " \\'h)' lIaskt' lI, I 'd Ill' asllnllll'd" L OLA ;\1,\'1''1'11 EWS, Sl'(Tl.:tOl r y :\Iorrilloll, ,\rkOln sa ... " I .u /u " "\\'ouldl1't that fn't'lW you?" .'\I.\II IE WELLS Obion, Tt'nlll' ... ..,('(· " Pee B'ee" "That'll bt" just too l)IId for Ill.. VEHU :o.; ST,\:o.;OLEY :\Iorrill o n , ArknnsOl s " Hed" " ' AHI E LOFTIS Po(' ahon!as. Al'kall~a \ " MaI'U" "Sa~', "n .'I, " ,,,, !«Hllt' l hhlJ{ to tl'lI you" C II AHLES IIOllnoon i\L\II Y EIllTIl FI S IIEII " lclwIJOd " "DoII't talk, 1Ii.:' 1J(l~' " PerHlU" " I jUst Inh' ~'ou til d('ath" :\10 ITiltoli. Ark:ll\~a~ .'\ l o l'l'ill o n, Arkullsa" :\01D1A:o.; AH="OLD Bl'inkh·y. Arkansas "Huck" ' 'I' ll (t.1I you 1'1/0:'111, now" ALTON (;AHX En Eagll' "'ill s, Ark ; lIl ~as "(;aruel''' 38

· I Juniors .J .\t:I~ BELL, P .. t, ... itl('nl (;airll'svillt.' , Florida "111'1/" " ,,',,11, wh:!t do ,Villi t'x]lt·,'l'!'" .1 01 1:-" V .\LE:,,\TI:,,\E. \,icc- Pn'sid(' nl 1. (lYU '\1.\TTlI EW~ ;; j'ele" "Tha l' s II faN" "Oil " " lI d l (,. ,\\<'Il a Bt'JI,'" " Doc" " Flowery" ", \w, HJ)ph' !'Iau(·.·.. I.IIM TI[();\L\ S, S('crl'!;lt·~, "You 'l! Oft"11 wonder" .\I.\XI:\' E I3ILLlX(iSLEY l \LI I EHT .'Il' III'IIY ".Jew" " ( lh. ["S IlH W :' . .\Iorrillon, Arkansa~ .\lolT ilton. Arkansas .\lolTilton, Arkansas J)an,'nporl. ~l'bl'nska Pl'rry. Arknllsas ,\lolTilton, Arkansas Dcl roi I. ,\1 ieh igan .IL\ ~ IT. \ HIIOHI·:S .\Iorrilton, r\rk;lIlsas " .Yeal " ":-;i l \OUN plnll" 39

I Sophomores 01' .\1 , .\1.\T"rIlEWS , Pr esi dent "Sial ..." ":;hoot. naw:" (;EI L\LIl' ' 'IE BlroIlE!'" Vi(,l'-Pn:sidl'n l "J<'I'I'!/' .\L\yul.\ .\ l oI\G.\:-:, Sl'l'nt ary " S . r. C." " 'II , tlwr.·:' "l:\Il Y -' l l ' IlI'II\" , TI' ~'a:-'lIr< '1' i3E:-I";..'Y B'LLI;o.;(iSLEY CLEO PHII!\ EFFI E (;C:\IPIIHE\ STA~[) L EY \\' ATS(J:-/ I .,\ ;';E CALO\\' I , LL ' -1,\1\01.0 J O II NSON " Ml/l'fJ h " "AIl, t'(IIl1{" on" " Hellllil'" " r don' t know" " I .ilil e Pri ba" " I beat yOU" "HfJJJie" "("at SOU')" "Dos /on" "Thing"s llkt' thnt" "Cold fi le' (" "You and Illt', too" " Pee H'ee" "r don't r {'membe r " .\Iorrillon. A,'kans;ls ,\Iorrilton, Al'kan .. as Dl'Im it ,'\1 it: Ii i ga n .\I OlTilion. Arkansas HU'ist' lI v illl' , Arkallsas :'Ilon'illon, Al'k:U1sas .\Ion'illon , Arkan sas .\IOITilton, Arkall!o.:I!lo l'\'asli vi II l', Al'kansa!o. H AIIOU ) IloLLO,," AY C('llter Bidg-t-', Arkansas 40

freshmen A;-.I;-.I GLENN, Tn'a s ul'(,1" BI-:II:\I'\ FIscus ILA MATTI-IEWS GEHAU)lNE DnAI.... ~ " Fals " ., \ reckon" " Hobby" " Hul'l'Y uti' " /-JerrI/a " "\\'ult a rnl nu tt.. ·· " II (1" " \Vdl , I g Ut'tll! 1'10" :'Ilorriiton, Al'kansas ~lorrilton . Al'kansas ClwlIl}Juign, Jllinois Lam.lr , Al'kansas :\iorrilton , Arkan s<l"i " Jerry" "Come on. Ann. 1..e t' 1! go riding" :'Z(l;III)~=i" "Oh. Shoot :'. :'IlolTilton, Arkansas YIl: TOH CnAW, Vice-President . Graton. CatHOl'nia MAlty BESS J-IU:,\T ALIlIN TALI":INGTO:-; SW:->EY STEWAllT CI.OTA SIIAHP, SL'cn·tnry ~IAnGE IlA wso~ TIIEO )lcC."nE , IhmA )IAI-; DICKSO:-'- )I,'HS IIALL GIt.-\Y LOYCE FnEE:\IA K HAY~10;-..'1l RF.YKOI.IlS "Crair/ ' '" dOll' t know" Dewey, Oklahoma "Lua" "Oh, girl ~ .. '~Mi.~.'i J,i"l';u liess '" Louisville, K(·ntucky ""' he l'("", II :trold" :'I lorrilton, Arkansas " Albin" '" g U l'I-'!i 110" :'Ilonilton, Arkansas "S id" ".\wwwww ! Hal!!" 41 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma :'IlolTiiton, Arkansas Morrilton, AI'kans:ls ~Iorrilton . Arkansns ~lorrilton . Arkansas )foITiiton, Arkansas )Iorrilton. Al'knnsas

Academy Edu(',lIioli within a C llI'i s liOlIl l'llvirOIlIIll'Ilt. and under Ch"i'}ti;lll I('nehel's, is just as va lu ab le for th l' hi gh ~l'ilOo l s tudl'nt. m. for th osl' of co ll l'gl' rank . If Iht"'t, is :lily diffl'n'nc('. th l' grt' al('" dl'\' l'lop lIlt-' 1l1 lIIay hl' ma de w ith th l' YOllllgt'r !\t u<i l' 1l1. For this puq}OSl'. Ii :lrd ing Co llt'gt· :\ ('a d l'III~' is Ilwinta inl'd . It i'i f ull y :In'n'dilt'd by th (' S ta ll' Boanl of E(ilH: :l t ioll :IS :, (: I:1:-'s "A" high schoo l. This in di ca l l'!'. th l' qu ,l lil y of wo r k d OIl(', and t h l' !'otanl l .. !'!! maintainl'd b~' the sehoo l. Th l' l"olTl, la ti o n of 1)ll '>illl'sS ('OIIl'S('S wit h til(' hi gh sehool g i vl's Ih (' s lml e nl illl op portu nit y 10 f ini sh hi gh se h oo\ at th l' S<lIII(,' ti lllc he r eceives his bus iness In tillin g. :\Iany o f thl' ('ollege s tud en ts also takt' :Hh';ln la ge of COllI'S('''' o ff e l'(' d in Ih t.· COllllllt.'ITi:d ))('))al'llIl (' nl. Training School Tht.· Tt.·a('/wl's· Trainin g School s(' rV('S .. Iwo-fo ld purpos(': it is a laboralory fOl' Ih l' 1)t.· lwl'llII(·n l o f Education in Ih (' train ing o f dfici('nt !('nch(,I's, and i! giv('s a l im iled nlllllbl'" of c hild l'l' 1l th e rilll'S! trai n in g it is IlOss iblc to givl' th('111 in :1 llIodd d l'lIIl' nt ;If'Y sc hool. '1'11(' trnining sc hoo l includes thl' t-' Iltir(' l'ighl gradl· ... h<.'low Iht.' <lcadl'IllY, It is und e r Ihl' gl'lll'r:lI dil'{'ctiolt of the O('pal'llII('nl of Edu ca ti o n , iJul l'ac h gr;ldl' is :lIso lIIHll'I ' all l'xj)l'l'il'llct'd and capabll' it-:I('h{'r, 'who con du cts ;ill thl' 'wo rk ~llld SlllH'l'Yi s('s the pnlcticl' Il'aching, 42

Commercial Class MISS HOXIE \\'OOIlIl\;""G , In -;truclor ~111 . IlHEIl FOB'IIl\" E""IE :'I11I.LS WILLIE LEE B.\IITI. ETT DOY ,\!. HI.AX!) P.\l'I.I~E \\'E.. \YEH Enw"HD BEASLEY I.on) .\I\rTIIE \\S (;I.,\IIE;-";I:E Bow:\I.\l\ S \:II COUS'-\TTE :'\ II SS \\'OOBIII NI; HEll~IA FISCUS JOYCE DUVAl.1. (;E.\I\I.IlI~E HllonES I-'H,\X I'; HIIODES .1011 :-; \' .-\I.EKTll\l-: .I(HIX:'\'IE II.\ y '\IUII' II\" B ILLIE .\I.\TTO:-'; .\llss STI·: W.-\HT 1111..,.-\ .I0l\ES \'11:'1'011 CHAJ(i .IM: I'; BELL 43 (;1I0\'EH WILSO~ OIlI'AIl HILI. EFFIE (;U~IPIIIIEY HU 'I'II St:HBEIl OXET" (;1I1-:EII I-I ENIIY LEE '\!O:-lA BELLE FULEX\\, IOEII TOLl . IE '-bWKINS EST" STIIIPI. I NG T'\T U~' .\11LLS LI :\, IlSAY AU. El\' .\IAIIY En l ' rll FI S HEll TIIO;"IA S KELLY .\1.-\1)(1,,: IlAwso:-: .\'" YI)IA .\JOIIGAN B ,\y;\IOX U HEY;o.IOLI)S 1..\ \'EH S"E BI1If:E .I U I.I ,\ GIIEE='" Cum PltlnA 11 ,\IIOl.n II ALLOW,\ Y I~ L:TII TIIO;"II' SOX

1J1tUt Arts

Faculty FA:\:\Y .lIAHIE .l IOOIJY Im,lru("iol' in Piano WOOIlSO:\ II.\IHW\(; AI1.I 15T HO:\(;, B.A. In!o,IIUl: lor in Expn'ssion and Dl'allla tie Art II'E:\ I I. IlE:-iSLEY, Il. A., .II. A. Directo r of Orc hestra 45 EXE:\E CAHOLY:\ IlE:\EFIELIl In ..... l n lclol· in Voict, WILLIE I I. (;HIFFI:\ I ns tructor in Art LLOYD O. SA:-iDE HSO:\ I n~ ll'll(; t o l ' in Voca l ~ ! usic

Art Class \\'II ,LII': II. ( iIl IF "- I ;.;', In s tnlctor P ,\TTlE ,\1 \E \\'11 . 1.1.\:\1 :-' A ;..;;..; GLE ;";N AII(; Y I. ALI . !': ;"; HCTII SL'lIBEll HOIiEHT BIlOw~ .\IAII\" ELI.E;.;' \\'EIIIl Olll' bC(' Ollll' 'i Illoulde d b~' Ihl' bl'uuly wliic'h hl' l'njoys. The fl'eling Ihal D ill' is inciu<il'd in thl' hal'lIIony of color :IIHI of fOI'IIl, and Ihl' enjoYIllt'nt of this unit y Ihal ho ld s on e in the s pl' lI of !Jl'auly, :II'l' characterislic of genuine :ll' slhl'lit, uppn..'c iuli o n. Th e enjoYllll'nt IIW~ be' hcighll'nl'd if o n(' is nllie to appreciate 11ll' It'c h n ical s kill w-ith which Iht, l'ffl' ('t has hl'l'n protiucl'{I; and the drawing and pn i nlin g b y th e a l' t Cl;l<;S den'lop :IPPI'C.'ciatiol1 :IS wl'l1 as nhi l ity. 46

Piano Studio On till' l 'll lil'L' camJlus nol a l o\'cliel' nook cnn be foun d than the ~ llIdio ,)ictUl'l'd .. bon, Pl ' rhaps this IIwy partly aC('ount for thl' zl ':d with whidl tht, ~ tlll:l· nt .. wo rk Ill'rt,. TIll' gn'a t s u('cc..'ss o f thi s wOI'k. h O,\\,('HT. is dUI" to the able h t :ld of Iht· dep:II' !IlH'n l. A 'i a ,'('suit of till' sp h 'ndi tl co-opl'ration of all tht' Fint' Arts Dl'pn rtllll'llts , M've ral n'cil;lis \\'l'n' givl'll. co ns is tin g o f !lumbers frolll l':lC'h dep :u' llIIl'nt. :\Iosl of th t-St, \\'t:n' g in'lI fOl' a limitl'.1 Illlllllwl' in thl' pian o 'i llldio ; thOM' for til(' I)ublic w('n' in Iht, .'I1:lIthl'\\,s Audiloriulll. Xl'n'r l'dusillg anything :Is kt'd of il. Ilw Pia no Ih'p:II' !lIlenl conll'iiJutt'd two Illllllhl'l"'. :t quarld anti ;1 so lo. 10 tht, 1IIu .... i(·a l program wh ic h was given in the C o ll l'gt, L~lTlIll\ COurSl' ill .J;U1U<ll'Y, 011<.' of lilt' 11l0st <.'llj oY:lblt' eHlIh of tIll' ~·t' :lr W:lS [1 r ecita l given by the :-. tluknls in til l' lalh'l' pari of .'\pril, Foul' young I:ldit,:-, g: l\' t' tlleir gr:J( luHling rf'cit:iI in 'In~' , Thl'(.' l' of these !', tud('nts !'t'cl'ivl' theil' l't,!,tifi<.' ah':-.. ·17

F\:\,:\,Y :\l.\IIIE :\looIlY , Instrudor in Pi ano FAKKIE L ou FIII C I ~S Sa rat oga. Arkall":ls Certificate ill Piallo 'J!I.'22, Saratoga Hi~h SdWi'.I: SUIIHner '22, AI'kan",n~ State 'l't-'ache r s' ('Ol1l'~O;" ('on way : Summl!I' '2:1, II0Pt" pri\'all' Inst l'ul'tion: '23-'2 ~ , l\l'kllnsaS C hri stlan A...:aderny, ) l onilton, hh;h SdlOOI dlpl\HlH\; '24-'2:;, Sal'atoga, pl'ln\11:' ill>' i l' u ctiu n : '2:)-'28, IbIrding L'ollpgc ,Iu Lio ,I u, 'frailluakt"r, I-'ubll(' St'hool ) I u.;k, ('olle~e (,Iu\' Hussell \'i lt l', At ' k:lIlsas H UTI l SHOl'TAW Certifi ca te ill Piano '\i-'2:1, Hussdlyillc Agrleultul'al !-il'hool: SUll1111\'1' '21 and '2:), Xo rth \\'o'~lo'rll l"nh",r.;ity, Sehool of :\IU8\(" (' h lengo: '2:)-'2"1 li a rd lng ('o\1",gl', Ju e() Ju, Collt'/;;:t.' ('Iu\), ('~'r tlflel11'" In \'01('0', Lo' ('t-' r ('\e I' ralH';til< Perl'Y. Arka nsas Cer ti f ica t e ill Piall o '22-'25, l--'e r Q' High Sch()ol: '25-'26, lial'dlllg A ('l\ d"JT\~', ),101'1'111011, h ig'j} 8<"iH!ol d iplonla: '26-'28, Harding ('ollt'g\', Ju Go Ju, 'l'railmaker, 1'. 1-' , 10'" Publk SdlOO I Mu ;:.\(" (,(,lIt'gt> Club Orch est r a, BellL All .-\round (;irl, '26-'27 48

I Piano Class J.1Il:\ TIIO;\I.-\ S :\l.\lHlI:\'E HIiOIlES .JU ,\ N IT,\ HI/ODES Ih :.\TIIICE I. OFT IS 011.\ F l l( : 1-1 S (;EIIAU) I :\E 1)1\ ,\1 \ 1-: J l: .\ :\' IT.'\" B U YD AI1Il I E D. TA :-" I ~EIIS LE Y PEAI\L LAT II A)I L (liS BELL 49 L OIS J UNE ,\IcGIIEGOII BEIL\IA FI S(: uS I\ELJ. I E FISCUS I .OLA .\IATTIIEWS .JEA N "') KBUB:": .\I:\HI.I-: S,...; \\, .-\I\", KEn N SEAIlS .lAC I' W OOD SEAIIS AIIDATI-I BHOW N

Expression Studio The E:-..prl'ssion Dl'pa rllll l'n t is o ne of the 1II0s i wOl' lh w hile' d t'pa rtmcnts in school. It i .., here th a t Wl' learn to be Il a turnl- to be o urs l'ln.'s. Under the dircction of :'\ll' s. J . X. Armstl 'ong we h:wc f ound jo y in thi s work .. Th e Dramati c Club is mad e lip of entire exp rl'ss ion c las'i and o f nwn~' out s ide Illl'lllbers. Thi s club , in addition to it.;; regu lar pl'ognlllls, ha s sponson' d a co ll ege lycl' ulll o f five Ilumber s which has bee n unusually sliccessfui. The a tmos phe r e o f the express ion studio is inspiring, nnd to ti S w ho lo\'e it most, it s hall ahyays bring interesting memories. 50

Expression Class "'oonSON J-iAlml :-.lG AU;\ISTIIO :-;'t; lu st. 'ucl o l' )Ins . .f. O. G ,\I\HET'I' Graduate WILLIE LEE 1l<\IITLET'I' KEII N SEA liS DESDE:'- IO l'oO'\ ST/\III { WILLlA'" .\I.\TTOX I.ILI,IAN AI\IlIlEY .1 uon BLACI\: -'1t\IIY HA YES .IACI \ WOOl) SEldlS EVELYN HAY OSI,EH LOFTI S .\IAIIY THENE Anl\INs EIDIINE COLE:\IAN FHANI\ STAnK ~IAHIE WELLS AOI)IE D. TANI~EnSLEY (iEIIALD .JONES LAUHA OLDIIAi\1 BILLIE GODBEY BESS BELL (;EIIALI}!NE DnAI,E EFFIE GUi\IPIIHEY LELA LEWI S Since to study ex pl '('ss ion i'S to study human natul'l?' , and since 10 lInde l's lund human h ea rl!!. is to b e mOl'C gen ial and kind lowanls thelll. ""here can bl' round a d ecpe r . broader, mOI'l' intl'f'cs tin g, and ilion:' pra c tica l s ubj ect'! 3 1

Voice Class E XE N E CAnOLY N BE l\' FFIEJ.n, I nstructor H UTII S I IOPT:\W (' t- nifk-ate in \' oie~ 1.1/),\ '1'110 .\1,-\5 CAlli, BltlTT It BY AI)A:>'I S TIIEHA I-IE:"oILEY BETTY LEE WINBUIlN HOIIEIITA OWEN ~onMAN JONES Mils. G. W. I(IEl ' FEIl LOI S :\1:\'1'"1' 11 ~; ws Cer t ificate in "oke PATT I E ) IAE WILI.I":\IS LILLIA!\' AHDIIEY FI.OIlEKCE M . C-\TIlf:AIlT L. B. EPfJEllSON EM), I ETT ~1cnEY-:'\'OLI}S JOE P limCE " l\IUld e Is t he i n a rti culate speech o f the hea rt, whi ch canno t be compressed in to words Lecau se i t Is I nfin i te:' -\Vagner 52 P </t-.!r "'" ,/-.1 /-if ) . ' "...J- y w~ j-J · S . . \../ 'jt ,J •

B UIITO;.;o S PIII X (i E II E;\ I EIlSON S I;\ll~ I '; I XS ALlJEIIT S ,\lITII :\OIO IA K JOl\' ES I.. O. SANOEII SON B U IITON SPIH K GEII IlALPI-I WILH Un N Cr..AIlEN U : BOW.MAN FII,\NI{ STABI.:: FI'O Ill Ihe vari o u~ Ilwt crial o ffe red Ihi s yeilr , two tlUartcttes, thc Frcshman Quartdt c and the Donnito l' y Qu tll'l e tte, we re organizcd. Thl' fir s t gT OlIp ilppcal'cd on scvcral programs arl'angcct by th c Fl'cs hll1;m Cla ss, IIal'clin g Co ll ege, and Th c Kiwanis Club. Th c Donnitol'Y Quartette appcared Ht Cil HPci w h e r e it wa s we ll re cei ved by th c s tud ents . ~ I elll bl'rs o f these t wo g l'OUpS, w ith L. 0, S;U\del'son, the ir teach e r and (lil'cct o r , t;a ng :I t the " !-I a "din g :\l ee lin gs," he ld in n c ighborinu towns to ad ve rti se the co ll ege.


" Public School Music Class EX E N E C A IIOLYN BEN EFIEL D, nil'ect or VEHNA A :" IHmso Z" F ,\ ;"' ;"' IE L ou FIHC1{S ~I A H Y H AYES I .o l s .\I.\ TT II EWS H UT II A nA:\ l s ~t AIIY E LLE:\, Boyo LAunA OLDHAM 55 JOH NN IE HAY ~l u npllY B UTH .\IAI'J, E MAllY IUE l\"E AOI{ I N S 11 .;\ ~I ATTIIEW S MAHl E DAYIOSO N PATTIE MAE WILLlA :\IS

Harding College Orchestra 1\'10::-" 1-1 . IIENSLEY. Dirl'ctor -'ll\s. I. II. HE NSLEY EFFIE (;U;\IPIIHEY -'IAIIEE AnA .1011 NSOK HUTII A:-;l\ SllllllEII SJl)NEY STEW.-\IIT A;s:-; (;LE"':-; G. W. KIEFFEH FIIA~I';: HllODEs .1011 :-.1 BAN:-;ISTEIl HOSE· J\lAIlIE I.OWElt y MAillE DAYIJ)SON L. B. EpPEIlSON In: :-.I 1-1 . HENSLEY l.OI S J UNE i\lC(;IIEGOIl EI.IZABETH \VELTEII CI.AIIEl"OCE BOWMAN CLAIIA SCIIAEFFEII I.EwlS \VAnD 56 Violin Violin Violin Saxophone' Drums CI;wiIH:t TrOlllbonc COl'n('1 Trombone COl'l1el Piano Violin COl'llCt Violin Saxophone Saxophone Vi o lin Saxophone

~.,,'. 111 auoritrn

Petit Jean Announces College Favorites ':\!.\H Y 111E:\'J-: .\nl'; I ;';S EC(;I-;:">IE I-\I(;II'IO\\'EII 1' .\1.:1.1 :" 1': \\'E. \yE Il College Honor Students \\ 'ADE Hl'BY Academy Honor Students EI)(i . \1\ O ' OAXIEL Best All-Around Students JOYCE D U\',\LI . .I . O. :'IIUJlP II Y


-" 1\tl111'ttrfi .. ,

Bison football Squad Wh el1 the fil 's l ca ll fOl' foot ball practice wa'S issl!l'd in Sept em be r , Coach 1-l t' llr~' fOllnd alllong th e mc n to I' cpo rt , on ly thrce \'l'!crans. " Tat e" i\lills, tackl e. " Doc" ~Iatth cws. end , and " S\yedc" Pntt on, quurtl'dlac k , \\'("'C' the on ly IllCmbCI's of the bi g 1926 squa d to ,'c lunl thi s yC~U·. Th e new mat c l'ial was below the sta ndard it ha s bee n in ot her years, nnd Coach He nr y faced the problem o f buildin g: a team to mcet a heavy sc h edul e frolll hi s thr ee vetcrans, and <l bun ch of li ght. gl'ee n. roo ki es. 65

Patton .Quarterback M.tthews.Halfback Suddreth-Guard L 9 Prlba. Tackle Rub .End Mjlls·Tackle Jolmson'H.l[back ArJl(U·Fullback 66

Wilson-End Blak e-Tackl e Pe.den -Gua,.d McKe e-Gente,. 67


T lw Bi !'>on s p laYl'd O\'t' !' IIH' ir heads in th e "l' .4 son's open in g g:nll e with th e Teac he l's Co ll ege, Th t' Iwayy llwc h i ne from COil wa y '\\'a s he ld 7-6 for three (111:II' I(' I's unt it th e Bi so ll s Wl'l'(' so batt t' red Ih;lt II H~ visitor s scol'l'd t lll' (' l' t ouch - down s in Ihl' f ina l pt'rivd . O n Ihl' fo ll ow i ng SaluJ'd;IY t h l' tl':lm Pllt up an o t he !' d espn:ll e f ig ht a gains t th e b ig I. ittk Boc k (;Oll ('gl' knill. A conlinu ' ll !'> t l'l' :Hll o f hlue jen; (' yed ~ ub!'> t ittlt es finally WOI'(' Ihl' Bi ~o n s d own ; liHI nllot her ga lH l' wa!'> los t I){'c:lus( ' o f hi c k o f \' eM~ \'\' (' m ;lt l' rial. .\ s tlH' Sl': lson p l' og l't' "sl' d i t bq .(an to look :4 S if Ihl' Bison s Wl' l' l' Ihl' "f ig h t in gl' !'> t " t l' n III ill t hl' !'> t :1 tl'. (in' I' 1l llw l l' ria l is li a b lt, 10 Il'I d own n l ittlt- aft t' l' M' \'t' I' at hal'l l g-: lI lH:S a nd o\'el'-t'o nfidt' IH.' l' is SUI' l' t o 10M', Th e"e thin gs Wl' r t' th l' fac t o r s c:l us in g :, ('r u ~ h ­ in g ddt'a t by Ih (' B('e b(' ,\ gg ie!'> , Fo llo wi ng Ihl' Be l'bl' ;":: :lIll (, 11ll' mo r a ll' o f Ilw 11 1'\\' 1lll'1l w as p ra c ti ca ll y r u i ne d a nd no l until l;l ll.' in Ih e Sl' a so n did Ih e 1(,:lIll s how a n y of the fi ghl Ihal hnd held Ihl' T {' ;l c hl' r s :l il t! thl.' Engles t'ad y i n th e 'ieaSOIl. nl'~ pil l' thl' di sas l l'l'o ll s M'a!'>o n, Ih (' J-l l' r d h a d !'>Ollll' men good {' !l o ug h fo r :lil y l e:tm in th e !'> Ia l l.'. )l i ll s, al 1:I(' kl p, played a 'i pll' IHlid g;lIll (' i n (' \' e r y ('on tt'~ t , and his !In'M' IH'l' i n Ih l' lill l' kt' lll Ih l' Il l'\\' Illl' !l " pe p ped Up ," Cal}tain Patt o n di" i(\(-'d hi s tlulil'!'> hl'l \\,l' f'tI def e n s ive (' t'nll' r and o ffe l1 !'> iy(' tIU:lrt L' J' back. Jli s dd<" ll s i\' c pla y \\,: I!'> good , :\1"" he \\' ,, , a ll (-' !HI , \\' h o ha s Sl' (' tI fo ul' cam p a ign s, p laye d good foo tb:1I 1 l" ' l' ry ga III t' , Amo ll g till' Ill' \\' JII l' n , Arno ld , Huby, Hho d ('s , a n d ) Iallox , !'> ho\\'(' d \\' (' 11 in th e ir fil,~ t S(':lso n o f colll'g t, foo tba ll. TIlt' s lud t' n ts o f Hanlin g an d the peo pl e of )l o r l'i lt o n :lre an x io ll s fo r :t good foo l b;ll1 I('am II l' x l fall. Biso n foo tball squ a d 'i , i n Ihe pas t , h :I\'l' n l \\'ays b(,e n cOlllposl' d or il L'\\' JIlen eve l'Y Yl' :H' , The fi rs t s t e p in buildin g a foo tball tl' :lIIl is 10 gl'l a s ma n y " et er-H Il S t o rl'lUl' 1l us poss ib le. With a n :l ye ra ~w a mOll n l o f new Ilw it' l' in J a nd ei ght 0 1' 1('11 o ld 111(' 11 , t he Bisons c an h a \' (,:l w in nl' r i n '29, 69

Basket Ball Tilt, ba '\kl'l ball sq uad Iwgall practice thi s winter with on ly Ollt' leltel ' !Ilan , :lIId on ly Dill' ,,('Ienlll o f last year 's sqlwd. Practically the cntire squad of th e v i c toriolls 1927 I l'Hm \\':lS IO'!i t eithL'r Ih"oug h g l':ullmlion or withdrawal fl'Oll1 schoo l. BI;UHI.:, leiter lIlall of IY:!G, was tilt, o nly C':-"pt'ricilced man on th c le:lm. Coa c h 1lelll'Y IWg:lIl wO l'k (,}ll'ly, nlld b~' Christmas the green material bcgnll to look like :1 I'e a\ basket ball 1L'<l1l1. Tht, boys waded through all OI}Pos ition durin g thl' l'arly pl':lclicl' g alll(, S and returllcd after th e ho litl:lys in good s hapL'. TIll' saml' difficully ill "ich('( lu\ing ganll's thai was expcrien ced last y('<l1' was a problclll again this wi nter . Co ll ege g"lllll'S were fcw , and thi s caused a laggi ng of interl's t. Tech a nd the Siale.' Tencht'l's were the only college teallls mel, and fUI'tht'!' oppos iti on had to bt:' drawn frolll alllong Ihe cOllllllercial it'agllcs, 70